🎶🌌 In the symphony of life, 🎵 music serves as a powerful conductor of emotions, weaving intricate patterns that resonate within the depths of our souls.
The quest for joy and the alleviation of melancholy often find solace in the artistry of musicians and composers. 🎻🎹
Yet, in our digital age, where music is fragmented into bite-sized pieces, the challenge emerges: how can we transform fleeting moments of musical bliss into a sustained, transformative experience? 🤔🎶 This research endeavors to explore a novel solution to this conundrum, proposing an innovative idea that involves generating sequential "10-second" music chunks. 🔄🎼
These musical fragments, when skillfully combined, have the potential to orchestrate a seamless composition of desired duration, thus unlocking a symphony of emotions. 🎶💖
Delving into the intricacies of human psychology, the study challenges the conventional belief that repetitive exposure to a short musical piece can adequately replace the profound impact of a longer composition. 🧠🎵
By extrapolating the musical experience, we aim to bridge the gap between the ephemeral and the enduring, offering a unique pathway to emotional resonance. 🌈🎶
Join us on this melodic journey through the nitty-gritty details of our solution, where each note becomes a stepping stone towards a richer, more immersive musical experience. 🚀🎵
As we navigate the intersection of innovation and emotion, the allure of extended musical euphoria awaits discovery, promising to revolutionize the way we perceive and experience the transformative power of music. 🌟🎶
Developing a Deep learning model for Remixed Music Extrapolation using LSTMs
recurrent neural networks for harmonizing emotions is considered to be a difficult task because of training time it takes to train the LSTMs
and On the top of it, Resource Exhaustion is another big issue in carrying out this task, because the architectural strategy we used need for Implementing this innovative extrapolation is not able to backed by LSTMs
due to Resource Exhaustion Problem. With the aim of developing Music Extrapolation model and providing solutions to the problems, we need to think from the scratch and develop our own custom Encoder Decoder Model without using LSTMs
Music Extrapolation Model is built using the Keras functional Model API which helps us to create a flexible neural architecture other than Sequential architecture with only one Input and one Output. Model Architecture we are developing is a variant of Sequence2Sequence
Model i.e. Many2Many
also know as Encoder-Decoder Model
This Many2Many Encoder-Decoder
Model takes 20 inputs one at each timestamp t
denoted by Xt
and as an output it give 10 outputs
one at each timestamp t
denoted by St
on Decoder Side. Here one Input represent one vector of shape (1, 22050)
which represent one second for sample rate of 22050
. It means Encoder part takes 20 seconds
of Music Inputs using custom recurrent units for 20 timestamps
and encodes the information to get the context of 20 Timestamps
into single vector of shape (1, 22050)
. Then this vector is passed as input to the decoder for 10 timestamps
and decoder unlike encoder, gives 10 outputs
vectors each of shape (1, 22050)
. Each vector representing newly generated one second of music of sample rate 22050
At the Deeper level of single Encoder recurrent unit Architecture
, it takes 2 inputs
one as music feature vector Xt
other as a context vector Ct
for time timestamp t
and Both Inputs are of same shape (1, 22050)
. Encoder Starts by appending Input vector Xt
to Context vector Ct
using append operation Denoted by A
. Here Ct
context vector is again a list of output sequences St
of Encoder Units from time stamp S0
to St-1
. Here Ct = Xt
for timestamp t = 0
. After the Appending Operation our results will be a list of Inputs and Context vectors like [ St-1, St-2, … , S1, S0, Xt ]
. Than Concatenation is performed to get one single numpy array [ St-1 St-2 … S1 S0 Xt ]
of size (1,22050*t)
where t
is current timestamp. After Concatenation, the resultant array is reshaped to (22050, t)
numpy array. This Numpy array is passed to Dense layer with one neuron which give output of shape (22050, 1)
and this output is passed for LeakyReLU
activation layer with 0.3
as alpha value
. Then output is flattened to get array of shape (1, 22050)
and this Flattened vector is passed to Hidden layers for further deeper level of processing to generate the output sequence St
for an Encoder recurrent unit at timestamp t
All the Outputs S0
to St
from the Encoder is Passed to Context Block which encodes the information to get the context of all encoder timestamp together and passed to decoder for extrapolation of Music for next 10 timestamps
. All Internal Working is Similar to Encoder unit, Only difference is that it takes only one Input as a list of sequences from S0
to St
, which produced by Encoder recurrent unit.
After Fetching all the context of Encoder Units using Context block into a Vector C
with shape (1, 22050)
. It is passed to Decoder for every timestamp t
. Everything works same like Encoder; only difference is Decoder takes same input C
which is context vector for every timestamp t
Here in Encoder, Decoder and Context Unit there is one Hidden layer which plays an important role in learning patterns and understanding the context of Music Sequences. Hidden layers consists of four blocks, where each block consists of Dense
layer, LeakyReLU
layer for Activation and Batch Normalization
. Every block has varying Neurons for its Dense
layer ranging from 64
to 512
. In last of hidden layer we have Dense
layer with 22050
Nodes with LeakyReLU
as activation for generating Output
Clone the
Repositorygit clone https://github.com/Gourav052003/Emotions-Harmonizer.git
Setting Up the Virtual Environment
virtualenv venv --python=python3.9
Installing all the Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start your Training and Testing Pipeline to build and test the model
- Using DVC (Data Version Control)
dvc init dvc repro
- Using Python script
cd .\Music_Generation\Src python main.py
Login to AWS console.
Create IAM (Identity and Access Management) user for Deployment with specific access
Description: About the deployment
* Build Docker Image of the source code * Push Docker Image to ECR (Elastic Container registry) to save your Docker Image in AWS * Launch EC2 (virtual Machine) * Pull Image from ECR in EC2 * Launch Docker Image in EC2
* AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess * AmazonEC2FullAccess
Create ECR repo to store/save Docker Image and save the URI
Create EC2 machine (Ubuntu)
Open EC2 and Install Docker in EC2 Machine
Optional steps
1. sudo apt-get update -y 2. sudo apt-get upgrade
Required steps
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh sudo sh get-docker.sh sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu newgrp docker
Configure EC2 as self-hosted runner
setting>actions>runner>new self hosted runner> choose os> then run command one by one
Setup github secrets:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_REGION = us-east-1 AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI = demo>> 566373416292.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME = simple-app