This repository contains all of my pubic Figura content.
It may include models, scripts, libraries, and whatever else.
Scroll down if you want info on using my work.
Contains the avatars and scripts that I have made.
Contains the generic libraries that I have made.
Contains tools for helping create Figura models.
If you plan to use this content in any way, I have a few requirements.
More detailed info is given in the respective folders of my content.
The three main things I request of you, no matter what the content is are:
If you use my work for personal reasons only, then you don't need to do any of the above.
- You already know who made it, why do you need to put in credits?
- You can't sell something to yourself.
- You don't really need to let me know about private/personal things.
There will be exceptions to these requests which will be around the bottom of something's respective README. An example of a usage request is shown below.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Fusce ac odio quis elit aliquet egestas. Vivamus malesuada,
enim quis sollicitudin aliquam, ante nulla interdum.
Understand that I request these things to protect my work.
I do not intend to get in your way or make your life harder.
The reason this is so lengthy is so you don't have to suffer misunderstandings.