A simple supply chain authenticity/traceability demo that records owenership and transactions of products on the ethereum blockchain using smart contracts. It is based on the coffee industry supply chain (direct-trade model).
The functionality is provided by two Smart Contracts:
- CoffeeManagement - Register Coffee batches and keep their data on ethereum.
- ChangeOwnership - Tracks ownership of the coffee in each stage.
We have a simple web interface to interact with the contracts that assume three roles: Farm, Local Team, and Client. Each has its own view (page) and we keep them separated to better demonstrate how different parties could use the contracts.
The smart contracts and the tests Truffle and Ganache are used, so first install them: npm install -g ganache-cli truffle
Install Metamask extension to enable web3 interaction with browser.
Run ganache-cli and designate 3 accounts for our 3 roles, them add them to Metamask. Make sure Metamask is connected to 'localhost:8545'.
Deploy the contracts: In terminal: truffle migrate --reset
After Tuffle is done compiling and deploying, Take note of the new ChangeOwnership and CoffeeManagement addresses and replace the values on "web/js/main.js" in the following parts:
[Line: 355] window.pm.options.address = "Your New Address Here"
[Line:499] window.co.options.address = "Your New Address Here"
In terminal run 'truffle test' to run the test file and check if the smart contracts are functional.
Run the app and explore the UI.
@ The farm:
- Pack coffee and add batch #, type, and weight.
- Register the coffee to the owner.
- Type the Local Team wallet address and click on "Change Ownership" to send it to them.
@ Local Team:
- Assemble orders based on coffee batches recieved from farmers (with a minimum set to 6 batches).
- Register order ownership to Local Team.
- Add Client wallet addresss and transfer ownership of order (along with details of each indiviual coffee batch) to them.
- Able to see orders owned and their history:
- From which farm
- Types of coffee batches
- Weights of diffrent batches
- Which team proccessed the order.
- List of addresses that were the owners of the order (and it's batches).