This version of the stable pipeline is to perform all the pre-processing and processing steps required, from FASTQ to h5ad, for a standard Perturb Seq experiment prepared using 10X (or equivalent). This pipeline contains both the scripts, and container images needed to successfully process a Perturb Seq, as well as generate the files needed to perform any downstream analysis.
- sgRNA reference tsv/csv file:
- Note. It will also be important to know length of sgRNAs the length of reads and position of sgRNAs on the reads
- Minimal requirements:
- Column 1: Unique ID of sgRNA saved as sgRNA_ref.tsv
- Column 2: Reverse compliment sequence of sgRNA (for 5 Prime sequencing)
- HTO reference tsv/csv file:
- Note. It will also be important to know length of HTOs
- Minimal requirements:
- Column 1: ID of HTO (e.g. HTO1, HTO2 etc.)
- Column 2: Reverse compliment sequence of HTO
- FASTQs for Transcriptome, sgRNA and HTO (R1, R2, I1 and I2, for however many sequencing events and lanes)
Container Images Provided (Found on at
- A container environment with all the packages required to run the FBA fucntions (see
- PySpade 0.1.5
- A container environment with all the packages required to run PySpade for Differential Expression Analysis (see
- Python Image
- A container environment with all the packages required to run the python packages and fucntions (see the reference .yml files for details)
The relevant folders and scripts can be be copied over manually, or the shell script can be used to automatically generate the the
files and directories needed for all the subsequent steps. Further instrucrtions can be found in the script.
- Modify the lib_info_XXXX.csv to include sequencing lane info for current lane
- Run
- Note. The number of expected cells will need to be known for this script to help 10X better estimate the number of cells to call
- Output Files/Folder:
- This will create the directory and the series of 10X outputs (.h5 files outputs) required for Step 2
- Run
- Required Files:
- 10X output filtered_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv.gz
- Required Scripts:
- Make the following modifications to
- Set the data directory for the FASTQs
- Read length and position of the sgRNAs on the FASTQ reads (sgRNA length is typically 19 or 20bp)
- Read length and position of the HTOs on the FASTQ reads
- Note. This file can be modified to run a quick QC on the first 1M reads if desired.
- Output Files:
- sgRNA_DF.pkl
- sgna_distribution.png
- HTO_Singlets_DF.pkl
- HTO_distribution.png
- singlet_sgrna_distrib_updated.png
- final_combined_sgRNA_multiplets_HTO_singlets.pkl
- Required Files:
- final_combined_sgRNA_multiplets_HTO_singlets.pkl
- Required Scripts (can be run in parallel):
- Aggregate Transcriptome:
- aggr_libraries.csv (for all the libraries you wish to aggregate, in order)
- Make the following modifications to aggr_libraries.csv:
- Add the library name and directory for the h5 output file (from Step 2)
- Output Files:
- This will create the directory and the aggregated 10X output (.h5 files output) needed for Step 4
- Aggregate Dataframe:
- (for all the libraries you wish to aggregate, in order. This must correspond to the order and number of libraries for the aggregated Transcriptome)
- Make the following modifications to
- Add the list of libraries and head directory for the final_combined_sgRNA_multiplets_HTO_singlets.pkl output files (from Step 2)
- Output Files:
- This will create the aggregated aggr_combined_df_full.pkl needed for Step 4
- Aggregate Transcriptome:
- Required Files:
- filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 (aggregate file created in Step 3, found in the Cell Ranger output folder)
- aggr_combined_df_full.pkl
- Required Scripts:
- Make the following modifications to
- Add the directories for the two required input files for the script
- Add the directories for the desired output files to be saved (you can generate intermediate output files at different stages of processing depending on your needs)
- Output files:
- VX_XXXX_sample_unfiltered_HTOsinglets_sgRNA_multiplets_experiment_title_date.h5ad
- Feature Plots for defined genes (e.g. umap_cardiac_markers.png)