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MaAsLin2 tutorial (with a brief introduction to R)

MaAsLin2 is the next generation of MaAsLin (Microbiome Multivariable Association with Linear Models).

MaAsLin2 is a comprehensive R package for efficiently determining multivariable association between clinical metadata and microbial meta-omics features. MaAsLin2 relies on general linear models to accommodate most modern epidemiological study designs, including cross-sectional and longitudinal, along with a variety of data exploration, normalization, and transformation methods.

If you use the MaAsLin2 software, please cite our manuscript: Himel Mallick, Timothy L. Tickle, Lauren J. McIver, Gholamali Rahnavard, Long H. Nguyen, George Weingart, Siyuan Ma, Boyu Ren, Emma Schwager, Ayshwarya Subramanian, Joseph N. Paulson, Eric A. Franzosa, Hector Corrada Bravo, Curtis Huttenhower. "Multivariable Association in Population-scale Meta-omics Studies" (In Submission).

If you have questions, please direct it to :
MaAsLin2 Forum
Google Groups (Read only)


1. Introduction to R

R is a programming language specializing in statistical computing and graphics. You can use R just the same as any other programming languages, but it is most useful for statistical analyses, with well-established packages for common tasks such as linear modeling, 'omic data analysis, machine learning, and visualization.

1.1 Installing R

Installing R for the first time

You can download and install the free R software environment here. Note that you should download the latest release - this will ensure the R version you have is compatible with MaAsLin2. Once you've finished the installation, locate the R software and launch it - you should have a window that looks like this:

(Optional) the RStudio IDE

RStudio is a freely available IDE (integrated development environment) for R. It is a "wrapper" around R with some additional functionalities that makes programming in R a bit easier. Feel free to download RStudio and explore its interface - but it is not required for this tutorial.

Important: the correct R version

If you already have R installed, then it is possible that the R version you have does not support MaAsLin2. The easiest way to check this is to launch R/RStudio, and in the console ("Console" pane in RStudio), type in the following command (without the > symbol):

> sessionInfo()

The first line of output message should indicate your current R version. For example, I got

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)

For MaAsLin2 to install, you will need R >= 3.6.0. If your version is older than that, please refer to section Installing R for the first time to download the latest R. Note that RStudio users will need to have RStudio "switch" to this later version once it is installed. This should happen automatically for Windows and Mac OS users when you relaunch RStudio. For Linux users you might need to bind the correct R executable. For more information refer to here. Either way, once you have the correct version installed, launch the software and use sessionInfo() to make sure that you indeed have R >= 3.6.0.

1.2 R basics

Basic interactions

The user interacts with R by inputting commands at the prompt (>). We did so above by using the sessionInf() command. We can also, for example, ask R to do basic cacluations for us:

> 1 + 1
[1] 2

Additional operators include -, *, /, and ^ (exponentiation). As an example, the following command caculates the (approximate) area of a circle with a radius of 2:

> 3.14 * 2^2
[1] 12.56


You can create variables in R - individual units with names to store values in. These units can then be called on later on, to examine or use their stored values:

> r = 2

In the above command, I created a variable named r, and assigned the value 2 to it (using the = operator). Note that the above command didn't prompt R to generate any output messages; the operation here is implicit. However, I can now call on r to check its stored value:

> r
[1] 2

I can use stored variables for future operations:

> 3.14 * r^2
[1] 12.56

R has some built-in variables that we can directly make use of. For example, the pi variable stores a more accurate version of the constant $\pi$ than our 3.14:

> pi
[1] 3.141593

Now, can you make sense of the following operations (notice how I can change the value stored in r with a new assignment operation):

> r = 3
> area = pi * r^2
> area
[1] 28.27433

Lastly, R can use and handle other "classes" of values than just numbers. For example, character strings:

> circle = "cake"
> circle
[1] "cake"
  • Question: try the following command in R:
circle = cake

Does it run succesfully? What is the problem?

1.3 R Functions

Functions are conveniently enclosed operations, that take zero or more input and generate the desired outcome. We use a couple of examples to illustrate the concept of R functions. The first one, the very basic c() function, combines values into a vector:

> c(1, 2, 3)
[1] 1 2 3

Notice that you call functions by providing parameters (values in the the parentheses) as input. They then (most times) return values as input. You can, of course, use variables as input, or assign the returned value to new variables. Imagine two researchers individually collected sample measurements of the same population, and now would like to combine their data. They can do so with:

> samples1 = c(3, 4, 2, 4, 7, 5, 5, 6, 3, 2)
> samples2 = c(2, 3)
> samples_all = c(samples1, samples2)
> samples_all
 [1] 3 4 2 4 7 5 5 6 3 2 2 3

The second example, t.test(), does exactly what its name suggests: it performs a t-test between two vectors, to see if the difference in their means is statistically significant:

> t.test(samples1, samples2)

	Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  samples1 and samples2
t = 2.2047, df = 3.9065, p-value = 0.09379
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.4340879  3.6340879
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
      4.1       2.5 

Certain function parameters have names, and you can explicitly invoke them during function calls. For example, here you will notice that the test performed is a two-sided test. What if we wanted to perform a one-sided test, to see if the average of samples1 is significantly higher than that of samples2? For this, we can invoke the alternative parameter in t.test(), which lets us select one of the options ("two.sided", "less", or "greater"), depending on the alternative hypothesis we are interested in.

> t.test(x = samples1, y = samples2, alternative = "greater")

	Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  samples1 and samples2
t = 2.2047, df = 3.9065, p-value = 0.04689
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.04217443        Inf
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
      4.1       2.5 

You can check the full list of parameters for functions in R with the command ? + function name. For example ?t.test gives you the full documentation for the function t.test.

(Optional) writing your own functions

The functions we used so far are built-in. Just like variables, we can also create our own functions, by involking the function keyword.

> area_circle = function(r) {
     return(pi * r^2)
> area_circle(r = 3)
[1] 28.27433
  • Question: study the following two functions, aimed at calculating the overall mean of samples collected by two separate researchers.
    • What happened in each function?
    • What are their differences?
    • Which one is better?
> overall_mean1 = function(samples1, samples2) {
      samples_all = c(samples1, samples2)
> overall_mean2 = function(samples1, samples2) {
      mean1 = mean(samples1)
      mean2 = mean(samples2)
      return((mean1 + mean2) / 2)
  • Hint: imagine the following scenarios:
    • If the first researcher collected a lot more samples than the second one, which way is better?
    • If the first researcher collected a lot more samples than the second one, but their experimetal protocal is flawed, leading to overestimation of measurements, which way is better?

2. Installing MaAsLin2

2.1 With Bioconductor

Once you have the correct R version, you can install MaAsLin2 with Bioconductor:

if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

The package ‘Maaslin2’ is not available error

You might encounter an error message that states:

Warning message:
package ‘Maaslin2’ is not available (for R version x.x.x) 

This can be due to one of two reasons:

  1. Your R version is too old. Check this with sessionInfo() - if it is older than 3.6, download the most updated version per instructions above.

  2. You have an older version of Bioconductor. MaAsLin2 requires Bioconductor >= 3.10. You can check your Bioconductor version with BiocManager::version(). If the returned version is anything older than 3.10, you can update with

BiocManager::install(version = "3.10)

And then


2.2 With Docker

This is a place holder right now.

3. Microbiome Association Detection with MaAsLin2

3.1 MaAsLin2 Input

MaAsLin2 requires two input files, one for taxonomic or functional feature abundances, and one for sample metadata.

  1. Data (or features) file
    • This file is tab-delimited.
    • Formatted with features as columns and samples as rows.
    • The transpose of this format is also okay.
    • Possible features in this file include taxonomy or genes.
  2. Metadata file
    • This file is tab-delimited.
    • Formatted with features as columns and samples as rows.
    • The transpose of this format is also okay.

The data file can contain samples not included in the metadata file (along with the reverse case). For both cases, those samples not included in both files will be removed from the analysis. Also the samples do not need to be in the same order in the two files.

Example input files can be found in the inst/extdata folder of the MaAsLin2 source. The files provided were generated from the HMP2 data which can be downloaded from .

input_data = system.file(
    "extdata", "HMP2_taxonomy.tsv", package="Maaslin2") # The abundance table file
input_metadata = system.file(
    "extdata", "HMP2_metadata.tsv", package="Maaslin2") # The metadata table file

HMP2_taxonomy.tsv: is a tab-demilited file with species as columns and samples as rows. It is a subset of the taxonomy file so it just includes the species abundances for all samples.

HMP2_metadata.tsv: is a tab-delimited file with samples as rows and metadata as columns. It is a subset of the metadata file so that it just includes some of the fields.

3.2 Running MaAsLin2

The following command runs MaAsLin2 on the HMP2 data, running a multivariable regression model to test for the association between microbial species abundance versus IBD diagnosis and dysbiosis scores (fixed_effects = c("diagnosis", "dysbiosis")). Output are generated in a folder called demo_output under my home directory (output = "~/demo_output").

library(Maaslin2) ## This loads MaAsLin2 into your R environment
fit_data = Maaslin2(
    input_data = input_data, 
    input_metadata = input_metadata, 
    output = "~/demo_output", 
    fixed_effects = c("diagnosis", "dysbiosis"))

Providing data frames as input

If you are familiar with the data frame class in R, you can also provide data frames for input_data and input_metadata for MaAsLin2, instead of file names. One potential benefit of this approach is that it allows you to easily manipulate these input data within the R enviroment.

df_input_data = read.table(file = input_data, header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
                            row.names = 1,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df_input_data[1:5, 1:5]
df_input_metadata = read.table(file = input_metadata, header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
                                row.names = 1,
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df_input_metadata[1:5, ]
fit_data2 = Maaslin2(
    input_data = df_input_data, 
    input_metadata = df_input_metadata, 
    output = "~/demo_output2", 
    fixed_effects = c("diagnosis", "dysbiosis"))
  • Question: how would I run the same analysis, but only on CD and nonIBD subjects?
    • Hint: try ?subset

3.3 MaAsLin2 Output

Significant associations

Perhaps the most important output from MaAsLin2 is the list of significant associations. These are provided in significant_results.tsv:

These are the full list of associations that pass MaAsLin2's significance threshold, ordered by increasing q-values. Columns are:

  • The first columns are the metadata and feature names.

  • The next two columns are the value and coefficient from the model.

    • Coefficients for categorical variables indicate the contrast between the category specified in value versus the reference category.
    • MaAsLin2 by default sets the first category in alphabetical order as the reference. See 4.1 Setting Reference Levels on how to change this behavior.
  • The next column is the standard deviation from the model.

  • The N column is the total number of data points.

  • The column is the total of non-zero data points.

  • The pvalue from the calculation is the second to last column.

  • The qvalue is computed with p.adjust with the correction method.

  • Question: how would you interpret the first row of this table?

For each of the significant associations in significant_results.tsv, MaAsLin2 also generates visualizations for inspection (boxplots for categorical variables, scatter plots for continuous). These are named as "metadata_name.pdf". For example, from our analysis run, we have the visualization files dysbiosis.pdf and diagnosis.pdf:

Full list of output files

MaAsLin2 generates two types of output files: data and visualization.

  1. Data output files
    • significant_results.tsv
      • As introduced above.
    • all_results.tsv
      • Same format as significant_results.tsv, but include all association results (instead of just the significant ones).
      • You can also access this table within R using fit_data$results.
    • residuals.rds
      • This file contains a data frame with residuals for each feature.
    • maaslin2.log
      • This file contains all log information for the run.
      • It includes all settings, warnings, errors, and steps run.
  2. Visualization output files
    • heatmap.pdf
      • This file contains a heatmap of the significant associations.
    • [a-z/0-9]+.pdf
      • A plot is generated for each significant association.
      • Scatter plots are used for continuous metadata.
      • Box plots are for categorical data.
      • Data points plotted are after normalization, filtering, and transform.

4. Advanced Topics

4.1 Setting Reference Levels

Since MaAsLin2 by default treats the first category in alphabetical order as the reference, the first way of setting reference levels is by prefixing the desired reference category with strings such as "a_":

df_input_metadata$diagnosis_modified = df_input_metadata$diagnosis 
df_input_metadata$diagnosis_modified[df_input_metadata$diagnosis_modified == "nonIBD"] =
fit_data3 = Maaslin2(
    input_data = df_input_data, 
    input_metadata = df_input_metadata, 
    output = "~/demo_output3", 
    fixed_effects = c("diagnosis_modified", "dysbiosis"))

Alternatively, we can set the reference level by changing the categorical into a factor (see ?factor), with its first level being the desired reference:

df_input_metadata$diagnosis_modified = factor(df_input_metadata$diagnosis,
                                              levels = c("nonIBD", "CD", "UC"))
fit_data4 = Maaslin2(
    input_data = df_input_data, 
    input_metadata = df_input_metadata, 
    output = "~/demo_output4", 
    fixed_effects = c("diagnosis_modified", "dysbiosis"))

4.2 Interactions

Many statistical analysis are interested in testing for interaction between certain variables. Unfortunately, MaAsLin2 does not provide a direct interface for this. Instead, the user needs to create artificial interaction columns as additional fixed_effects terms. Using the above fit as an example, to test for the interaction between diagnosis_modified and dysbiosis, I can create two additional columns: CD_dysbiosis and UC_dysbiosis (since the reference for diagnosis_modified is nonIBD):

df_input_metadata$CD_dysbiosis = (df_input_metadata$diagnosis_modified == "CD") *
df_input_metadata$UC_dysbiosis = (df_input_metadata$diagnosis_modified == "UC") *
fit_data5 = Maaslin2(
    input_data = df_input_data, 
    input_metadata = df_input_metadata, 
    output = "~/demo_output5", 
    fixed_effects = c("diagnosis_modified", "dysbiosis", "CD_dysbiosis", "UC_dysbiosis"))

4.3 Random Effects

Certain studies have a natural "grouping" of sample observations, such as by subject in longitudinal designs or by family in family designs. It is important for statistic analysis to address the non-independence between samples belonging to the same group MaAsLin2 provides a simple interface for this through the parameter random_effects, where the user can specify the grouping variable to run a mixed effect model instead. For example, we note that HMP2 is a longitudinal design where the same subject (column subject) can have multiple samples. We thus aski MaAsLin2 to use subject as its random effect grouping variable:

fit_data6 = Maaslin2(
    input_data = df_input_data, 
    input_metadata = df_input_metadata, 
    output = "~/demo_output6", 
    fixed_effects = c("diagnosis_modified", "dysbiosis"),
    random_effects = c("subject"))

If you are interested in testing the effect of time in a longitudinal study, then the time point variable should be included in fixed_effects during your MaAsLin2 call.

  • Question: intuitively, can you think of a reason why it is important to address non-independence between samples?
    • Hint: imagine the simple scenario where you have two subject, one case and one control, each has two samples.
    • What is the effective sample size, when samples of the same subject are highly independent, versus when they are highly correlated?

4.4 Additional Options

MaAsLin2 provide many parameter options for different data pre-processing (normalization, filtering, transfomation) and other tasks. The full list of these options are:

  • min_abundance
    • The minimum abundance for each feature [ Default: 0 ]
  • min_prevalence
    • The minimum percent of samples for which a feature is detected at minimum abundance [ Default: 0.1 ]
  • max_significance
    • The q-value threshold for significance [ Default: 0.25 ]
  • normalization
    • The normalization method to apply [ Default: "TSS" ] [ Choices: "TSS", "CLR", "CSS", "NONE", "TMM" ]
  • transform
    • The transform to apply [ Default: "LOG" ] [ Choices: "LOG", "LOGIT", "AST", "NONE" ]
  • analysis_method
    • The analysis method to apply [ Default: "LM" ] [ Choices: "LM", "CPLM", "ZICP", "NEGBIN", "ZINB" ]
  • correction
    • The correction method for computing the q-value [ Default: "BH" ]
  • standardize
    • Apply z-score so continuous metadata are on the same scale [ Default: TRUE ]
  • plot_heatmap
    • Generate a heatmap for the significant associations [ Default: TRUE ]
  • heatmap_first_n
    • In heatmap, plot top N features with significant associations [ Default: 50 ]
  • plot_scatter
    • Generate scatter plots for the significant associations [ Default: TRUE ]
  • cores
    • The number of R processes to run in parallel [ Default: 1 ]

5. Command Line Interface

MaAsLin2 can also be run with a command line interface. For example, the demo analysis can be performed with:

$ Maaslin2.R --transform=AST --fixed_effects="diagnosis,dysbiosis" inst/extdata/HMP2_taxonomy.tsv inst/extdata/HMP2_metadata.tsv demo_output

  • Make sure to provide the full path to the MaAsLin2 executable (ie ./R/Maaslin2.R).
  • In the demo command:
    • HMP2_taxonomy.tsv is the path to your data (or features) file
    • HMP2_metadata.tsv is the path to your metadata file
    • demo_output is the path to the folder to write the output

Full help documentation:

$ Maaslin2.R --help
Usage: ./R/Maaslin2.R [options] <data.tsv> <metadata.tsv> <output_folder>

    -h, --help
        Show this help message and exit

    -a MIN_ABUNDANCE, --min_abundance=MIN_ABUNDANCE
        The minimum abundance for each feature [ Default: 0 ]

    -p MIN_PREVALENCE, --min_prevalence=MIN_PREVALENCE
        The minimum percent of samples for which a feature 
        is detected at minimum abundance [ Default: 0.1 ]

    -s MAX_SIGNIFICANCE, --max_significance=MAX_SIGNIFICANCE
        The q-value threshold for significance [ Default: 0.25 ]

        The normalization method to apply [ Default: TSS ]
        [ Choices: TSS, CLR, CSS, NONE, TMM ]

    -t TRANSFORM, --transform=TRANSFORM
        The transform to apply [ Default: LOG ]
        [ Choices: LOG, LOGIT, AST, NONE ]

    -m ANALYSIS_METHOD, --analysis_method=ANALYSIS_METHOD
        The analysis method to apply [ Default: LM ]
        [ Choices: LM, CPLM, ZICP, NEGBIN, ZINB ]

    -r RANDOM_EFFECTS, --random_effects=RANDOM_EFFECTS
        The random effects for the model, comma-delimited
        for multiple effects [ Default: none ]

    -f FIXED_EFFECTS, --fixed_effects=FIXED_EFFECTS
        The fixed effects for the model, comma-delimited
        for multiple effects [ Default: all ]

    -c CORRECTION, --correction=CORRECTION
        The correction method for computing the 
        q-value [ Default: BH ]

    -z STANDARDIZE, --standardize=STANDARDIZE
        Apply z-score so continuous metadata are 
        on the same scale [ Default: TRUE ]

    -l PLOT_HEATMAP, --plot_heatmap=PLOT_HEATMAP
        Generate a heatmap for the significant 
        associations [ Default: TRUE ]

    -i HEATMAP_FIRST_N, --heatmap_first_n=HEATMAP_FIRST_N
        In heatmap, plot top N features with significant 
        associations [ Default: TRUE ]

    -o PLOT_SCATTER, --plot_scatter=PLOT_SCATTER
        Generate scatter plots for the significant
        associations [ Default: TRUE ]

    -e CORES, --cores=CORES
        The number of R processes to run in parallel
        [ Default: 1 ]