This project aims to identify profitable trading strategies for different Forex pairs and granularities over a given period of time. The project utilizes feature engineering techniques to search for combinations of technical indicators that have a higher potential to predict the correct price swing direction. The generated combinations are then used as features for a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model to boost strategy prediction power.
The project consists of the following steps:
- Data Import: Import data a given Forex pair, granularity, and time period from OANDA api (some data files used in project are aready saved in hist_data directory).
- Data Preprocessing: Convert OANDA jason data to dataframe, clean and preprocess.
- Feature Generation: Apply numerous technical indicators to the preprocessed data, generating a large set of potential trading strategies.
- Labeling: Calculate the expected profit for each trading strategy, and label each strategy as either "profitable" or "unprofitable".
- Strategy Search: Search through the field of all possible trading strategies, selecting only those with a high potential to generate profit.
- Model Training: Train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classification model using the selected profitable indicator combinations as features.
- SVM Classification Model Performance Evaluating
- Reuters news archive scraper
- News sensitivity analysis and relevant information extraction
- LSTM NN regression model: 3 day ahead prices prediction obased on recent prices and news.
- LSTM NN Performance Evaluating
Special thanks to the developers of the TA-Lib library, which was used extensively in the generation of technical indicators and ChatGPT for this marvelous README file.