- It can merge 2 files based on unique key.
- It should have an option to choose the columns to show in merged file.
- It should have an option to provide encrypted files.
- It should have an option to get encrypted output file.
- It can provide matched records, unmatched records both.
- Ability to provide details through UI.
- Ability to download the file from UI.
- HTML/CSS for UI develop (TODO: use React js)
- JavaScript for UI responsiveness and event handling
- Node js or Java for backend development
- Mongo database
- User will enter to our website.
- We'll give the option to upload the two files by Drag & Drop method or by simple clicking on the button "Upload file"
- We'll process the files and extract the extension of these files by with the help of delimiter values.
- Then we'll ask user "Is these files have headers or not, if not then we'll provide the name to the columns as column1,column2, etc.
- We'll provide the file headers with few records on the UI to make the help of user in choosing key column name.
- In case user entered the invalid key column name then we'll make one step backward to step 5.
- If valid, compare these two table on the basis of the both key column values and merge them only the matched values of the key columns.
- after merging file successfully we'll show that file on the screen and 10 users at a time there is the next button to iterate the next values in the output file.
- There will also provided a download button so that user can download the merged file on their system also they have option to choose the format of file to download.
- We'll provided a message to user for their data privacy " Thankyou Don't worry Your data is only upto you. "