This project showcases an app which displays a bunch of hardcoded stock tickers being updated automatically through a web socket using jetpack compose.
- Kotlin
- Flow & Coroutines
- Recycler View
- Constraint Layout
- Kotlinx Serizalization
- Moshi (Not used in main branch)
- Scarlet (Not used in main branch)
- OkHttp
- Mockk
- Dagger Hilt
- Timber
Add Data BindingAdd Navigation & safeArgsAdd XML files to res folderAdd Hilt & set it upAdd RecyclerView & Adapter (Hardcode entries)Bind ViewModelDisplay Hardcoded data from the VMCreate mock UseCases layerInject UseCases in the VMCreate Repository layerInject Repository in the UseCasesTest ViewModelsTest UseCasesTest RepositoriesTest MappersTest ViewModelsTest UseCasesTest RepositoriesTest MappersCreate Scarlet Service (See Scarlet ad-hoc branch)Values can be collected in the VM but they do not propagate to the UI. Also unsubscribtion doesn't work.Inject Service in the repositoryDelete all unnecessary logs.-
- Modularize project
- Detail Screens