A Modern, Colorful and Creative Syntax Highlighting for Skript Language on Sublime Text 3 and Visual Studio Code
Note: This Syntax Highlighting is a fork of @HYPExMon5ter's Syntax Highlighting.
Adding your own theme to this syntax (Sublime Text 3 version) is pretty easy
1- Duplicate any theme from the syntax themes (.tmTheme) located here
2- Change the values of the colors from line 20 to line 31 to the values you like or from the other theme
3- Test it and make sure it works
4- Create a pull request
Added new theme 'Shades of Purple'
(+) Added new comment style '#!!' without the single qoutes, it will show as dark green comment (for dark green comments fans)
(+) Added new theme (Material Palenight & Material Palenight High Contrast)
(+) Changed comments to italic
(*) Improved comments highlighting handling
(*) Fixed boundries of many skript types such as 'int'
- [un]load[ed]
- (of|on) file
- server command
- exist[s]
- empty
- y[a]ml (value|nodes|list|node[s with] keys)
- play[ed]
- (this|server|before)
- (complete|absolute|path|absorption hearts|accepted items|tablist|group|score|all|holo[gram]s)
- for
Q: What will you provide in this Forked version?
A: I will be adding new syntax highlighting with new colors.
Q: Are you going to continue with this?
A: Probably, I do a lot of coding with Skript Language so I will keep this resource active as I can and add new syntaxes to it.
Q: Can we report issues and bugs or/and suggest new stuff on this resource?
A: Yes, you can use the issues section to report issues or/and suggest new syntax/colors.
Q: Why you made this?
A: I never liked coding without getting in the mood of coding, which requires some modern, [dark] themes and a nice syntax highlighting, I was lucky to find HYPExMon5ter's Syntax highlighting and I've used it for some time and then got a bit bored again.. so I decided to make my own forked version and learn the basics of Syntax Highlighting codes and Regex just so I can make this and use it.
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