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This repository contains my personal dotfiles and configuration settings for various tools I use across different systems.


To get started with these dotfiles, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    First, clone this repository to your machine:

    git clone ~/dotfiles
    cd ~/dotfiles
  2. Run the installation script:

    The script will set up your environment, install necessary packages, and create symbolic links for your configuration files.


    This script will do the following:

    • Check if Homebrew is installed and install it if not.
    • Install or update essential packages via Homebrew (e.g., fzf, asdf, direnv, pv, etc.).
    • Install Oh My Zsh if it's not already installed.
    • Install and configure Zsh plugins such as zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, and zsh-fzf-history-search.
    • Install MeetingBar for window management.
    • Install Rectangle for window management.
    • Set up symbolic links for the following files:
      • ~/.zshrc (Zsh configuration)
      • ~/.vimrc (Vim configuration)
      • ~/.gitignore_global (Global Git ignore file)
      • Custom Zsh theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/santi.zsh-theme
    • Create the ~/.zshrc.local file (if not already created) for machine-specific configurations.
    • Create the ~/.hosts.local file (if not already created) for machine-specific hosts configurations.
    • Execute the script to update your hosts file.
  3. Configure ~/.zshrc.local and ~/.hosts.local (optional):

    If you have machine-specific configurations (like environment variables, aliases, or other settings), you can add them to the ~/.zshrc.local and ~/.hosts.local files. These files are sourced at the end of your main ~/.zshrc file.

    • Add any custom settings or exports in ~/.zshrc.local, for example:

      export PATH="$PATH:/some/custom/path"
      alias gs="git status"
    • For ~/.hosts.local, you can add custom host entries:   my-custom-host.local another-host.local

    The ~/.zshrc.local file will be automatically loaded by your main ~/.zshrc, and the ~/.hosts.local file will be included in the /etc/hosts configuration.

  4. Configure Rectangle settings:

    If you're using the Rectangle app for window management, you can import the provided RectangleConfig.json file into the app to use the predefined settings.

Zsh Plugins

This setup includes the following Zsh plugins:

These plugins are automatically installed during the setup process.


You can customize the following files:

  • ~/.zshrc: The main Zsh configuration file.
  • ~/.vimrc: Vim configuration file.
  • ~/.gitignore_global: A global Git ignore file for excluding files from version control.
  • ~/.zshrc.local: A file for machine-specific configurations (e.g., environment variables or aliases).
  • ~/.hosts.local: A file for machine-specific host configurations (e.g., IP-to-hostname mappings).

If you're using multiple systems (work, personal, etc.), the ~/.zshrc.local and ~/.hosts.local files allow you to specify custom settings for each machine.

Managing Updates

To update your dotfiles on your machine, follow these steps:

  1. Pull the latest changes from the repository:

    git pull origin main
  2. Re-run the script to apply any changes:



If you encounter any issues during the installation process:

  • Homebrew issues: Ensure that your system is up-to-date. On macOS, you can run:

    softwareupdate --install --all
  • Zsh or Oh My Zsh issues: If Zsh or Oh My Zsh isn't working properly, try reinstalling them:

    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Missing scripts: If the script is missing, make sure it exists in the root of the repository.


Feel free to fork, clone, and use these dotfiles for your own setups.


My personal dot files



