Asymmetric fileserver golang package
This is a package for golang. Asymmetric fileserver allows upload of files without classic authentication. It is intended for use where reciever is expecting sender to upload some files. Files can only be downloaded by receiver. Reciever generates a unique code and initializes upload with the server (PUT /init/). Here an authentication is needed. Then, the reciever communicates the code to the sender, which can use it as impromptu authentication to upload a file in one piece or multiple parts.
Once you have installed Go, run this command
to install the fileserver
go get
func checkAuthentication(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) bool {
username, password, ok := req.BasicAuth()
if !ok {
return false
if username != os.Getenv("FILEUP_USER") {
return false
password_hash, err := hex.DecodeString(os.Getenv("FILEUP_PASSWORD_SHA512"))
password_hash_check := sha512.Sum512([]byte(password))
if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(password_hash_check[:], password_hash) {
return false
return true
var db *gorm.DB
func main() {
var err error
//create directories
newpath := filepath.Dir("/data/db/")
err = os.MkdirAll(newpath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
newpath = filepath.Dir("/data/uploads/")
err = os.MkdirAll(newpath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
db, err = gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("/data/db/uploads.db"), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
panic("failed to connect database")
fs, err := fileserver.NewFileserver("/data/uploads/", db, checkAuthentication)
if err != nil {
If you want to set up your own routes, you can set up your own mux and just use exported handler functions.
fs, err := fileserver.NewFileserver("/data/uploads/", db, checkAuthentication)
if err != nil {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("GET /info/{code}", fs.GetFileInfo)
mux.HandleFunc("GET /download/{code}/{part}", fs.DownloadPart)
mux.HandleFunc("GET /download/{code}", fs.DownloadFile)
mux.HandleFunc("PUT /upload/{code}/{part}", fs.Store)
mux.HandleFunc("PUT /init/", fs.InitUpload)
mux.HandleFunc("DELETE /delete/{code}", fs.DeleteUpload)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux))
PUT /init/
Payload is JSON:
{ "Code": "myuniquecode", "Filename": "somefilename" }
Requires Authentication
PUT /upload/{code}/{part}
Part name can be freely chosen, but should be different for all parts of the same code.
Expected payload is application/octet-stream.
GET /info/{code}
Requires Authentication
GET /download/{code}/{part}
Requires Authentication
-- or --
GET /download/{code}
Requires Authentication
DELETE /delete/{code}
Requires Authentication
Author: Bojan Hrnkas – Hrnkas