Created to simplify global time coordination, this application offers seamless timezone management, conversion, and scheduling. Manage, convert, and organize timezones effortlessly, utilize a slider for quick conversions, and integrate a Date Picker for precise date selections across global locations. Enhance organization with order reversal and personalize your experience with Dark Mode toggling. Streamline international meetings by scheduling Google Meet calls directly from selected timezones.
Timezone Management:
- Add, reorder, and remove timezones.
- Customize display order with drag-and-drop.
Time Conversion Slider:
- Convert times between selected timezones with a slider.
Date Picker Integration:
- Select dates with an integrated Date Picker.
- Automatically display times across chosen timezones.
Order Reversal:
- Reverse timezone display order with a click.
Dark Mode Toggle:
- Switch between Dark and Light themes.
Google Meet Scheduling:
- Schedule Google Meet calls from selected timezones.
The frontend of this project is deployed and accessible at Timezone Convertor and Scheduler. You can deploy your own instance by following these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd timezone-convertor-and-scheduler
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Build the Project:
npm run build
Deploy to Vercel:
Install Vercel CLI if not already installed:
npm install -g vercel
Deploy to Vercel:
Follow the prompts to set up your project on Vercel. Once deployed, you will receive a unique URL for your deployment.
Connect GitHub to Vercel:
- Log in to Vercel and add your GitHub repository timezone-convertor-and-scheduler under the project settings to enable automatic deployments.
Deploying Updates from GitHub:
- Make changes to your project locally.
- Commit and push changes to GitHub:
git add . git commit -m "Update project" git push origin main
- Vercel will automatically detect changes pushed to the main branch on GitHub and redeploy your application.
If you initially deployed using Vercel CLI and need to update your deployed instance after making changes:
Navigate to Your Project Directory:
cd timezone-convertor-and-scheduler
Build the Updated Project:
npm run build
Deploy to Vercel:
vercel --prod
- This command will update your deployed instance on Vercel with the latest changes.
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed and configured on your development machine. Adjust commands based on your specific project setup and deployment needs.
First, clone the repository:
git clone
cd timezone-convertor-and-scheduler
Then, install the dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
# or
bun install
Then, run the development server:
npm run start
# or
yarn start
# or
pnpm start
# or
bun start
- JavaScript
- React.js
- Moment.js
- React Select
- React Datepicker
- Hello Pangea Dnd
- Chakra-UI
- React Icons
- Vercel
Image Preview:
Video Overview: