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Evan West edited this page Feb 28, 2022 · 131 revisions

Experimental Results (Final Draft)

Continuous Query Timing

stream used: kron17

No Memory Limit

Stream ingestion Terrace (sec) Aspen (sec) GZ, buffer=100 (flush, cc = total)
10% 0.723748 0.294496 0.88, 0.86 = 1.75
20% 1.32206 0.518603 0.90, 0.48 = 1.38
30% 2.00126 0.735033 0.90, 0.48 = 1.39
40% 2.54583 0.929199 0.90, 0.51 = 1.41
50% 3.0512 1.13409 0.90, 0.52 = 1.42
60% 2.59427 1.35275 0.90, 0.51 = 1.41
70% 2.985 1.53211 0.90, 0.49 = 1.39
80% 3.34039 1.79285 0.90, 0.48 = 1.38
90% N/A 1.94658 0.90, 0.51 = 1.41
100% N/A 2.12543 0.90, 0.49 = 1.39

GraphZeppelin had an insertion rate of 3,946,000 per second on this workload

Note: Terrace crashes 83% of the way through the kron17 stream.

12GB Limit

Stream ingestion Terrace (sec) Aspen (sec) GZ, buffer=standard (flush, cc = total)
10% - 0.312 15.6, 7.96 = 23.6
20% - 0.511 15.9, 8.43 = 24.4
30% - 0.757 16.0, 8.52 = 24.5
40% - 0.902 15.9, 8.45 = 24.4
50% - 1.127 16.0, 8.43 = 24.4
60% - 1.338 15.9, 8.44 = 24.4
70% - 1.560 15.9, 8.48 = 24.4
80% - 53.88 16.0, 8.47 = 24.5
90% - 94.62 15.9, 8.49 = 24.4
100% - 142.3 16.0, 8.45 = 24.4

Aspen had an insertion rate of 91,670 per second
GraphZeppelin had an insertion rate of 4,147,000 per second

Sketch speed + size

Sketch Speed

This is a comparison between our initial powermod l0 sampling implementation and our current implementation. Both versions of sketching only calculate the checksum value once per column. These are vector sketches, not node sketches. (thus lgn x lgn)

Vector size AGM 128 bit buckets AGM 64 bit buckets CubeSketch
10^3 121,076 updates/s 221,330 updates/s 7,322,360 updates/s
10^4 66,726 updates/s 122,598 updates/s 5,180,510 updates/s
10^5 31,635 updates/s 54,956 updates/s 4,384,660 updates/s
10^6 19,021 updates/s 29,331 updates/s 3,730,720 updates/s
10^7 13,581 updates/s 20,936 updates/s 3,177,070 updates/s
10^8 10,577 updates/s 16,352 updates/s 2,825,880 updates/s
10^9 7,390 updates/s 13,200 updates/s 2,587,790 updates/s
10^10 1,352 updates/s N/A 2,272,880 updates/s
10^11 916 updates/s N/A 2,108,760 updates/s
10^12 835 updates/s N/A 1,963,690 updates/s

Sketch Size

This is a comparison between our initial powermod l0 sampling implementation and our current implementation. These are vector sketches, not node sketches.

Vector size AGM 128 bit AGM 64 bit CubeSketch
10^3 5,360B 2,696B 1,243B
10^4 10,160B 5,096B 2,395B
10^5 14,768B 7,400B 3,511B
10^6 20,240B 10,136B 4,843B
10^7 28,880B 14,456B 6,955B
10^8 36,368B 18,200B 8,791B
10^9 44,720B 22,376B 10,843B
10^10 57,200B N/A 13,915B
10^11 67,568B N/A 16,471B
10^12 78,800B N/A 19,243B

Memory + Speed Experiments


GraphZeppelin (Gutter tree with 16 GB restriction)

Kron13 0.75 0 0.90 1.65 0.75
Kron15 6.20 0 4.57 10.77 6.2
Kron16 8.90 0 10.23 19.13 8.9
Kron17 14.8 0.05 22.76 37.61 14.85
Kron18 15.5 12.5 50.44 78.44 28

GraphZeppelin (Leaf Only; unrestricted)

Dataset RES (GiB) SWAP (GiB) TOTAL
Kron13 0.58 0 0.58
Kron15 3.1 0 3.1
Kron16 7.0 0 7.0
Kron17 15.7 0 15.7
Kron18 35.1 0 35.1


nodes RES SWAP
8192 352684 0
32768 3650722201 0
65536 6871947673 0
131072 16965120819 1073741824
262144 16965120819 7516192768


nodes RES SWAP
8192 557788 0
32768 6764573491 0
65536 17072495001 8375186227
131072 16320875724 86758339379


Restricted (16 GiB)

GraphZeppelin (Gutter Tree)
Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) CC_time (seconds)
Kron13 3.93 0.02
Kron15 3.77 0.10
Kron16 3.59 0.22
Kron17 3.26 0.44
Kron18 2.50 97.5
GraphZeppelin (Leaf Only)
Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) CC_time (seconds)
Kron13 5.22 0.02
Kron15 4.87 0.10
Kron16 4.51 0.19
Kron17 4.24 0.42
Kron18 2.49 103
nodes ingestion_rate cc_time
8192 4982400 0.04095
32768 3540570 0.2022
65536 2543120 0.746
131072 1899720 3.11
262144 11337.5 0
nodes ingestion_rate cc_time
8192 137929 0.126
32768 132723 0.8
65536 143286 1.26
131072 25538.6 0


GraphZeppelin (GutterTree)
Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) CC_time (seconds)
Kron13 3.96 0.03
Kron15 3.80 0.10
Kron16 3.69 0.20
Kron17 3.73 0.45
Kron18 3.52 0.89
GraphZeppelin (Leaf Only)
Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) CC_time (seconds)
Kron13 5.36 0.02
Kron15 4.98 0.07
Kron16 4.70 0.19
Kron17 4.41 0.29
Kron18 4.27 0.59
NOTE: This table of results is from after the submission and includes some optimizations that are not included with the other results. They indicate the performance of the main branch of the GraphStreamingCC system as of 02/28/2022 using a queue_factor of -2.

Aspen has 1.6019 million update per second ingestion rate on kron18 unrestricted

Parallel Experiment

Total Threads Num_groups Group_size Insertions/sec (millions)
1 1 1 0.17
4 4 1 0.65
8 8 1 1.28
12 12 1 1.76
16 16 1 2.17
20 20 1 2.53
24 24 1 2.98
28 28 1 3.24
32 32 1 3.46
36 36 1 3.67
40 40 1 3.88
44 44 1 4.10
46 46 1 4.21
Num Groups Group_Size Insertions/sec (millions)
40 1 3.89
20 2 3.77
10 4 3.61
4 10 2.52
2 20 2.59

Buffering Experiment

Memory Limited to 8 GB

Number of Updates per Buffer Proportion of a Sketch (%) Insertions/sec (millions)
1 0.0048 0.002
250 1.2048 0.44
500 2.4096 0.88
1037 4.9976 1.60
2075 10 2.00
3458 16.6651 2.48
5187 24.9976 2.89
6916 33.3301 2.91
10375 50 3.01
20750 100 2.87
41500 200 3.14

Memory 'Unlimited' (64 GB)

Number of Updates per Buffer Proportion of a Sketch (%) Insertions/sec (millions)
1 0.00481927710843373 0.13
250 1.20481927710843 4.18
500 2.40963855421687 4.24
1037 4.99759036144578 4.27
2075 10 4.28
3458 16.6650602409639 4.27
5187 24.9975903614458 4.26
6916 33.3301204819277 4.24
10375 50 4.21
20750 100 4.09
41500 200 3.89

Experimental Results (SIGMOD submission)

Click to reveal


GraphZeppelin (Gutter tree with 16 GB restriction)

Kron13 0.78 0 0.56 1.34 0.78
Kron15 6.7 0 3.1 9.8 6.7
Kron16 10.4 0 7.25 17.65 10.4
Kron17 15.6 3.5 16.89 35.99 19.1
Kron18 15.5 24.3 39.17 78.97 39.8

GraphZeppelin (Leaf Only; unrestricted)

Dataset RES (GiB) SWAP (GiB) TOTAL
Kron13 0.52 0 0.52
Kron15 3.2 0 3.2
Kron16 7.7 0 7.7
Kron17 18.6 0 18.6
Kron18 44.1 0 44.1


nodes RES SWAP
8192 352684 0
32768 3650722201 0
65536 6871947673 0
131072 16965120819 1073741824
262144 16965120819 7516192768


nodes RES SWAP
8192 557788 0
32768 6764573491 0
65536 17072495001 8375186227
131072 16320875724 86758339379



GraphZeppelin (Gutter Tree)
Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) CC_time (seconds)
Kron13 3.29 0.11
Kron15 2.76 0.53
Kron16 2.55 1.22
Kron17 2.09 31.7
Kron18 1.63 537
GraphZeppelin (Leaf Only)
Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) CC_time (seconds)
Kron13 4.51 0.1
Kron15 3.51 0.52
Kron16 3.03 1.21
Kron17 2.67 48.79
Kron18 1.88 553
nodes ingestion_rate cc_time
8192 4982400 0.04095
32768 3540570 0.2022
65536 2543120 0.746
131072 1899720 3.11
262144 11337.5 0
nodes ingestion_rate cc_time
8192 137929 0.126
32768 132723 0.8
65536 143286 1.26
131072 25538.6 0


GraphZeppelin (Leaf Only)
Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) CC_time (seconds)
Kron13 4.51 0.1
Kron15 3.5 0.55
Kron16 3.04 1.21
Kron17 2.72 2.77
Kron18 2.43 6.46

Aspen has 1.6019 million update per second ingestion rate on kron18 unrestricted

Parallel Experiment

Total Threads Num_groups Group_size Insertions/sec (millions)
1 1 1 0.11
4 4 1 0.43
8 8 1 0.85
12 12 1 1.17
16 16 1 1.44
20 20 1 1.69
24 24 1 1.99
28 28 1 2.13
32 32 1 2.27
36 36 1 2.40
40 40 1 2.53
44 44 1 2.67
46 46 1 2.74

Buffering Experiment

Memory Limited to 8 GB

Number of Updates per Buffer Proportion of a Sketch (%) Insertions/sec (millions)
1 0.0034 0.002
250 0.8475 0.19
500 1.6949 0.39
1000 3.3898 0.80
1750 5.9322 1.19
3000 10.1695 1.64
5000 16.9492 2.12
7500 25.4237 2.31
10000 33.8983 2.39
14750 50 2.43
29500 100 2.41

Memory 'Unlimited' (64 GB)

Number of Updates per Buffer Proportion of a Sketch (%) Insertions/sec (millions)
1 0.0034 0.14
250 0.8475 2.52
500 1.6949 2.55
1000 3.3898 2.56
1750 5.9322 2.57
3000 10.1695 2.57
5000 16.9492 2.63
7500 25.4237 2.62
10000 33.8983 2.61
14750 50 2.58
29500 100 2.53

Old experiment results (version 2)

Click to reveal

1. Sketch speed experiment

This is a comparison between our initial powermod l0 sampling implementation and our current implementation. These are vector sketches, not node sketches.

Vector size 128 bit buckets 64 bit buckets xor hashing .5 bucket factor
10^3 101840.357 updates/s 174429.354 updates/s 7156454.406 updates/s
10^4 55797.655 updates/s 96216.757 updates/s 6588353.109 updates/s
10^5 25971.327 updates/s 45342.837 updates/s 6015725.105 updates/s
10^6 17071.867 updates/s 25876.702 updates/s 5036844.517 updates/s
10^7 12132.933 updates/s 18442.902 updates/s 4407694.070 updates/s
10^8 9490.997 updates/s 14383.936 updates/s 4096379.619 updates/s
10^9 7652.748 updates/s 11602.058 updates/s 3673283.474 updates/s
10^10 1269.098 updates/s N/A 3296869.951 updates/s
10^11 912.666 updates/s N/A 3146148.013 updates/s
10^12 805.574 updates/s N/A 2888870.913 updates/s

2. Sketch size experiment

This is a comparison between our initial powermod l0 sampling implementation and our current implementation. These are vector sketches, not node sketches.

Vector size 128 bit buckets 64 bit buckets xor hashing .5 bucket factor
10^3 5KiB 3KiB 770B
10^4 10KiB 5KiB 1363B
10^5 14KiB 7KiB 1843B
10^6 20KiB 10KiB 2627B
10^7 28KiB 14KiB 3715B
10^8 36KiB 18KiB 4483B
10^9 44KiB 22KiB 5682B
10^10 56KiB N/A 7151B
10^11 66KiB N/A 7487B
10^12 76KiB N/A 9955B

3. Continuous correctness test

We update an adjacency matrix while giving updates to our data structure, and after a bunch of updates we pause and compare the connected components given from the adjacency matrix and from our algorithm.

In each individual run of the correctness test, we ran 100 checks over the course of the input stream.

For kron17, we repeated these runs 5 times, resulting in a total of 500 checks. We saw no failures.

For p2p-Gnutella31, we repeated these runs 5 times, resulting in a total of 500 checks. We saw no failures.

4. system speed test

SSD swapping



Input Stream Overall Throughput (updates / second) Total Ingestion Time (seconds) Total Runtime (seconds)
kron13 4691080 3.7 3.8
kron15 3512890 80 80
kron16 2461450 454 455
kron17 1843460 2427 2430
kron18 71600* DNF after 24hr DNF after 24hr

*Insertions per second is an estimate because we killed it at the 34% complete mark.


Input Stream Overall Throughput (updates / second) Total Ingestion Time (seconds) Total Runtime (seconds)
kron13 137596 127.5 127.6
kron15 130826 2140 2141
kron16 137200 8159 8160
kron17 33,300* DNF after 24 hours DNF after 24 hours
kron18 --- --- ---

NVMe swapping


Input Stream Overall Throughput (updates / second) Total Ingestion Time (seconds) Total Runtime (seconds)
kron17 1.8333 x 10^6 2441 2443
kron18* N/A DNF after 24hr DNF after 24hr
  • Made it 34% through the stream


Input Stream Overall Throughput (updates / second) Total Ingestion Time (seconds) Total Runtime (seconds)
kron16 138148 8103 8104
kron17* N/A DNF after 24 hours DNF after 24 hours
  • Made it 71% through the stream

Our System

In-RAM Buffering

Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) Insertion Time Connected Components Time
kron_13 3.16 5.6 seconds 0.1 seconds
kron_15 2.75 102 seconds 0.6 seconds
kron_16 2.47 7.55 minutes 1.27 seconds
kron_17 2.08 35.9 minutes 59.5 seconds
kron_18 1.30 3hr 49 minutes 10.1 minutes

Gutter Tree Buffering

Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) Insertion Time Connected Components Time
kron_13 2.20 7.98 seconds 0.10 seconds
kron_15 1.93 145.2 seconds 0.56 seconds
kron_16 1.84 10.2 minutes 1.29 seconds
kron_17 1.71 43.6 minutes 55.6 seconds
kron_18 1.52 3hr 16 minutes 10.9 minutes

5. System memory size test



Using top logging

Input Stream RES (GiB) SWAP (GiB)
kron13 1.9 GB 0
kron15 3.4 GB 0
kron16 6.4 GB 0
kron17 15.9 GB 1 GB
kron18 15.9 GB 6.3 GB

Using Aspen's own memory footprint tool:

Input Graph Fully Compressed with Difference Encoding (GiB) Without Difference Encoding (GiB) Without C-Trees (GiB)
kron13 0.05 GB 0.18 GB 0.98 GB
kron15 0.83 GB 2.94 GB 15.90 GB
kron16 3.34 GB 11.79 GB 63.74 GB
kron17 13.38 GB 47.25 GB 255.5 GB
kron18* 18.49 GB 64.92 GB 349.7 GB

*kron18 stopped 34% through the stream.


Input Stream RES (GiB) SWAP (GiB)
kron_13 0.52 0
kron_15 5.90 0
kron_16 15.90 7.70
kron_17 15.90 31.8

kron_17 numbers are only 74% through the stream

Aspen & Terrace without Memory Restrictions

Using top logging

system input RES (GiB) SWAP (GiB Total (GiB)
Aspen kron18 57.7 0 57.7
Terrace kron17 60.3 35.7 96.0

*Terrace only got 88% through the stream

Using aspens memory footprint tool

Input Graph Fully Compressed with Difference Encoding (GiB) Without Difference Encoding (GiB) Without C-Trees (GiB)
kron18 53.97 GB 189.6 GB 1022 GB

Our system

In-RAM Buffering

All numbers in GiB

Dataset RAM usage Swap Usage Total
kron_13 0.55 0 0.55
kron_15 3.30 0 3.30
kron_16 8.00 0 8.00
kron_17 15.9 3.30 19.2
kron_18 15.9 29.7 45.6

Gutter Tree Buffering

Dataset RAM usage Swap Usage Total
kron_13 0.78 0 0.78
kron_15 6.80 0 6.80
kron_16 10.6 0 10.6
kron_17 15.7 4.60 20.3
kron_18 15.7 25.8 41.5

*These numbers don't include the size of the GutterTree file. How should we report the size of this GutterTree file?

6. Parallel test

Run upon big boi and a truncated version of kron_17 found at /home/evan/trunc_streams/kron_17_stream_trunc.txt.
There were two experiments that we ran. In the first, we varied the total number of threads available for stream ingestion from 1 to 46 while keeping a constant group_size of two. In the second, we kept a constant 40 threads but varied the group_size to see the affect on performance. In both of these experiments the full 64 GB of memory was available and we used the in-RAM buffering system.

We record the average and median insertion rate because there is a fair amount of single threaded overhead at the beginning of the stream (filling up the buffers the first time, allocating memory, creating sketches, etc.) the median should therefore provide a better indication of performance over the full kron_17 stream.

Varying Group Size


Group_size Num_groups Insertions/sec (millions) Median Rate (millions)
1 40 1.41 2.21
2 20 1.18 2.08
4 10 1.29 1.95
10 4 1.20 1.724
20 2 1.18 1.722
40 1 0.84 1.05

Varying Number of Threads


Total Threads Num_groups Group_size Insertions/sec (millions) 70th Percentile Rate (millions)
1 1 1 0.10 0.10
4 4 1 0.36 0.38
8 8 1 0.67 0.76
12 12 1 0.87 1.06
16 16 1 1.01 1.29
20 20 1 1.11 1.51
24 24 1 1.23 1.79
28 28 1 1.29 1.89
32 32 1 1.32 2.00
36 36 1 1.36 2.11
40 40 1 1.39 2.22
44 44 1 1.43 2.33
46 46 1 1.44 2.38


  • Rerun the varying group size experiment with a constant amount of work queue. Perhaps a reduced work queue is part of why group_size=1 was always faster. Also be sure to get the median insertion rate this time.
  • If the optimal group size is not 2 then re-run the vary number of threads experiment with the optimal group_size.

7. Distributed test

8. Other Small Experiments

Buffer size reduction for in-RAM tests

How far can we reduce the size of the in-RAM buffers while maintaining comparable performance.
We run upon a truncated version of kron_18 with only 2 billion insertions. The memory was limited to 16GB and we ran with 44 graph workers each of size 1.

Buffer Size Number of Updates Insertions/sec (millions)
Full 17496 1.09
Half 8748 1.14
Third 5832 1.10
Quarter 4374 1.09
Fifth 3499 1.04
Sixth 2916 1.00
Tenth 1749 0.84
1/15 1166 0.69 (nice)
1/20 874 0.62
1/25 699 0.55

Buffer Size for Enabling Parallelism

The purpose of this test is to establish that buffering is necessary for parallelism to have a benefit.
We ran these tests upon the full version of kron_15 with a variety of buffer sizes.
These tests were run without a memory limitation.
TODO: Would it be better to run one of the larger graphs with a memory limitation so that we see the IO performance? Or is this just an entirely in memory concern?

Number of Updates per Buffer Insertions/sec (millions)
1 0.16
4 0.68
16 2.02
64 2.45
256 2.65
1024 2.73
4096 2.64
20248 2.15

Large Amounts of Memory Restriction In-RAM vs Gutter Tree

For kron_18 we expect the in-RAM version of our algorithm to require at least 2GB to perform well. In this experiment we will try limiting the memory to only 1GB at comparing the performance of the in-RAM buffering and Gutter Tree. We run upon a truncated version of kron_18 with only 2 billion insertions. All of these experiments were run with 44 Graph_Workers each of size 1.

System Memory Restriction Total Runtime of Insertions Insertions/sec
In-RAM Limit to 16GB 30.4 minutes 1,098,110
Gutter Tree Limit to 16GB 36.1 minutes 922,627
In-RAM Limit to 3GB 38.6 minutes 863,377
Gutter Tree Limit to 3GB 42.2 minutes 690,923
In-RAM Limit to 1GB DNF after 9 hours At most 62
Gutter Tree Limit to 1GB 1 hour 6.5 minutes 516,737

Gutter Tree Leaf Size

In this experiment we seek to establish how big the leaves of the buffer tree need to be in order to have good performance. Larger buffer tree leaves means that the buffer tree can keep working even when the work queue is full but also we'd like these leaves to be as small as possible.
We ran this experiment upon the truncated version of kron_18, 46 Graph Workers of size 1, and with a memory restriction of 16GB.

Leaf Size Sketches per leaf Insertions/sec
1 MB 7.5 1.09 million
512 KB 3.75 1.10 million
256 KB 1.87 1.09 million
161 KB 1* 1.10 million

*the size of a sketch is actually about 137KB but we pad the size of a leaf by the size of the blocks we write to the children (24KB). The size at which we remove from the tree is 137KB still though. 137KB is how we calculated the other sketch per leaf values.

Old experiment results (version 1)

Click to reveal ## 1. Sketch speed experiment

This is a comparison between our initial powermod l0 sampling implementation and our current implementation. These are vector sketches, not node sketches.

Vector size 128 bit buckets 64 bit buckets xor hashing .5 bucket factor
10^3 101840.357 updates/s 174429.354 updates/s 7156454.406 updates/s
10^4 55797.655 updates/s 96216.757 updates/s 6588353.109 updates/s
10^5 25971.327 updates/s 45342.837 updates/s 6015725.105 updates/s
10^6 17071.867 updates/s 25876.702 updates/s 5036844.517 updates/s
10^7 12132.933 updates/s 18442.902 updates/s 4407694.070 updates/s
10^8 9490.997 updates/s 14383.936 updates/s 4096379.619 updates/s
10^9 7652.748 updates/s 11602.058 updates/s 3673283.474 updates/s
10^10 1269.098 updates/s N/A 3296869.951 updates/s
10^11 912.666 updates/s N/A 3146148.013 updates/s
10^12 805.574 updates/s N/A 2888870.913 updates/s

2. Sketch size experiment

This is a comparison between our initial powermod l0 sampling implementation and our current implementation. These are vector sketches, not node sketches.

Vector size 128 bit buckets 64 bit buckets xor hashing .5 bucket factor
10^3 5KiB 3KiB 770B
10^4 10KiB 5KiB 1363B
10^5 14KiB 7KiB 1843B
10^6 20KiB 10KiB 2627B
10^7 28KiB 14KiB 3715B
10^8 36KiB 18KiB 4483B
10^9 44KiB 22KiB 5682B
10^10 56KiB N/A 7151B
10^11 66KiB N/A 7487B
10^12 76KiB N/A 9955B

3. Continuous correctness test

We update an adjacency matrix while giving updates to our data structure, and after a bunch of updates we pause and compare the connected components given from the adjacency matrix and from our algorithm. We did 50 checks over the course of the kron17 stream, and did not get any discrepancies.

4. system speed test


Input Stream Overall Throughput (updates / second) Total Ingestion Time (seconds) Total Runtime (seconds)
kron13 3.41272e+06 6.43542 6.45255
kron15 3.19362e+06 92.6225 92.7011
kron16 2.99069e+06 372.126 372.44
kron17 2.91467e+06 1532.25 1533.1
kron18 303291 58916.7 59369.1


Input Stream Overall Throughput (updates / second) Total Ingestion Time (seconds) Total Runtime (seconds)
kron13 141012 155.748 155.807
kron15 135892 2176.73 2177.15
kron16 128040 8691.9 8693.32
kron17 61905.5 72142.4 72232

Note: Terrace crashed on kron18 around the 16 hour mark

Our System

In-RAM Buffering

Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) Insertion Time Connected Components Time
kron_13 2.48 8.8 seconds 0.1 seconds
kron_15 2.21 134 seconds 0.5 seconds
kron_16 1.98 9.3 minutes 1.3 seconds
kron_17 1.71 43.5 minutes 149 seconds
kron_18 1.21 4.1 hours 10.4 minutes

Gutter Tree Buffering

Dataset Insertions/sec (millions) Insertion Time Connected Components Time
kron_13 2.59 8.4 seconds 0.1 seconds
kron_15 2.33 127 seconds 0.6 seconds
kron_16 1.87 9.9 minutes 1.3 seconds
kron_17 1.24 59.9 minutes 44.8 seconds
kron_18 0.95 5.2 hours 11.7 minutes


  • See if Gutter Tree performance can be improved (is sharing the same disk as the swap causing the problem?, would it be helpful to have multiple threads inserting to the tree?).

5. System memory size test


Using top logging

Input Stream RES (GiB) SWAP (GiB)
kron13 2.4 0
kron15 2.8 0
kron16 4.1 0
kron17 7.3 0
kron18 15.7 12.6

Using Aspen's own memory footprint tool:

Input Graph Without C-Trees (GiB) Without Difference Encoding (GiB) Fully Compressed with Difference Encoding (GiB)
kron13 1.104 0.2053 0.05725
kron15 15.18 2.802 0.7875
kron16 57.26 10.58 2.991
kron17 128 23.72 6.711

TODO: Convert kron17 and kron18 to adj format and run Aspen's memory footprint tool on these as well.


Input Stream RES (GiB) SWAP (GiB)
kron13 0.577 0
kron15 6.0 0
kron16 15.9 7.8
kron17 15.9 33.3
kron18* 15.6 50.1

*Last numbers reported by top before Terrace crashed around the 16 hour mark.

Our system

In-RAM Buffering

Dataset RAM usage Swap Usage Total
kron_13 0.80 GB 0 B 0.80 GB
kron_15 5.1 GB 0 B 5.1 GB
kron_16 12.5 GB 0 B 12.5 GB
kron_17 15.9 GB 18.6 GB 34.5 GB
kron_18 15.6 GB 61.8 GB 77.4 GB

Gutter Tree Buffering

Dataset RAM usage Swap Usage Total
kron_13 1.3 GB 0 B 1.3 GB
kron_15 6.9 GB 0 B 6.9 GB
kron_16 10.7 GB 0 B 10.7 GB
kron_17 15.7 GB 4.7 GB 20.4 GB
kron_18 15.6 GB 25.7 GB 41.3 GB

6. Parallel test

Run upon big boi and a truncated version of kron_17 found at /home/evan/trunc_streams/kron_17_stream_trunc.txt.
There were two experiments that we ran. In the first, we varied the total number of threads available for stream ingestion from 1 to 46 while keeping a constant group_size of two. In the second, we kept a constant 40 threads but varied the group_size to see the affect on performance. In both of these experiments the full 64 GB of memory was available and we used the in-RAM buffering system.

We record the average and median insertion rate because there is a fair amount of single threaded overhead at the beginning of the stream (filling up the buffers the first time, allocating memory, creating sketches, etc.) the median should therefore provide a better indication of performance over the full kron_17 stream.

Varying Group Size

Group_size Num_groups Insertions/sec (millions)
1 40 1.42
2 20 1.35
4 10 1.32
10 4 1.22
20 2 1.20
40 1 0.85

Varying Number of Threads

Total Threads Group_size Num_groups Insertions/sec (millions) Median Rate (millions)
1 1 1 0.10 0.10
4 2 2 0.34 0.36
8 4 2 0.64 0.71
12 6 2 0.83 0.99
16 8 2 0.97 1.22
20 10 2 1.09 1.43
24 12 2 1.20 1.69
28 14 2 1.23 1.75
32 16 2 1.28 1.90
36 18 2 1.32 1.98
40 20 2 1.36 2.09
44 22 2 1.41 2.23
46 23 2 1.42 2.27


  • Rerun the varying group size experiment with a constant amount of work queue. Perhaps a reduced work queue is part of why group_size=1 was always faster. Also be sure to get the median insertion rate this time.
  • If the optimal group size is not 2 then re-run the vary number of threads experiment with the optimal group_size.

7. Distributed test

8. Other Small Experiments

Buffer size reduction for in-RAM tests

How far can we reduce the size of the in-RAM buffers while maintaining comparable performance.
We run upon a truncated version of kron_18 with only 2 billion insertions. The memory was limited to 16GB and we ran with 44 graph workers each of size 1.

Buffer Size Number of Updates Insertions/sec (millions)
Full 34992 1.28
Half 17494 1.44
Third 11664 1.43
Quarter 8748 1.40
Sixth 5832 1.27
Eighth 4372 1.17
Tenth 3498 1.08

Buffer Size for Enabling Parallelism

The purpose of this test is to establish that buffering is necessary for parallelism to have a benefit.
We ran these tests upon the full version of kron_15 with a variety of buffer sizes.
These tests were run without a memory limitation.
TODO: Would it be better to run one of the larger graphs with a memory limitation so that we see the IO performance? Or is this just an entirely in memory concern?

Number of Updates per Buffer Insertions/sec (millions)
1 0.15
4 0.61
16 1.87
64 2.45
256 2.70
1024 2.66
4096 2.41

Large Amounts of Memory Restriction In-RAM vs Gutter Tree

For kron_18 we expect the in-RAM version of our algorithm to require at least 2GB to perform well. In this experiment we will try limiting the memory to only 1GB at comparing the performance of the in-RAM buffering and Gutter Tree. We run upon a truncated version of kron_18 with only 2 billion insertions. All of these experiments were run with 44 Graph_Workers each of size 1.

System Memory Restriction Total Runtime of Insertions Insertions/sec
In-RAM Limit to 16GB 30.4 minutes 1,098,110
Gutter Tree Limit to 16GB 36.1 minutes 922,627
In-RAM Limit to 3GB 38.6 minutes 863,377
Gutter Tree Limit to 3GB 42.2 minutes 690,923
In-RAM Limit to 1GB DNF after 9 hours At most 62
Gutter Tree Limit to 1GB 1 hour 6.5 minutes 516,737

Gutter Tree Leaf Size

In this experiment we seek to establish how big the leaves of the buffer tree need to be in order to have good performance. Larger buffer tree leaves means that the buffer tree can keep working even when the work queue is full but also we'd like these leaves to be as small as possible.
We ran this experiment upon the truncated version of kron_18, 46 Graph Workers of size 1, and with a memory restriction of 16GB.

Leaf Size Sketches per leaf Insertions/sec
1 MB 7.5 1.09 million
512 KB 3.75 1.10 million
256 KB 1.87 1.09 million
161 KB 1* 1.10 million

*the size of a sketch is actually about 137KB but we pad the size of a leaf by the size of the blocks we write to the children (24KB). The size at which we remove from the tree is 137KB still though. 137KB is how we calculated the other sketch per leaf values.


  • Buffer size experiment to show that a large-ish buffer is necessary for parallelism.
  • Faster queries via multi-threading?

Old experiment notes

Click to reveal ## !!DATASET LOCATIONS!! - Graphs and streams can be found in /home/experiment_inputs on big boi. - Static input graphs in edge-list format may be found in /home/experiment_inputs/graphs. - Streams from these input graphs may be found in /home/experiment_inputs/streams. - UPDATE: Needed to regenerate streams due to an off-by-one error. Only kron_17 is yet unfinished.

1. Continuous correctness test

Give the algorithm a stream defining a graph. Every X stream updates, pause the stream and run the post-processing algorithm. Make sure there are no random failures and then continue. This will show that our algorithm's failure probability is very low (basically unobservable) in practice. We compare against an ultra-compact data structure which Kenny will write.

Dataset: Kronecker with 1/4 max density on 100K nodes. Ahmed will generate this and streamify it.

Algorithm to run: Our core alg using in-memory buffering (there should be more than enough space).

Challenges: Under normal circumstances, running our alg on a stream this size should be fairly fast (prob < 1 hr). But since we have to keep stopping, flushing all buffers, processing flushed updates which may not be very parallel, and then doing connected components, this could take a long time.

What needs doing?

  • in-memory buffering needs to be completed. in pull request, evan and/or kenny will check ASAP -- Done

  • we need to generate and streamify the dataset. done

  • half reps needs to be enabled on the branch that is testing this. Evan will do. -- Done

  • it needs to have all of our bells and whistles that make things faster. evan did it already

  • kenny is going to add some sketch copying functionality to rewind sketch smushing. done.

  • we should test on a small prefix of the stream to see how long this will take. based on that we can decide how many data points we want for the experiment, if we have to do fewer queries and augment with more tests on smaller graphs, etc. kenny will do this on old machine

  • Run the actual test!

2. Speed Test

Run our algorithm (internal and external) and 1 or 2 in-memory dynamic graph systems and compare their performance as graph sizes grow larger. Ligra, Aspen, Terrace are likely targets. No correctness testing required.

Datasets: nearly full-density graphs on 10K, 50K, 100K, 200K nodes. Generated with both Kronecker and Erdos-Renyi if we have enough time to run on both. They need to be generated and streamified.

Algorithms to run: Aspen, Terrace and our algorithm with in-mem buffering and WOD buffering. Maybe also Ligra but it is a static graph system so it may not be applicable.

Challenge: weirdness that I still don't totally understand about how our system uses disk. Does the program think that everything is in memory and the OS just swaps things to disk if the data structures are too large? Is there a way to force it to put buffer tree on disk rather than our sketches when it has to swap, assuming there's enough space for sketches?

What needs doing?

  • in-memory buffering stuff. in pull request. -- Done

  • buffer tree finishing touches, particularly basement nodes and new graph worker scheme (circular queue) / sketches on disk(Probably done, ask victor) needs to be completed. EVAN SAYS just use smaller leaves, this change is in pull request. -- All done

  • Need to make Terrace ready to accept our graph streams and only do connected components at the end.

  • get aspen running, figure out aspen batching issue

  • are input streams generated and streamified?

  • buy and set up disk hardware so systems can page to disk - hardware is shipping soon.

  • Estimate size of our data structures and aspen/terrace so we know when to expect us to start doing better. once they page to disk, they might be really bad. if so, do we have to run them for a long time? maybe we stop them after 24h? but this means locking up our machines for a long time.

  • Run the experiments.

  • victor will incorporate the memtest stuff into a new branch and make a few changes to it to automate finding PID etc

  • evan will incorporate other important components into that branch

  • limit mem to 16GB, run the experiments and see what the results are

  • try running aspen and terrace and see when they start doing poorly

  • based on results we may adjust memory size or use larger inputs, change our stream generation to make the graph denser at some points during the stream

3. Memory use test

We need to verify that our algorithm uses the (small) amount of space we expect it to. Basically we run the algorithm and chart its memory use over time. This may need to be done on a big graph at least once to make the point that memory usage is not dependent on graph size. This could be mixed with experiment 2.

Datasets: same as experiment 2.

What needs doing?

  • Victor set up a memtest tool which is lightweight enough that we can run this during the speedtest.
  • Run the experiments. This one should be pretty straightforward after the work we did setting up experiment 2.

4. Parallelizability

Show that our stream ingestion goes faster when we're given more cores. We don't need to do this for a full graph stream, just a significant portion of one so we can see the speedups. Evan has basically already made this I think.

Datasets: probably we can just do that for 1 or 2 graphs at around 100K nodes. One of the graphs we used for earlier tests. Not sure what's the best choice yet.

What needs doing?

  • Experiment DONE. We may want to run a similar experiment on a system with more cores if we can get access to one and have the time.

5. Distributed Version

We need to finish the implementation (Tyler) and get the cluster set up on as many nodes as Mike Fergman will give us (Abi). Tyler will run pilot experiments and we'll figure out what to do based on their results.

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