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Comparison with libhxl python

David Megginson edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 6 revisions

Input formats

Also note that, due to browser-security policies, libhxl-js cannot directly read a dataset from a different domain unless it includes an HTTP CORS header. As a work-around, the library can read datasets through the HXL Proxy, which will add CORS headers and also supports more input formats.

Format libhxl-python libhxl-js Notes
CSV yes yes
Google Sheets yes no
JSON (lists) yes yes
JSON (objects) yes no
MS Excel yes no
Zipped CSV yes no

Dataset properties

libhxl-python libhxl-js Notes
columns columns
columns_hash --
data_hash --
display_tags displayTags
has_headers --
headers headers
rows rows
tags tags
values -- c.f. getRawData() method for libhxl-js

Dataset methods

libhxl-python libhxl-js Notes
add_columns() --
append() --
append_external_list() --
cache() cache()
clean_data() --
count() count()
dedup() --
explode() --
fill_data() --
-- getRawData() See values property for libhxl-python
-- getMatchingColumns()
max() getMax()
min() getMin()
get_value_set() getValues()
-- hasColumn()
-- index()
-- isNumbery()
jsonpath() --
merge_data() --
recipe() --
rename_columns() rename()
replace_data() --
replace_data_map() --
sort() --
validate() -- libhxl-js has no validation support
with_columns() withColumns()
with_rows() withRows()
without_columns() withoutColumns()
without_rows() withoutRows()
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