Releases: Haadi-Khan/Olympiad-Problem-Bot
AMC Problem Bot v2.2
AMC Problem Bot Version 2.2
How to Use
In order to use this bot, one user must locally host the bot. This requires python 3 and the installation of the module. This can easily be done using pip install discord
. After this, go to
and set TOKEN
equal to your own bot token from Discord for Developers. Following this execute the program either in an IDE or in the terminal via python3
?amc {level}
Provide an AMC level (10 or 12) and the bot will send an AMC 10/12 problem between 2002-2021 alongside a link to the solution on AoPS's website.
?aime {level}
The bot will send an AIME problem between 2000-2021 alongside a link to the solution on AoPS's website.
?pce {topic}
The bot will send an easy question for the selected topic. The topics include Algebra, Combinatorics/Probability, Geometry/Trignometry, and Number Theory. To access said topics use alg, com, geo, nt
in order to access the corresponding topic.
?pch {topic}
The bot will send a hard question for the selected topic. The topics include Algebra, Combinatorics/Probability, Geometry/Trignometry, and Number Theory. To access said topics use alg, com, geo, nt
in order to access the corresponding topic.
AMC Problem Bot v2
Added the AIME Problems and edited some of the syntax in order to accommodate changes
AMC Problem Bot v1.2
Fixed issues from previous versions in regards to embeds and provided images from webscraping.
AMC Problem Bot v1
First version of the bot. Provide it an API Token and you can locally host this bot yourself. This only has AMC Problems at the moment, although I may add AIME questions down the line.