This is the puppet-wn module, it installs the wn middleware and configure users and VOMS
The Module depends on:
- puppet-fetchrl (
- puppet-stdlib (
- puppet-voms_client (
- puppet-localfolder (
- puppet-grid_accounts (
The WN by default configures the VOMS vos, the users and the repository to use for the installation of the WN middleware.
The conifuguration parameter to drive this behaviour are:
- wn::params::install_repos ( default true)
- wn::params::configure_vos ( default true)
- wn::params::configure_users ( default true)
The repository to use for the installations can be configured via the parameter
- wn::params::repos ( by default, EPEL, UMD4 base and updates are configured, see
The users to configure in the system and the base folders for their home are configured via:
- wn::params::dirs_path
- wn::params::home_path
- wn::params::pool_users
see for the default values
Finally the VOMS configuration is driven by the parameter:
- wn::params::vo_vomses
ASL 2.0