This web application demonstrates how to use Keycloak as an authentication and an authorization system for both a client application (written in React and NextJs) and a server (written in NodeJS).
The functionalities of this application are the following:
- A client application, which has a public section composed of the home page and a public route. In addition, there are 2 protected routes with different levels of authorization (user and admin).
- The client application allows to login using username and password, then, based on the user role, it allows interacting with the protected routes.
- A server with 2 objectives: it serves the client application and it provides a set of API for authenticate the users and for executing some actions with 3 levels of authorization (public, user and admin)
- Keycloak in this scenario keeps the identity of the users, defining different roles (user and admin), and generates tokens which are used to authenticate a user.
Therefore, the application demonstrates how to create 3 levels of authorization (public, user and admin) and for each level it provides 2 actions which can be triggered using a REST paradigm through the client (only if correctly authenticated).
- docker
- nodejs
git clone
- run the docker-compose file, which deploys Keycloak, MySQL (used by Keycloak) and the web application (both client and server)
npm install
- build and start the application
npm run build
npm run start
Now the application is ready to be used navigating on http://localhost:3006
Note: we are working on our internship project and the keycloak server we are using is hosted, clone the repo and modify the URL, realm and clientID