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Nós Dois Viajando

This is the code repository for the website Nós Dois Viajando ("We Traveling").

The purpose of the site is to showcase the trips my wife and I have done together, with informartion for each of the countries and places we have visited. It was written in Python, Javascript, HTML and CSS, and integrates two others:

  • TravelMap: Integrate the personal travel blog through an iframe. This blog is available only for friends and family through a password, so they can follow our itinerary while we are traveling and see the past trips.
  • Mapbox: Integrate maps using the Mapbox GL JS API. In the left panel there is a small map with markers for the places visited. Clicking on any of the country flags below it, or on any item on the list of places, zoom in the map to the correspondent location.

Nós Dois Viajando

The Fullscreen Map

Clicking on the fullscreen icon on the small map of the left panel opens a fullscreen map where it is possible to see more information about the trips. There are different selectors where it is possible to change the map appearance, such as alternating from map to satellite view, different zoom levels, such as the entire world or an especific country, and filter the information displayed on the map, such as the markers for each place visited, the flight routes or the photos taken on each place.

Nós Dois Viajando Map with zoom level fitted to the places visited

Nós Dois Viajando Map in satellite view, with zoom level showing the entire world and displaying the flight routes

Nós Dois Viajando Map showing the photos taken on each place

About the icons

The rounded country flag icons were made by FreePik from and used according to its Terms of Use. They are available at the Countrys Flags Icon Pack.

The other icons were made by Google and are free for use. They are available at the Material Design website.