- GNU/Linux
- Git 2.9+
- fswebcam package
Install fswebcam package (in case of debian-like):
apt-get install fswebcam
Check your git version:
git --version
Here ppa for latest git (Ubuntu).
Clone this repository as ~/.git_hooks
git clone git@github.com:IRus/git-selfie.git ~/.git_hooks
Run in console:
git config --global core.hooksPath ~/.git_hooks/
Make sure that webcam.sh
and post-commit
can be executed:
chmod u+x ~/.git_hooks/webcam.sh ~/.git_hooks/post-commit
just git commit ...
in any repo! and see photos in ~/Pictures/Commits
Yes, because we assign global hookPath.
So you have two ways:
Copy commit-hook in every repository.
Assign hookPath globally and overwrite it in specific repos:
git config core.hooksPath ./.git/hooks/