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Updating data

Michelle Dalmau edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

The application includes an administrative control panel for updating the website. Navigate to the relative URL /admin to access the administrative control panel.

The web application maintains a Solr index whose schema is defined in a metadata schema file called search-fields.xml (in the newton_chymistry root folder), and whose content is derived from the TEI files stored in Xubmit. When the TEI files or the metadata schema have been revised you will need to use the control panel to download the TEI files, and rebuild the Solr index.

Follow these steps, in order:

When the TEI XML files have changed

When the application is initially installed, and whenever the TEI files have been updated in Xubmit, you will need to click the following buttons:

  • "Update bibliography P5 file from Xubmit"
  • "Update manuscript P5 files from Xubmit"

When the metadata schema file has changed

The application's search and browse functionality is controlled by a metadata schema file search-fields.xml, which defines searchable fields and browsable facets.

When the application is initially installed, and whenever the metadata schema file search-fields.xml has been changed, you will need to click the button labelled "Update Solr schema from search-fields.xml". This will update Solr's own database schema to reflect the search-fields.xml file. NB this does not itself reindex the TEI.

When either the TEI XML or the search schema have changed

When either the TEI or the metadata schema have changed, and one or both of the preceding steps have been followed, you will need to click the "Rebuilt Solr index from P5 files" button.