Training application made with NestJS, Prisma and PostgresSQL.
- User registration and authentication managed with JWT strategy
- Email and password
- Google OAuth
- Github OAuth
- User profile management
- User roles and permissions
- Subscription management
- Post creation and management
Install all dependencies
yarn install
Create a .env
file in the root of the project and add the following variables:
If you want to use the default DB settings, you can use DATABASE_URL
that is commented out.
When setting up the DB for the first time
prisma migrate dev --name {migration name}
Run DB in docker container, if you are running DB with custom credentials, make sure to update the docker-compose.yml
to math your settings in .env
# run DB in background
docker compose up -d dev-db
# run DB in terminal
docker compose up dev-db
# development
yarn run start
# watch mode
yarn run start:dev
# production mode
yarn run start:prod
Required for metrics and monitoring
- Docker Desktop (Windows)
- Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop settings
- kubectl
- hilt
- ngrok
# install all dependencies for metrics and monitoring
helm dependecy update
# install helm chart
helm install nestjs-metrics .
Access grafana dashboard
kubectl get svc
Look for port(s) for nestjs-metrics-grafana 80:xxxxx/tcp
Grafana is accessible at http://localhost:xxxxx
- username: admin
- Password is encoded in secret, to decode it run the following command
$secret = kubectl get secret nestjs-metrics-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}"
Add datasource to Grafana
Forward port to access API endpoints
# we will use 3112 port to access kube API endpoints, and leave 3111 for development
kubectl port-forward pod/nestjs-metrics-745946b46-hb8m6 3112:3111
Ngrok to expose local db server to the internet
# ngrok account needed, payment method for tcp tunneling required
ngrok tcp 5434
Update environment variables in kubernetes deployment
kubectl set env deployment nestjs-metrics DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:123@{ngrok forwarding address}/photos4you"
- API base url http://localhost:3112
- Grafana http://localhost:xxxxx
- DB base url tcp://