This is the first official HiPACE++ release.
AMReX: release 21.08
openPMD-api: releases 0.12.0-0.14.*
List of PRs
git log | grep -A 3 "Author: " | grep -B 1 "\-\-" | sed '/--/d' | sed -e 's/^ /- /'
(in the future, one can use git log 21.09.. | grep -A 3 "Author: " | grep -B 1 "\-\-" | sed '/--/d' | sed -e 's/^ /- /'
version 21.09
openPMD-api: 0.14.2 (#585)
interpolate rho and psi at the boundaries (#572)
print precision in output (#581)
proper bin policy for tile sort (#577)
use _rt in GetDomainLev (#579)
Fix offset of interpolation and use second order interpolation in x and y (#570)
fix transverse size of IO for level 1 (#569)
Fix handling of tiling and GPU (#576)
OpenMP handling (#575)
Particle tiling and OpenMP threading (#551)
change test number of cells to be a multiple of 8... (#571)
fix slice IO for MR (#568)
use correct longitudinal index in InterpolateBoundaries (#567)
Mesh refinement: fix MR on GPUs (#564)
enforceBC works for all levels (#566)
remove unused parameters (#560)
CMake: Warn Unknown Build Type (#563)
Fix: CUDA Host-Side -O3 with CMake (#562)
Add a few beam profiles (#558)
Field Interpolation (#557)
[mini] document compile option -DAMReX_LINEAR_SOLVERS (#559)
CMake: FFTW Search w/ CMake Install (#553)
add seed to write_beam.py (#555)
initialize the plasma on the correct level (#554)
Mesh refinement: enable level 1 to be longitudinally a different size than level 0 (#546)
[mini] add missing/errorenous CMake in build description (#549)
add OpenMP support for transverse and longitudinal derivative (#545)
Unify forward and backward dst plans to save GPU memory (#537)
Automatically use small DST for large Resolutions (#548)
add OpenMP to CI tests (#547)
New Discrete Sine Transformation (#534)
Mesh refinement: fix parallel runs (#544)
Add OpenMP for FFTW (#541)
rescale weight of beam in normalized units (#543)
ccache now on the JSC Juwels Booster (#539)
FFTW: CMakeConfig Support (Windows, OpenMP) (#540)
fix includes (#533)
pass vector of geometries to field solve functions (#536)
fix a few style warnings on AMD (#535)
clean loop over levels (#531)
Mesh refinement: first working field solve on level 1 (#530)
Mesh refinement: fix boxarray (#529)
Mesh refinement: multiple Poisson solvers (#527)
Mesh refinement: Adding IO (#526)
remove unused parameters (#525)
we dont seem to need Fields::m_F anymore (#524)
first preparation to enable multiple levels (#523)
when odd number of cells, no need to average to get slice io (#521)
CMake 3.20+ and CUDA: Modernized AMReX (#522)
Update RNG (#520)
switch assert to >0 density in adaptive time step (#518)
Add atomic mass table for Plasmas (#510)
Add beam selection for IO (#514)
[mini] Sphinx: fix link in typo (#516)
initialize m_adaptive_density (#515)
move Diagnostic class from Fields to Hipace class (#513)
add Adios2 support (#508)
add proton element for convenience (#507)
[sphinx] add links and logos to package managers (#506)
Add possibility to input multiple beams at once (#502)
[mini] clearer naming of direction (#501)
Renaming to HiPACE++ (#505)
conversion to normalized units for explicit solver (#499)
remove hardcoded lev calls (#503)
enable multiple boxes per rank (#493)
add the possibility to have different species of beams (#492)
remove deprecated comment (#500)
Fix mass calculation for Dalton (#497)
fix typo (#498)
fix typo in execution command (#495)
fix typos in readme (#491)
[mini] add documentation badge (#490)
add doc for juwels and maxwell (#489)
change names from WarpX to Hipace++ (#485)
Add get_started example (#488)
add subcycling for beams (#487)
introduce subheaddings (#486)
Last changes for going open-source (#484)
Add Cl test for Beam input from_file (#479)
communicate physical time (#482)
add second flush for beam IO (#480)
assert no ion motion with explicit solver (#477)
assert explicit isn't used with SI (#478)
clean a few compilation warning (#481)
updating a few parameters in the sphinx documentation (#473)
option to not compile the MG solver (#476)
parallelization for beam deposition in next slice (#458)
clean up input parameters for bxby solver (#475)
adding more parameters to the sphinx documentation (#471)
[mini] comply with convention for variable parameter names (#470)
Add Plasma Ionization using ADK Model (#456)
fix transverse beam currents for explicit solver (#468)
Fix explicit solver (#459)
CI test for hosing and ion motion (#466)
add hollow core plasma profile (#463)
change parabolic profile from channel_radius to parabolic_curvature (#464)
cuFFTUtils: Add Missing Include (#461)
minor update of available input parameters (#460)
fix sign of psi (#455)
remove wrong assert (#454)
Fix shift in time between fields and beam in IO (#453)
deposit jx and jy of the beam on the next slice (#451)
Limit number of significant digits in checksums (#444)
Use previous slice as MG initial guess for explicit solver (#450)
store MG solver to initialize it only once, to improve performance (#449)
Replace predictor-corrector by analytic integration and multigrid solve (#437)
Call OpenPMDWriter::InitDiagnostics() only if they are actually written (#447)
Add correlated energy spread (#446)
Remove option to dump to plotfiles (#445)
add the possibility to have a parabolic plasma profile (#415)
openPMD: clean up 'injection_type = restart' and add SI units to beam output (#423)
adding ion motion (#439)
must pass charge and mass by reference (#438)
set default for skip empty comms to false (#436)
Enable multiple plasma species (#432)
change assert in predictor corrector loop to Warning (#435)
Stop communicating if only empty boxes downstream (#434)
Print Version (#433)
last rank needs to resize to remove particles from previous time step (#426)
Fix b field error calculation (#430)
add option to not deposit Jx and Jy of the beam (#431)
add additional diagnostics for the predictor corrector loop (#427)
CMake: Update AMReX Particle Precision (#425)
remove deprecated parameter (#422)
remove configure_mpiexec from cmake (#421)
AMReX: Skip AMRLEVEL (#403)
Add licensing files in preparation of open-source release (#419)
[WIP] New pipeline (#407)
Constant accelerating field (#372)
Add a paragraph on wandpic in the tex file (#354)
only write important field data to file (#346)
renaming to the correctly describing name peak_current_density (#350)
only run CI on development (#352)
Adding possibility to write current directly to grid (#349)
adding profiling for SolveOneSlice() (#343)
CMake: Quick, Local Dependencies (#347)
openPMD: restart simulation and multiple Beams (#325)
fix bug by using std::abs instead of abs (#340)
Transverse beam redistribute (#339)
assert that the number of cells doesn't overflow int (#342)
only init openPMD data if outputperiod > 0 (#326)
Remove redundant which_slice from plasma particle advance (#328)
add helpful error message, if user specifies output_period=0 (#327)
Doc: update tex file with the algorithm description (#323)
send beam particle information only at initialization (#322)
[SCALING TEST] Only allocate required field components in each slice (#320)
Readin from HiPACE-C files improved + conversion script (#315)
openPMD-api: new CMake Control (tests) (#312)
Optimize packing and unpacking particles to pinned memory buffers. (#308)
README: openPMD-api Install (#313)
removing namespace io (#311)
checksum.py: unused import "re" (#310)
openPMD: 0.13.1 (#309)
Reset plasma particle weight to the initial value (#302)
fix compiler warning for compiling without openPMD (#303)
Make openPMD default, including for CI (#291)
Encapsulate field IO, first step to multiple slice IO (#300)
fix #ifdef OPENPMD to get rid of compiler warnings (#299)
add ifdef AMREX_USE_MPI around communication functions (#298)
Fix non-blocking communication for adaptive time step (#296)
cleaning of the openPMD beam write PR (#294)
[mini] Clean compiler warnings (#293)
checksum tests: abstract the backend, to enable either openPMD or yt (#292)
Remove the option slice_beam: it is ALWAYS true (#289)
openPMD: read input beam from HDF5 file (#285)
Fixing momentum for openPMD I/O (#286)
Sending info for adaptive time step via nonblocking communication (#282)
openPMD: cleaning (#281)
fixing typo in notify finish (#280)
openPMD default Path: as in WarpX (#278)
openPMD: write beam data (#277)
Use HDF5 File to input Beam with openPMD (#276)
[WIP] openPMD: Collective Open & Group Based (#274)
openPMD: Guard Output, Avoid 2x Copy (#275)
[openPMD] Communication of upstream beam particle number (#269)
openPMD: Rebased Handle fields with Guards (#272)
revert collective open (#273)
openPMD: Collective Open & Group Based (#270)
[mini] option to disable z push of beam particles (#268)
CMake: Update GPU Backend Vars (#267)
Add missing Device::synchronize() calls to Wait() and Notify(). (#266)
openPMD output (fields) (#265)
fixing index error in DST (#264)
Accelerating CI (#263)
Fix a classic implicit capture of *this bug (#262)
Longitudinal particle exchanges (#261)
also send the ion charge density inn pipeline (#259)
Fix bug in which plasma particles were not being initialized on the right proc. (#258)
typo in doc (#256)
openPMD: Doc Quote & Version (#254)
Adding openPMD support (#252)
Full domain transversally for slice IO to avoid losing particles (#253)
Clean 'using namespace amrex;' (#250)
Longitudinally parallelized adaptive time step (#247)
fixing order of AMReX includes (#251)
fix typo in the example Jupyter notebook (#249)
Capability to have multiple beams (#246)
store a correct time step in output files (#248)
Move a few files in a utils directory (#245)
F needs guard cells when beam deposits on the 3d grid (#244)
Adding tilted beam (#243)
CI for adaptive timestep (#242)
Adding an adaptive time step (#241)
Const weight Gaussian beam based on density input (#235)
adding a few general parameters to sphinx documentation (#237)
[mini] Assert for slice beam for slice IO (#236)
using DeviceVector instead of ManagedVector for beam and plasma particle init (#233)
Fix parallelization (except for plasma particles) (#230)
Adding breathe to sphinx documentation (#229)
A few bugfixes for longitudinal parallelization for beam particles. (#228)
Gaussian beam with fixed weight (#220)
fix slice averaging and clean up its IC (#225)
adding printout for QSA violating particles (#222)
fixing an important error in the longitudinal plasma velocity (#224)
Node-center slice IO so it is at the domain center (#221)
quick fix to make the external field work on GPU (#219)
Sphinx documentation (#217)
Implementation of the beam pusher (#202)
add a visualization notebook with all useful basic operations (#218)
IO slice defined on slice geom, to output a 2d array (#215)
option to NOT dump plasma particles (#216)
reset particlecontainer dm and ba (#199)
Fixing bug with initialization of arrays (#213)
Coarsen beam injection box (#211)
Only define slice box if needed (#212)
Fix redistribute and handling of particles which violate the QSA (#207)
Slice diagnostics (#206)
add doxygen documentation for beam slice deposition (#203)
CMake: New AMReX Options (#204)
CI: CUDA Update (#205)
check for predictor corrector loop divergence only if B field error tolerance > 0 (#201)
Selfmade redistribute to avoid high memory shifting (#200)
remove pedantic semicolumn (#196)
3D array has no guard cell (#195)
Handling of plasma particles violating the quasi-static approximation (#193)
add virtual destructor to abstract class (#191)
adding the possibility of a finite radius plasma column (#192)
fixed-ppc Gaussian beam (#189)
Move slice solve to a separate function (#187)
replace hipace.do_plot with more flexible hipace.output_period (#184)
Turn off serial tests to spare CI time (#183)
Bash: Exit Earl on Error (+Pipes) (#178)
oops, forgot one renaming (#182)
Fix a number of naming inconsistencies in CI and examples (#181)
forget about assert_exit, python assert work well (#179)
LWFA Analysis: Fix Typo (#180)
Adding CI test in the blowout regime and removing now redundant can_beam test (#174)
Fix SI (#170)
fixing CI tests not triggering (#171)
[mini] adding CI test for a linear wake vs theory (#167)
Fix SI Poisson solver for transverse fields (#169)
Reset all quantities at the beginning of each time step (#168)
Reformat poisson (#164)
Add option to call Gpu::Synchronize around profiler region (#160)
proper number of grid points in the error calculation (#161)
Correct ion charge deposition (#156)
Fixing bug with particles being pushed to the next slice (#159)
Minor Cleaning in the plasma current deposition + addition of safe guards (#155)
[mini] Improving host-device performance by removing redundant copy call (#151)
push/pop the transverse communicator only once in the loop over slices (#150)
Minor cleaning, in particular fix the order of includes in 1 file. (#149)
Renaming slices to WhichSilce::Next, This, Previous1, Previous2 (#148)
Moving class FFTPoissonSolver and all field-only related functions from class Hipace to Fields (#147)
Consistent naming for pseudo-potential on plasma particles (#140)
Add option to put the 3D array in pinned memory so it stays on the host (#143)
Wrap BL_PROFILE into HIPACE_PROFILE for more control (#139)
Improved predictor corrector loop (#138)
Option to deposit beam charge and current in the slice MultiFab (#132)
Predictor-corrector loop to compute transverse magnetic fields (#133)
Fix crash when no plasma is specified (#131)
Solve fields Ex-By, Ey+Bx, Ez, and Bz (#129)
Plasma particle pusher (#125)
enabling coefficient and add for TransvereDerivative (#121)
fix sign error in Poisson solver, and adapt CI scripts (they missed that :/) (#126)
Deposit ion charge (#128)
add some _rt and remove parallel test from script to reset benchmarks (#127)
Deposit beam density (#120)
CI: Doxygen Builds (#118)
add WarpX Copyright header for file taken from WarpX (#117)
Add .editorconfig file (#119)
Deposit plasma density (#112)
Turn off OpenMP by default, and improve benchmark reset script (#114)
Improve checksums (#113)
space between function name and bracket for declaration and definition (#111)
Update plasma force terms (#108)
Create pull_request_template.md
Implementation of the first part of the actual plasma particle pusher (field gathering) (#101)
add option to get given field of given level (#102)
fix units and typo in current deposition (#99)
Fix order 0 deposition (#98)
Physical plasma current deposition + read-in of particle momentum as vector (#95)
fix typo in CMake compilation flag (#94)
typo: remove extra character (#92)
Doxygen-readable docstring in all .H file (#91)
only run CI on PR, not on push (#89)
Modified input and input_normalized to allow for a comparison. Added … (#73)
Add style checks, stolen from WarpX (#87)
Reformat CI, add checksum, and make beam_in_vacuum smaller (#85)
add 1 checksum regression test. Others should be copied from there (#84)
Add automated test that compares with theory (#79)
renamed the plasma pseudo potential to psi (#82)
CMake: openPMD Suffix
Move examples to subfolder (#67)
CMake: RelWithDebInfo -O3 (#71)
option to not have IO (#65)
Expose plasma species options to the input file (#64)
space before bracket for function definition/declaration (#63)
Instrument the main functions (#62)
Current deposition for plasma particles (#61)
compute Bx (#59)
clean includes and current deposition (#58)
Enable normalized units (#57)
support various deposition order
Add test for By field in vacuum with can beam (#56)
set val to 0 at the beginning of each step (#55)
do NGP deposition (#53)
Initialize a can beam (#52)
Cleanup: remove extra ;
use amrex::Math::floor instead of floor for DPC++ (#51)
Assertions and minor changes in FFT solver. Reduce the size of slice BoxArray. (#48)
CMake: DPC++, OMP Def., Binary Names (#47)
Cleaning in the FFT solver (#46)
CMake: MPI, Asserts and Advanced AMReX (#44)
field communication in longitude direction (#43)
Update CI Badge: macOS deactivated
Update CI Badge: development
CMake: Compute Backend & Precision (#42)
Loop over slices. Tranverse FillBoundary for j and By. (#41)
add two subcommunicators (#39)
FFTW: stress again not needed with CUDA
Update README: Dependencies/Options
Current: GPU (#38)
Missing CMake 3.17 CUDA Feature Guard (#36)
Loop over slices and call Poisson solver! (#35)
CMake: -lcufft (#37)
list optimizations we kept for later (#32)
Clean duplicate utilities Constants and Direction::z (#34)
Copy data between the full and slice MultiFab. Shift data in slices. (#33)
FFT poisson solver (#28)
Add a direction enum struct (#31)
set up slice ba and dm (#29)
Add function to compute transverse derivative function (#26)
adjust field components (#30)
Docs: pkg-config for FFTW/CMake
FFTW: Only Needed in non-CUDA (#27)
Remove options for multiple dimensions in FFT (#24)
Fix indexing error in particle initialization (#25)
Readme: Document Dependencies
CI: FFTW3 (Serial)
first attempt to include FFT in Hipace (#23)
remove extra ;
[WIP] Current deposition (#21)
Readme: cleanup
Readme: Formatting
Doc: Debug Mode
CMake: CUDA C++ Language Minimum
Readme: Details AMReX External
CMake: CCache (#22)
AMReX: Clean-Up Options
syntax fix in readme
CMake Build Dirs: Advanced Options
add array of multifabs for 2D slices (#19)
Add physical constants (#20)
CMake: Guard in-Source builds
Init Plasma Particles (#18)
make sure the domain is decomposed only in z-direction (#17)
Disable compilation of linear solvers (#16)
CMake: Cleanup Include
Correct minor typos (#15)
Add document with the equations of HiPACE
macOS: move disabled
macOS CI: empty job list
CI: Reduce for now
Doc & CI: OpenMP (#14)
CI: Linux & macOS (#13)
Default Build Type: RelWithDebInfo (#12)
Same constant again
CUDA: Fix Compile (constexpr)
CMake: CUDA Support (Var Scope)
CMake: Finish Cleaning (#11)
Single Arg Constructors: Explicit (#10)
readme file explains how to run simulation and plot the results
also have plasma particles in the simulation
add plotting script, to show results after running simulation
fix merge conflits
remove multi particle containers, for simplicity
Fix Warnings: ;s and Init (#9)
gitignore: typical IDE dirs (#8)
Merge pull request #7 from Hi-PACE/topic-cmakeFunctions
give the particles positive ids
fix unitialized variable warning
set max_step by default
make sure constructor for the plasma particle container gets called
fix some warnings
CMake: Functions, 1 & 2 Ranks
add beam particles in the simulation. Particle IO still not readable
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Hi-PACE/hipace
fix bug in multifab allocation
Merge pull request #6 from Hi-PACE/topic-amrexSystemIncludes
add field diagnostics and evolve
AMReX: System Includes
fixes so it compiles
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Hi-PACE/hipace
Initialize field data
fix compilation of multi pc stuff
multi plasma particle container
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Hi-PACE/hipace
add the multi beam particle container
set up the subdirectories in cmake
finish spack env reactivate
brew: mpi
ignore *~
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Hi-PACE/hipace
add example
Readme: Set CC & CXX
Hipace derives from AmrCore
field class
Merge pull request #5 from Hi-PACE/particle_containers
Adjust Include Dirs: src/
Merge pull request #4 from Hi-PACE/main
add main function and hipace clss
hook up the particle containers to the build system
Merge branch 'master' into particle_containers
check in stubs for beam and particle container classes
Merge pull request #3 from Hi-PACE/topic-noFortran
AMReX: no Fortran in CMake
Merge pull request #2 from Hi-PACE/topic-cmake
Add CMake structure & Docs
Merge pull request #1 from Hi-PACE/topic-gitignore
Add .gitignore for C++