Hey! Welcome to my solutions for Advent of Code 2022! A friend of mine decided to use this to learn Rust, so I decided to do the same. I've dabbled in Rust before, so I'm not a 100% beginner, but a lot of the finer details still escape me. Rust is weird, man, but I do like a lot about it. Anyways, I thought this would also be a good place to record my thoughts on each day as I do them.
This one was pretty easy. I had to remind myself how file reading works, and
discovered/rediscovered the lines
function on the BufRead
trait. Using that and a simple
one-line-at-a-time approach meant this solution was pretty simple. I tried to use Result
s and
stuff, but error handling confused me, so I just sidestepped it all and unwrap
ped everything.
Part 2 was an easy variation on it. I was briely caught out by not sorting the array, and so I was getting weird results. I would replace the first elf's stockpile that was lower than the currently examined elf's stockpile, which meant zeroes remained Sorting the array before searching it meant that it was always replacing the lowest value in the array. Hopefully that makes sense.
This time I made a more concerted effort to actually represent the problem in the codespace. Lots
of enums. I find it strange that enums can only be used by matching, and that they don't implement
the Eq
trait by default. It makes them a little more friction-y to work with than other
languages' enums.
I was really tempted to represent the states as numbers, 0 for rock, 1 for paper, and 2 for scissors. That would open the doors for some fun modular arithmetic for calculating wins and stuff. I decided against it because it felt more "idiomatic" to represent the states as an enum and branch off of that. I think it would be more efficient to do it numerically, though.
I also tried to make a greater effort of using Result
s. It's not great, and there were some areas
where I didn't quite know how to handle it, but it's there!
A Saturday! I had more time, so I really got to explore stuff. This problem was like, textbook set
territory, so I decided to see if Rust had any builtins for that. Otherwise I could just use a
vector. Lo and behold, the HashSet
! Magic!
I initially approached this by just iterating over the bytes (since everything was ASCII, u8
made more sense to me than char
s) and adding them one at a time to the set, then looping over the
set and using the contains
function. I did some research to see if HashSet
s supported
intersections, and they did. It worked weird, though; intersection
returns an Intersection
which is not a set, but an Iterator
? But then getting that iterator back into another set so I
could do the second intersection proved troublesome. I ended up just making all three sets, then
using retain
to effectively filter out anything that wasn't in every set. It worked alright, and
though it didn't feel as idiomatic as a proper intersection, it was still pretty good.
I also discovered from_iter
on HashSet
, which was useful. Then I could just do
rather than having to loop over the bytes and add them one at a time.
Finally, I was able to experiment a lot more with error handling and module structure. I created my
own error types and Box
ed them up dynamically into a Result
so I could also handle builtin io
errors. Then I realized I could use the mod.rs
file in each folder to hold things that were
common to both solutions, which made a lot of sense for this one because there was more of that
than in the previous two days.
The problem itself today was pretty simple. Parsing it was easy, and verifying it was easy, so I
won't comment too much on that. Mostly, I used today to experiment impl
blocks on struct
s. This
makes the actual called function super small. It essentially boils down to
(I omitted some ?
s and stuff for legibility.)
One thing that is really cool about Rust is that you can have multiple impl
blocks for the same
. In the mod.rs
file for today, I included Pair::new
, which just parses the line into a
object. Because each part has a different objective, though, part1.rs
and part2.rs
have another impl
block for Pair
, adding Pair.subset
and Pair.overlaps
, respectively. Super
cool. Rust has a lot of really neat features.
I also tried using an error enum
today instead of just a bunch of structs. If it makes semantic
sense, it's a really good way to reduce boilerplate code. You only need to implement
and std::error::Error
once for the whole enum, rather than once per error
type. Good stuff.
I decided early on that parsing out the initial state was not worth it. Because it's arranged vertically and not horizontally, it's not really conducive to being read from a file. It would be a nightmare of state and grossness, and so I though, "Hey. Nothing says I have to read it from a file." So I didn't.
My big new discovery today was while let
loops. In day 3, I wrote a loop
that called .next
the iterator once, then decided to break if that was None
. If it was Some
, then there should
be two more lines, and I called .next
twice more, instead erroring if they returned None
. I
realized this could be done easier. The for
loop should theoretically handle the first case, and
then I could just call .next
twice more to get the extra lines. Unfortunately, that doesn't work.
I ended up finding
this Reddit post
that explains that for
loops borrow the iterator for the entire duration of the loop, rather than
just while (internally) calling .next
. Fortunately, it gave a good alternative: the while let
loop! Which is essentially exactly what I wanted, though not quite identical. (Replies to the
post list at least one main difference.)
This one was fun! I usually look at these when they're released, but that's 9:00 PM my time, so unless it's a weekend, I let my brain mull it over until lunch at work the next day. I eventually settled on a sliding-window approach and it worked first try! I'm very happy with it. On my machine it runs in "0" ms.
Basically, the way the algorithm works is by keeping track of the start and end points of the window. When a new character is added to the window, the algorithm checks the new character against every other character in the window for a duplicate. If a duplicate is found, the start position of the window is updated to be the position immediately after the duplicate character. Because there was a duplicate in that range, immediately after it is the soonest place the packet marker could start. Once the window has expanded to size 4, we've found the packet marker.
Since it was a sliding window algorithm, doing part 2 was trivial: just increase the size of the window from 4 to 14. Worked a charm.
Holy heck. This one was quite the rabbit hole.
I started by trying to build a tree where every node held a reference to its parent. It looked something like:
struct Node<'node> {
children: Vec<Node<'node>>,
parent: Option<&'node Node<'node>>,
The idea was that every node would own its children, and have a reference to its parent. I ran into trouble when updating things, though. Adding a new node to the array of children worked great, but then modifying that child to point back to the parent couldn't be done because I'd already transferred ownership of the child to the parent.
new_node.parent = &self.current_node;
I tried instead setting the parent through the parent again, but that didn't work. It's weirdly
circular and I'm not surprised it doesn't work, but I still don't understand exactly why. My best
guess is that I'm borrowing the value twice, once on each side of the =
? Or that it makes a
circular reference, and now Rust doesn't know how to handle it when it tries to clean it up.
let inserted_index = self.current_node.children.len() - 1;
self.current_node.children[inserted_index].parent = &self.current_node;
My last try was basically reversing the first try, setting the parent first and then adding it to the children, but that gave me a lifetimes error. So I was completely stumped.
It turns out
this is basically just unsafe.
Instead, you should be using Rc<>
and RefCell<>
! So here's my best explanation as to how they
allows more than one thing to own a value. It does this by reference counting. Rc::clone
doesn't actually clone the value, but it does increase the number of references to the value.
Then, when the newly created Rc<>
goes out of scope, the Drop
implementation reduces that count
by 1 and, if the number of things referencing it are now 0, frees the value itself. Why is this
helpful? Essentially, every node owns its children and its parent. Rust doesn't have to untangle
the circular referencing anymore, because when the value should be freed is figured out at
The values in Rc<>
aren't mutable, however. This is fine for a lot of things, but what if we do
need the value to be mutable? That's where RefCell<>
comes in, Essentially, RefCell<>
from statically enforcing Rust's borrow rules at compile time to dynamically enforcing them at
If you've ever heard phrases like "turing completeness" and the "Halting Problem", you've probably at least grazed the surface of one of the most weirdly fascinating things in computer science: some things aren't just unknown, but have been proven to be unknowable. This also extends to mathematics in general (check out Godel's Incompleteness Theorem), but the gist is that there are some things that you cannot write a program for. One of those things is that the correctness of code cannot be verified.
Well that's weird. Rust claims to do that! What gives? There are a couple of caveats to this statement. The first is that the correctness of code cannot be verified for turing complete languages. What does it mean to be turing complete? Essentially, it means that the language is capable of calculating anything that can be calculated. Remember, not everything can be calculated or known, but for the things that can, a turing complete language can do it. There are simpler languages (look up Chomsky's hierarchy) for which correctness can be verified, but they cannot calculate anything calculable.
The second caveat is that the correctness of code cannot be verified in the general case. That means there are no algorithms that can verify the correctness of an arbitrary piece of code. The reality is, though, that most code isn't arbitrary. There are classes of things that we developers do with code, and a lot of them are pretty well understood. This is why Rust works the way it does: it's borrow checker rules are really good at verifying the correctness of the most commons pieces of code. Those common pieces happen to just be a subset turing completeness, but that's fine. They still do what we need them to.
So! Back to RefCell<>
. Sometimes, what you need to do in code transcends the bounds of static
borrow checking. Doing borrow checking at runtime sort of extends the realm of what's possible. It
turns out most graph theory stuff lies outside the bounds of static borrow checking, but inside the
bounds of dynamic borrow checking. This is why RefCell<>
ultimately solved my issue.
There are still things outside the realm of dynamic borrow checking, and for that, Rust provides
. I haven't done much with that (except some
very poorly written OpenGL stuff), so I'm not
gonna talk about it.
This was stark contrast to yesterday. It was very, very straightforward. I get the feeling that there's a more optimal way to do these problems, but I couldn't think of one and was already running a little behind. Could I have abstracted this code more? Sure. Sometimes, though, it's nice to just do it the straightforward way.
I did take the opportunity to explore iterators a little bit more. Specifically, I learned the
difference between .iter
, .iter_mut
, and .into_iter
takes a reference to a collection and returns an iterator over references to the items in
that collection.
let item: Option<&Tree> = Vec::<Tree>::new().iter().next();
, predictably, takes a mutable reference to a collection and returns an iterator over
mutable references to the items in that collection.
let item: Option<&mut Tree> = Vec::<Tree>::new().iter_mut().next();
is a little different. It actually takes ownership of a collection and returns an
iterator straight-up over the items in that collection. Once you use this method, you can't use the
original collection again; the iterator now has ownership of the values. Supposedly, this is what
for ... in
loops "call" internally, but I haven't experimentally confirmed this.
let item: Option<Tree> = Vec::<Tree>::new().into_iter().next();
I really enjoyed this one! I started just super straightforward: a Rope
struct with a head
a tail
. I made a Point
struct that wrapped up an (x, y) pair to be easier to work with, and
then just did some basic if statements to work out part 1. Super simple.
Then I looked at part 2 and realized it was basically asking for a "discrete" forward kinematics
simulation. So instead of a Rope
being modeled as a head and a tail, it was now modeled as a
and then the next
segment of the rope, which was just an Option<Box<Rope>>
. (This
didn't need to be a Rc<RefCell<Rope>>
because segments didn't need a reference to their parent.
Ownership was strictly one-way.)
Each segment would move, and then if it's child was too far away, instruct its child to move. This
was repeated recursively, turtles-all-the-way-down style. Because I was passing directions around,
and those directions could be diagonal, I decided to expand my Point
struct into a partial
implementation. (It only has Sub
and AddAssign
I initially modeled the logic as a series of 9 else if
statements, one for each of the nine
regions the child segment could be in. Eventually, I realized that as long as the child segment was
at least 2 units away in either direction, then the child moved the distance "clamped" to one. So
if the parent was (2, -1)
away from the child, the child moved (1, -1)
. But if the parent was
(0, 2)
away, the child only moved (0, 1)
, and if the parent was (-1, 0)
away, then the child
didn't move. Does that make sense? I dunno. It's very elegant in the code, though.
Each segment kept track of the positions it'd been. (I could've had each segment have an
, but I didn't want to track all of that.) At the end, to get the tail's
positions, I just dug down recursively until I found the tail segment (the one that didn't have a
child) and returned it back up.
To sum up, this challenge was fun not because the solution was immediate, but because the code sort of "crunched itself down" over time into something that I'm really proud of.
This one wasn't too hard. I've done some VM stuff before, so I
kind of knew my way around. The interesting thing I explored today was traits! Since each part
needed the core CPU, but did different things with the register and clock count, I decided to make
a Peripheral
trait. This included a ::new
function so the CPU could create it, and an .update
method that was called each clock cycle. The cool part is when defining CPU, it's defined as a
generic that satisfies a trait:
struct CPU<T: Peripheral> { ... }
There was an actual type being passed in, so I didn't have to initialize the peripheral outside of the CPU and pass it in, I could have the CPU initialize the peripheral itself! Super cool stuff.
I wasn't as big a fan of this one. Most of it just kind of felt like pointless busywork? There were two things I liked about this challenge, though.
The first was the expression parsing. Each monkey had an "Operation", like new = old * 4
new = old + old
. Parsing that out and executing it was pretty interesting, and involved a lot of
the skills I learned/am learning in Crafting Interpreters. I
basically modeled it as a very bad stack machine, but since all of the expressions only had two
terms/factors, I just allocated a 2-item array in-place.
The second was the little shortcut I found for part 2. Essentially, part 2 is just part 1, but bigger. You simulate for 10,000 rounds instead of 20, and remove the 1/3 damping parameter. The numbers get real big real fast. The first time I ran it it panicked.
The first thing that came to mind was just using a BigInt
style interface. Rust doesn't have that
natively like (modern) JavaScript does. There are crates that do it, but I really want to write all
the code for this year myself, which means I'd have to implement it myself. That sounded like no
fun, and I was tempted to just not do part 2.
Then I realized: the actual worry values for the items aren't used. They're only there to keep track of which monkey to throw the item to. Modular arithmetic to the rescue! The only property of the number we need to maintain is the divisibility by a modulus. That property is preserved if you modulo the number, as long as the new modulus is also divisible by the old modulus. All I had to do was multiply the moduli of all the monkeys together to get a big modulus that will preserve divisibility for all the monkeys' individual moduli. By this point, I was so tired of the challenge that I just hacked it in manually rather than keeping track and setting the "big modulus" on all the monkeys.
Not much to say about this one. It was a pretty straightforward path-finding algorithm. I decided A* would be overkill, so I just went with Dijkstra.