This is a MicroService that consumes a Kafka Topic containing information from the Italian Goverment Lombardia region API with regards of the ammount of people vaccinated in each Comune.
The data recieved from the Kafka Topic will automatically be saved in a MongoDB.
The application then implements a controller with calls to different methods to fetch data from the database and retrieve it.
This are the HTTP GET requests to issue for each method (add api/comunes in the front):
Get total people vaccinated with 1 dose: /getTotalNumberOfOneDose
Get total people vaccinated with 2 doses: /getTotalNumberOfTwoDoses
Get total people vaccinated with 1 dose from a specific province: /getTotalNumberOfOneDoseFromProvince/{siglaProvince}
Get total people vaccinated with 2 doses from a specific province: /getTotalNumberOfTwoDosesFromProvince/{siglaProvince}
Get a list of comunes ordered sorted in descending order by ammount of people with 2 doses: /getComunesOrderedByTwoDoses
Get a list of comunes ordered sorted in descending order by ammount of people with 2 doses from a specific province: /getComunesOrderedByTwoDosesFromProvince/{siglaProvince}
Get the comune with more first dose applied: /getComuneWithMoreOneDose
Get the comune with more second dose applied: /getComuneWithMoreTwoDoses
Get the comune with the least first dose applied: /getComuneWithLessOneDose
Get a list of comunes with the most first dose applied by specific province: /getComuneWithMoreOneDoseFromProvince/{siglaProvince}
Get a list of comunes with the most second dose applied by specific province: /getComuneWithMoreTwoDosesFromProvince/{siglaProvince}
This project works in conjunction with this other repository that fetches the data from an API and sends it via a Kafka Topic: