An open source Python library for text formatting, augmentation, and similarity calculation tasks in NLP, the package now also includes additional methods for image augmentation.
- Created new functions in
for image augmentation:random_flip
, andnoise_overlay
. - Created a new function (
) for post-formatting after DupliPy processing or augmentation tasks that cleans up extra whitespace and normalizes punctuation spacing.
Duplipy now utilizes another one of our Python packages, called ValX, which provides quick methods we can use to clean and format our text data before training in preprocessing steps.
You can install DupliPy using pip:
pip install duplipy
DupliPy supports the following Python versions:
- Python 3.6
- Python 3.7
- Python 3.8
- Python 3.9
- Python 3.10
- Python 3.11
- Python 3.12 or later
Please ensure that you have one of these Python versions installed before using DupliPy. DupliPy may not work as expected on lower versions of Python than the supported.
- Text Formatting: Remove special characters, standardize text formatting.
- Text Replication: Generate replicated instances of text for data augmentation.
- Sentiment Analysis: Find impressions within sentences.
- Similarity Calculation: Calculate text similarity using various metrics.
- BLEU Score Calculation: Calculate how well your text-based NLP model performs.
- Image Augmentation Tasks.
- Profanity removal, hate speech removal, offensive speech removal, and sensitive information removal.
For full reference documentation view DupliPy's official documentation.
from duplipy.formatting import remove_special_characters, standardize_text
text = "Hello! This is some text."
# Remove special characters
formatted_text = remove_special_characters(text)
print(formatted_text) # Output: Hello This is some text
# Standardize text formatting
standardized_text = standardize_text(text)
print(standardized_text) # Output: hello! this is some text
from duplipy.replication import replace_word_with_synonym, augment_text_with_synonyms
text = "Hello! This is some text."
# Replace words with synonyms
augmented_text = augment_text_with_synonyms(text, augmentation_factor=3, probability=0.5)
# Output:
# ['Hello! This is some text.', 'Hi! This is some text.', 'Hello! This is certain text.']
# Load text from a file and augment it
file_path = "path/to/file.txt"
augmented_file_text = augment_file_with_synonyms(file_path, augmentation_factor=3, probability=0.5)
from duplipy.text_analysis import analyze_sentiment
text = "I love this product! It's amazing!"
# Analyze sentiment
sentiment = analyze_sentiment(text)
print(sentiment) # Output: Positive
from duplipy.similarity import edit_distance_score
text1 = "Hello! How are you?"
text2 = "Hi! How are you doing?"
# Calculate edit distance
edit_distance = edit_distance_score(text1, text2)
print(edit_distance) # Output: 4
from duplipy.similarity import bleu_score
text1 = "Hello! How are you?"
text2 = "Hi! How are you doing?"
# Calculate cosine similarity
bleu_value = bleu_score(text1, text2)
print(bleu_value) # Output: 0.434
from PIL import Image
from duplipy.replication import flip_horizontal, flip_vertical, rotate, random_rotation, resize, crop, random_crop
# Load an image for testing
image_path = "path/to/image.jpg"
image =
# Flip the image horizontally
flipped_horizontal_image = flip_horizontal(image)
# Flip the image vertically
flipped_vertical_image = flip_vertical(image)
# Rotate the image by a specific angle (e.g., 45 degrees)
rotated_image = rotate(image, 45)
# Apply a random rotation to the image within a specified range of angles (e.g., -30 to 30 degrees)
randomly_rotated_image = random_rotation(image, max_angle=30)
# Resize the image to a specific target size (e.g., 224x224 pixels)
resized_image = resize(image, target_size=(224, 224))
# Crop a random region from the image (e.g., 150x150 pixels)
randomly_cropped_image = random_crop(image, crop_size=(150, 150))
# Save the augmented images (optional, if you want to view the results)"path/to/flipped_horizontal.jpg")"path/to/flipped_vertical.jpg")"path/to/rotated.jpg")"path/to/randomly_rotated.jpg")"path/to/resized.jpg")"path/to/randomly_cropped.jpg")
from duplipy.formatting import remove_hate_speech_from_text
text = "I hate all of you bad word! Can't you just bad word leave me alone! Hi, I'm Katy."
### Output
# "Hi, I'm Katy."
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or want to contribute to DupliPy, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
DupliPy is released under the terms of the MIT License (Modified). Please see the LICENSE file for the full text.
Modified License Clause
The modified license clause grants users the permission to make derivative works based on the DupliPy software. However, it requires any substantial changes to the software to be clearly distinguished from the original work and distributed under a different name.
By enforcing this distinction, it aims to prevent direct publishing of the source code without changes while allowing users to create derivative works that incorporate the code but are not exactly the same.
Please read the full license terms in the LICENSE file for complete details.