Releases: Grima04/Win32droid
Implement virgl and a very simple patch system to avoid having to download the entire rootfs for small filechanges
This release includes a patch.obb file containing the shared library required for virgl to work with GFOXSH's OpenGL patches applied. Furthermore there is also an updated APK included with a new "Apply Patch" button, a switch to enable virgl and a (hopefully working) fix for the INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY error when trying to install the APK.
If you have already installed the rootfs obb, you only need to download the patch.obb from this release, copy it to the same directory as the rootfs obb, install the new APK, open it and press the "APPLY PATCH" button to install the virgl patch.
Afterwards, you can enable the "use GPU" switch, start the VirGL Overlay app and the service and finally launch Wine. Note that you need to restart the virgl service when trying to run another program or trying to rerun the same program.
NB: in case virgl isn't working you might need to disable SELinux.
In case you don't have the rootfs cache installed, you need to follow the instructions first and use the obb from the v1.0.3-alpha release. Afterwards you can follow the instructions given here.
Update box86, use Wine 6.0 and add box86 interpreter mode
See the for installation instructions.
Fix Mesa LLVMpipe OpenGL issues (Black Screen, OpenGL crashes)
This release contains a newer rootfs .obb, which contains a Mesa LLVMpipe driver with a small fix to get OpenGL to work for Windows software. Unfortunately the patch seems to break the GalliumHUD overlay, so it is disabled for now.
Special thanks to GFOXSH on 4PDA for providing simple and easy to follow instructions on how to patch Mesa LLVMpipe.
The thread post can be found here:
If you don't speak Russian like me, you can just use Google Translate, the instructions will still be clear enough to follow easily.
Add box86 updater and fix out of bounds exception in Terminal TextView
If you have already installed another iteration of Win32droid, the update process should be as simple as downloading and installing the APK.
If this is a fresh installation, download and install the APK from this release, download the .obb from the first release and follow the installation instructions from the first release.
Same release as v1.0-alpha with fixes for devices with Android < 10
v1.0-alpha-fix Revert changes since it breaks the app
First pre-release
First pre-release of the emulator, containing the obb file (Ubuntu Focal rootfs with box86, Wine and Mesa LLVMpipe preinstalled) and the APK.
Installation instructions:
- Install XServer XSDL and BusyBox ( and
- Download and install the Wine32droid APK
- Download the .obb and put it into the following directory (create it if it doesn't exist): /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/com.grima04.wine32droid
- Launch the App and wait for the setup process to finish (keep an eye on the Terminal at the bottom)
- Start Wine with the WINE button, wait like half a minute and then return to the Wine32droid App and press STOP (this step is only required once for the first startup after a fresh installation)
- Afterwards, start Wine again. Now you should see the Wine Desktop and the Wine Explorer showing up
- Now you can browse through your internal storage and launch a Windows program
- If your program requires OpenGL or DirectX, enable the software rendering switch before starting Wine