Cross-Ride is the backend for sample ride-sharing application. Uses in Spring, Kotlin, in memory H2 database and Junit5 for testing
Cross-Ride allows its users to register as drivers and/or riders. Registered drivers and riders advertise their usual travel schedule on the application. At the end of shared ride driver sends a request to the server with driver id, rider id, the start time of shared ride, the end time of shared ride and the distance covered in kilometers.
git clone
- Open project in IDE of choice
- Run
- Run tests with
gradle test jacocoTestReport
Documentation will be available at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
H2 Console will be available at http://localhost:8080/h2-console/
I'm more than welcome to contributions, If you are willing to contribute to the project feel free to make a fork and submit a pull request. You can hit me up on @IEnoobong on Twitter
Here's my link :)