We're writing a website, and subsequently, two mobile apps, for the CWRU Annual student-run hackathon,
First, fork the repository with the github fork button
Then, clone it.
git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/HackCWRU-Website.git
Then, set the upstream to the main repository with
git remote add upstream git@github.com:HackCWRU/HackCWRU-Website.git
Then switch to the dev branch locally
git checkout dev
Then begin working.
To update your fork/local code with everyone else's code, use:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/dev
To instal with Linux:
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
Webpack & Babel
npm install webpack -g
npm install babel-node -g
npm install
npm run build
npm run build-win # for windows machines
npm start
You should see a successful output, like:
node lib/index.js
Listening on port 3000
To view, navigate to localhost:3000
To see the sponsorship info, view localhost:3000/sponsorship
To commit your changes, follow the normal git add/commit/push flow on your local machine.
Then, on the primary repositories Pull Request page, submit a new pull request, using the 'pull request across forks' option. Select your fork and submit
Then, ping Jack or Dan to merge the changes.
At the next meeting let's get a list of githubs together so I can add everyone
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details