Its a Simple Turn-based Board Game.
First, If You want, Do Some Configurations,
Enter the Board Size from the predefined Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, or even Custom. The given Predefined Board Sizes are, (Small:6x6, Medium:8x8, Large:10x10, Default:7x7).
- You can Enter your own Custom Size, by entering the Total Rows and Columns of the Board. The Custom Range of Row-Column can be upto 30x30.
Enter the Game Difficulty from the predefined Difficulties: Easy, Intermediate, Hard, or even Custom. The given Predefined Difficulties are to Occupy (Easy:3, Intermediate:5, Hard:6, Default:4) Consecutive Places.
- You can Enter your own Custom Difficulty, by entering the Total Konnect-Goal Number. The Custom Range of Konnect Goal can be upto 12.
Enter the Total Nummber of Players who wants to Play the Game. By Default, Its 2-Player. The Custom Range of Players can be upto 8.
If you want, Customize the Player Marks. The Default Player's Symbols are 'X' and 'O'.
- You can Enter your own Custom Player Marks, by entering whatever Symbol you like from the Keyboard.
On your Turn, Enter the Index (Row and Coloumn, seperated by Space) on the given Board to Mark on that Place.
Occupy Consecutive Places eiher Vertically, Horizontally, or Diagonally. The First Player to Occupy those Konnect-Number of Places would Won the Game.
The Game would result in a Draw, if the whole Board fills out, and the Players were still unable to Complete the Goal.
After Game Completion, You can Play it Again!
- Customize the Board-Size:(3x3), Konnect-Goal:3, to make it the Classical Tic-Tac-Toe Game.
- Customize the Board-Size:(7x7), Konnect-Goal:4, to make it the Classical Connect-4 Game.
- The Override is not Allowed.
- The Index starts from 1. First Enter the Row and then Enter the Column, followed with a Space.
- On the Configuration Options, Pressing any Key other than the given Options, would Set the Default Option.