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Resource vsphere_vapp

Shankar Ram Nagarajan edited this page Jun 23, 2017 · 5 revisions

vsphere_vapp Resource Definition

This resource can be used to create and delete vApp in vSphere environment. Creation of vApp happens by cloning an existing vApp or create a new vApp from scratch. Addition of entities (VMs and child vApps) can be done later or during creation of vApp too.

resource "vsphere_vapp" <"vApp resource name"> {
  name   = <"New vApp name">
  description = <"Description of this new vApp">
  datacenter = <"Datacenter name">
  cluster = <"Cluster name">
  folder = <"Folder name">
  datastore = <"Datastore name">
  resource_pool = <"Resource pool name">
  parent_vapp = <"parent vApp name">
  uuid = <"UUID of newly created vApp">
  template_vapp {
      name = <"vApp to be cloned">
      disk_provisioning = <"Disk provisioning format">
      network_mapping {
          source_network_label = <"Source Network label">
          destination_network_label =<"Destination Network label">
  entity {
      name = <"VM/vApp to be moved into">
      folder = <"Path of the entity">
      type = <"Entity type">
      start_order = <"Start order of the entity">
      start_delay = <"Start delay">
      start_action = <"Start action while powering on the vApp">
      stop_action = <"Stop action while powering off the vApp">
      stop_delay = <"Stop delay">
      folder_path = <"Original inventory path of the entity">
      moid = <"Managed Object ID of the entity">
      resourcepool_path = <"Original resource pool of the entity">


  1. In update operation, only entity addition / deletion is supported. Entity properties also can be updated.
  2. Update operation is not applicable for vApp entities which came via cloning.
  3. Terraform created VMs that are to be moved into a vApp must be created and managed by separate templates and state files.
  4. VMs are moved out to their original folder/resource-pool while destroying vApp. However, if they come through cloning, all VMs are deleted along with the vApp.
  5. vApp to be cloned should be in powerOff state.

Attribute Definition

  • name - (Mandatory) Name of the vApp which is being created.
  • description - (Optional) Description of the new vApp.
  • datacenter - (Optional) Name of the Datacenter in which to launch the vApp.
  • cluster - (Optional) Name of the Cluster in which to launch the vApp.
  • folder - (Optional) Name of the Folder under which vApp is created.
  • datastore - (Optional) Datastore for all the VMs disk.
  • resource_pool - (Optional) Name of the Resource Pool in which to launch the vApp.
  • parent_vapp - (Optional) Name of the vApp under which new vApp is created.
  • uuid - (Computed) UUID of the newly created vApp.
  • template_vapp - (Optional) Configures source vApp template properties.
  • entity - (Optional) Configures entity properties. List of entities can be configured.

The template_vapp block supports

  • name - (Mandatory) Name of the source vApp/Template.
  • disk_provisioning - (Optional) Disk format to store the virtual machine's virtual disk. Supported values: sameAsSource, thick, thin. Default value: sameAsSource.
  • network_mapping - (Optional) Configures list of network mapping for cloning.

The template_vapp/network_mapping block supports

  • source_network_label - (Mandatory) Name of network in origin vApp.
  • destination_network_label - (Mandatory) Name of network in new vApp.

The entity block supports

  • name - (Mandatory) Name of the VM/vApp to be moved in.
  • type - (Mandatory) Type of the entity. Supported values: vm and vapp.
  • folder - (Optional) Folder path of the entity to be moved.
  • start_order - (Optional) Specifies the start order for this entity. Entities are started from lower numbers to higher-numbers and reverse on shutdown. Value must be 0 or higher.
  • start_delay - (Optional) Delay in seconds before continuing with the next entity in the order of entities to be started.
  • start_action - (Optional) Specifies how to start the entity. Supported values: none and powerOn.
  • stop_action - (Optional) Specifies how to stop the entity. Supported values: none, powerOff, guestShutdown and suspend.
  • stop_delay - (Optional) Delay in seconds before continuing with the next entity in the order sequence. This is only used if the stopAction is guestShutdown.
  • folder_path - (Computed) Original inventory path of the entity before move-in.
  • resourcepool_path - (Computed) Original resource pool of the entity before move-in.
  • moid - (Computed) Managed Object ID of the entity.


Clone a vApp under the given Resource Pool and Folder

resource "vsphere_vapp" "vAppRP" {
  name   = "cloned-vapp-under-resourse-pool"
  description = "Cloning vApp under a resource pool from Terraform"
  datacenter = "DC Networking"
  folder = "terraform/vapp"
  datastore = "datastore1"
  resource_pool = "terraform_pool"

  template_vapp {
      name = "test-vapp-1"

Clone a vApp under the given Cluster

resource "vsphere_vapp" "vAppCluster" {
  name   = "cloned-vapp-under-cluster"
  description = "Cloning vApp under a Cluster from Terraform"
  datacenter = "DC Networking"
  folder = "terraform/vapp"
  datastore = "datastore1"
  cluster = "vmware-vapp-2"

  template_vapp {
      name = "test-vapp-1"
      network_mapping {
          source_network_label = "external-net-410"
          destination_network_label = "external-net-411"

Clone a vApp under a vApp with full path

resource "vsphere_vapp" "vAppNested" {
  name   = "cloned-vapp-under-full-path-vapp"
  description = "Cloning vApp from Terraform"
  datacenter = "DC Networking"
  datastore = "datastore1"
  parent_vapp = "terraform/vapp/parent-vapp"

  template_vapp {
      name = "test-vapp-1"
      disk_provisioning = "thick"

Create a vApp with pre-created VMs

resource "vsphere_vapp" "vAppWithVMs" {
  name   = "create-vapp-with-VMs"
  datacenter = "DC Networking"

  entity {
     name = "web_server"
     type = "vm"
  entity {
     name = "database"
     type = "vm"

Clone a vApp from template vApp and add pre-created VMs

resource "vsphere_vapp" "vAppFromTemplateVAppWithVMs" {
  name   = "clone-vapp-and-add-VMs"
  datacenter = "DC Networking"
  datastore = "datastore1"

  template_vapp {
      name = "test-vapp-1"
  entity {
     name = "web_server"
     type = "vm"
  entity {
     name = "database"
     type = "vm"