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Introducing HamedStack! For all my latest libraries, visit: Explore HamedStack. Replacements and updates are available at the link. Thank you for your support! The new version of this library is accessible via HamedStack.DotLiquid


DotLiquid is a templating system ported to the .net framework from Ruby’s Liquid Markup.

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Install-Package DotLiquidExtended

dotnet add package DotLiquidExtended

In-Memory File System

By default dotLiquid just reads template files from disk via include functionality. InMemoryFileSystem helps you to use include method to load your templates from memory.

// In-memory templates
public static class Templates
    public static string GetTemplate1()
        // You can use single qoutes too.
        // {% include 'tmpl2' %}
        return @"Hello, {{name}} {% include ""tmpl2"" %}.";

    public static string GetTemplate2()
        return @"{{family}}";

// Template engine
using DotLiquidExtended;

Template.FileSystem = new InMemoryFileSystem(new()
    // Key, Value
    { "tmpl1", Templates.GetTemplate1() },
    { "tmpl2", Templates.GetTemplate2() }
Template template = Template.Parse(Templates.GetTemplate1());
var result = template.Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(
    new { Name = "Hamed", Family = "Fathi" }



There are bunch of useful extensions as following:

using DotLiquidExtended;

// A simple way to set an anonymous object.
// new { YourObjectName = YourObject }
string RenderAnonymousObject(this Template template, object obj, bool inclueBaseClassProperties = false, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null)

// It sets 'RootObject' for your anonymous object.
// new { RootObject = obj }
// You have access to it inside a template via 'root_object' with default naming convention.
RenderObject(this Template template, object obj, bool inclueBaseClassProperties = false, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null)

// Returns all AST nodes recursively.
// e.g. template.GetAllNodes().Where(node => node is Variable) returns all variables.
IEnumerable<object> GetAllNodes(this Template template)


To access below utilities you should call DotLiquidUtility static class.

using DotLiquidExtended;

// You can register your types into the template engine.
void RegisterSafeTypes(params Type[] types)

// Automatically registers all types and properties of entry assembly.
// You can register all types of referenced assseblies too.
void RegisterSafeTypes(bool withReferencedAssemblies = false)

// Automatically registers all types and properties of an specified assembly.
void RegisterSafeTypes(Assembly assembly)

// Automatically registers all types and properties of all introduced assembelies.
void RegisterSafeTypes(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies) 
Render with Variable Validation

There is a RenderWithValidation method inside DotLiquidUtility to help you detect a variable with two below conditions:

  1. Variable is null.
  2. Variable does not exist.
RenderResult RenderWithValidation(string templateText, object data, Func<string, IEnumerable<string>, bool> ignoreValidationCondition = null)

In fact, this method simulate a strict variable/property checking because if dotLiquid is not able to find a variable just ignores it and renders nothing without any warning or error.

  • templateText: You should pass your template a text.
  • data: is your anonymous object to fill template. new { YourObjectName = YourObject }
  • ignoreValidationCondition is a functionality that help you to ignore some variables or filters for checking.
// Func<string, IEnumerable<string>, bool> ignoreValidationCondition

// Filters are related to the current variable. 
(varName, filters) => {
    if(varName.Contains('name')) return true;
    if(filters != null && filters.Contains('nullable')) return true;
    return false;

Obviously, The entire variables with the exact name word in their names will ignore from checking same as all variables with nullable filter. e.g. myVar | nullable

By default you can use a pre-defined ignore_safe_var filter to skip this checking.

In the end you will see a result similar to the following class.

public class RenderResult
    // dotLiquid template object.
    public Template Template { get; set; }
    // Contains whole errors.
    // It will be null if there is no error.
    public IEnumerable<string> Errors { get; set; }
    // The final rendered result. 
    // It will be null if you have an error.
    public string Result { get; set; }


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