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Releases: Hem-del/Python_billing_system


12 Jan 18:19
Choose a tag to compare

Full Changelog soon: 0.1...1.0


01 Jan 19:38
Choose a tag to compare
Release Pre-release
  1. Display Available Items:

Functionality: The program reads and displays the list of items available for billing (from the ITEMS_FILE), showing item ID, name, and price. This allows the user to choose items to add to the bill.

  1. Adding Items to Cart:

Functionality: The program prompts the user to enter an item ID and quantity to add to the cart. The user can keep adding multiple items until they type 'done'. It checks for valid input (valid item ID) and adds the selected items to the cart.

  1. Clear Screen:

Functionality: When the user types "done" to finish adding items, the screen is cleared to ensure that the bill summary is shown clearly.

  1. Bill Calculation:

Functionality: After items are added to the cart, the program calculates:

Subtotal: Sum of the prices of the added items multiplied by their respective quantities.

CGST: Calculates Central GST at a predefined rate (e.g., 6%).

SGST: Calculates State GST at the same rate as CGST.

Grand Total: Subtotal plus the sum of CGST and SGST.

  1. Displaying Bill Summary:

Functionality: Once the bill is calculated, the program displays a summary of the transaction, which includes:

The list of items, their quantities, prices, and totals.

The subtotal amount.

The CGST and SGST amounts.

The grand total (total bill amount).

  1. Transaction Confirmation:

Functionality: After the bill is displayed, the program asks the user for confirmation to save the transaction. The user can press Enter to confirm the bill and save the details to the transaction history.

  1. Saving Transaction Data:

Functionality: When the user confirms the transaction, the program generates a transaction ID and appends the transaction details (bill number, items, price, quantity, total, CGST, SGST) to the TRANSACTIONS_FILE.

  1. Transaction History Display:

Functionality: The user can view the transaction history by accessing the transaction_history() function. This will show all previous bills, including their date, time, transaction ID, and the total amount.

  1. Error Handling:

Functionality: The program checks for invalid item IDs and quantity inputs. It displays appropriate error messages and prompts the user to re-enter valid data.

  1. Return to Main Menu:

Functionality: After saving the transaction or when the user decides to exit, the program returns to the main menu to allow the user to either generate another bill, view transaction history, or exit the program.

  1. Dynamic Bill Preview:

Functionality: Before saving the bill, the program generates and previews the bill in a clear format, showing itemized data and taxes, helping the user review the details before final confirmation.

  1. Bill Number Generation:

Functionality: The program generates a unique bill number based on the number of transactions already in the system. This ensures that each bill has a distinct identifier.

  1. Interactive User Prompts:

Functionality: The program continually prompts the user for input, such as entering item IDs, quantities, confirming the bill, and choosing options like viewing the transaction history or exiting the program.

Full Changelog: