The backend of the website version of black market in WHU ISS
Spring Cloud + Spring Cloud Alibaba
- SSM: Springboot + Mybatis-plus(Query builder)
- Database: Mysql(Navicat as client) + Redis(Redis Desktop Manager as client)
- Documentation: Swagger + Open API + Spring Fox
- Service Registration & Service Configuration: Nacos
- Gateway: Spring Cloud Gateway
- RPC: Spring Cloud Open Feign
- Cache: Spring Cache
- Authentication: JWT + Spring Security(Todo)
- Validation: Hibernate validator
- Search: ElasticSearch powered by lucene + Kibana
- AMQP: Rabbit mq
- Transaction Manager: Seata
- Flow Control: Sentinel
- Tracing: Zipkin
- Depolyment: Maven + Docker + Docker Compose + Jenkins + k8s + kubesphere(installation by kubekey).
- Tools: Postman(HTTP client) + XShell(SSH and FTP client)
- Cloud: ECS + SLB + OSS + SMS from Alibaba Cloud
- Utils: renren-fast + renren-generator(CRUD auto-gen) + Lombok
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Zhihao Shen |
Yuning Wu |
Xiaoyu Kou |
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