Binaries for Testnet Nodes
Step 1: Start Freeflow router (one instance per server)
sudo docker run --name node -e moniker='Your_moniker' -e chain='Your_Chain' -e api='your_api_token' -p 26656:26656 -p 26657:26657 -p 1317:1317 -itd idepnetwork/testnet-denali
Eg: sudo docker run --name node -e moniker='Master' -e chain='Test-Denali' -e api='95a7b71ab6ad8fad5f1ed3b49472683adea92cf1@,dc07da4be6ff285a1be2e9501fa92efef248d025@' -p 26656:26656 -p 26657:26657 -p 1317:1317 -itd idepnetwork/testnet-denali
Step 2: Log into the Node container with
sudo docker exec -it node bash
Step 3: Check Node status
iond status
if you don't have docker on your host, you can simply install it with
sudo curl -fsSL -o && sudo sh
After docker restart rpc will not work. You have to change rpc address to tcp:// instead of the default tcp:// in the nodes settings.
For any further questions speak to the team on our Discord