- Coding Tutorial: https://youtu.be/fIBOydve2f8
- Demo: https://imkennyyip.github.io/rock-paper-scissors-minus-one/
In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a variation of the game rock paper scissors that was featured in squid game season 2. This variation, rock paper scissors minus one, is similar to the typical rock paper scissors game except you use two hands. First you select an option of rock paper scissors in both hands. Then you analyze the hands you selected and the hands your opponent selected. After that, you and your opponent will discard a hand each and leave one remaining, hence the minus one. The rock paper scissors rule will apply to the remaining hand. You will learn how to use javascript to create and update web elements on the page, keep track of score, and use setTimeout to reset the game for the next round while making this game.