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Add a balanced TxBody specification (#4728)
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* Added TxBody example

* Changed type of MemberSpec to use (NonEmpty a) instead of [a]
  • Loading branch information
TimSheard authored Oct 31, 2024
1 parent cfc86bd commit 45e6e43
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Expand Up @@ -38,10 +38,13 @@ import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Constrained.Conway.PParams (pparamsSpec)
-- | Specify that some of the rewards in the RDPair's are zero.
-- without this in the DState, it is hard to generate the ConwayUnRegCert
-- certificate, since it requires a rewards balance of 0.
-- We also specify that both reward and deposit are greater thn (Coin 0)
someZeros :: forall fn. IsConwayUniv fn => Specification fn RDPair
someZeros = constrained $ \ [var| someRdpair |] ->
match someRdpair $ \ [var| reward |] _deposit ->
satisfies reward (chooseSpec (1, constrained $ \ [var| x |] -> assert $ x ==. lit 0) (3, TrueSpec))
match someRdpair $ \ [var| reward |] [var|deposit|] ->
[ satisfies reward (chooseSpec (1, constrained $ \ [var| x |] -> assert $ x ==. lit 0) (3, gtSpec 0))
, satisfies deposit (geqSpec 0)

dStateSpec ::
forall fn era. (IsConwayUniv fn, EraSpecDeleg era) => Specification fn (DState era)
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Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ makeNonNegativeInterval i j = fromJust (boundRational (i % j))
instance HasSimpleRep Coin where
type SimpleRep Coin = Word64
toSimpleRep (Coin i) = case integerToWord64 i of
Nothing -> error "The impossible happened in toSimpleRep for `Coin`"
Nothing -> error $ "The impossible happened in toSimpleRep for (Coin " ++ show i ++ ")"
Just w -> w
fromSimpleRep = word64ToCoin
instance BaseUniverse fn => HasSpec fn Coin
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@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | Specs necessary to generate, environment, state, and signal
-- for the POOL rule
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,9 +48,8 @@ pStateSpec = constrained $ \ps ->
dom_ retiring `subset_` dom_ stakePoolParams
, assertExplain (pure "dom of deposits is dom of stakePoolParams") $
dom_ deposits ==. dom_ stakePoolParams
, assertExplain (pure "no deposit is 0") $
not_ $
lit (Coin 0) `elem_` rng_ deposits
, forAll (rng_ deposits) $ \ [var|dep|] ->
assertExplain (pure "all deposits are greater then (Coin 0)") $ dep >=. lit (Coin 0)
, assertExplain (pure "dom of stakePoolParams is disjoint from futureStakePoolParams") $
dom_ stakePoolParams `disjoint_` dom_ futureStakePoolParams
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@

module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Constrained.Conway.TxBodySpec where

-- import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (Network (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Coin
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway (Conway)
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Rules (CertsEnv (..))
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.TxIn (TxIn (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.UTxO (UTxO (..), coinBalance)
import Cardano.Ledger.Val
import Constrained hiding (Value)
import Constrained.Base (Pred (..), hasSize, rangeSize)
import Constrained.Base
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
Expand All @@ -52,13 +52,15 @@ import qualified Test.Cardano.Ledger.Generic.Proof as Proof
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (forAll)
import Prelude hiding (seq)

import Cardano.Ledger.Address (Withdrawals (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Allegra (Allegra)
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo (Alonzo)
import Cardano.Ledger.Babbage (Babbage)
import Cardano.Ledger.CertState (lookupDepositDState, lookupDepositVState)
import Cardano.Ledger.Mary (Mary)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley (Shelley)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.AdaPots (Consumed (..), Produced (..), consumedTxBody, producedTxBody)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState (CertState)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState (CertState (..), PState (..))
import Data.Text (pack)
import Lens.Micro
import Prettyprinter (sep, vsep)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,126 +124,60 @@ subMapSuperDependsOnSub sub super =
match kvpair $ \k v -> [onJust (lookup_ k super) (\a -> v ==. a)]

putPretty :: PrettyA t => [Char] -> t -> IO ()
putPretty nm x = putStrLn (nm ++ "\n" ++ show (prettyA x))

test1 :: IO ()
test1 = do
super <- generate $ genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(Map Int Int) (hasSize (rangeSize 5 7))
sub <-
generate $
genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(Map Int Int)
( constrained $ \sub ->
[ assert $ sizeOf_ (dom_ sub) <. sizeOf_ (dom_ (lit super))
, subMapSubDependsOnSuper sub (lit super)
putPretty "\nsuper" super
putPretty "sub" sub
sumTxOut_ :: forall fn era. EraSpecTxOut era fn => Term fn [TxOut era] -> Term fn Coin
sumTxOut_ x = foldMap_ (txOutCoin_ @era @fn) x

test2 :: IO ()
test2 = do
sub <- generate $ genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(Map Int Int) (hasSize (rangeSize 4 4))
super <-
generate $
genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(Map Int Int)
( constrained $ \super ->
[ subMapSuperDependsOnSub (lit sub) super
, assert $ sizeOf_ (dom_ super) ==. 6
putPretty "\nsuper" super
putPretty "sub" sub
sumCoin_ :: forall fn. IsConwayUniv fn => Term fn [Coin] -> Term fn Coin
sumCoin_ x = foldMap_ id x

foo :: IO (Map Int Int, Map Int Int)
foo = generate $ genFromSpec $ subMap @Int @Int @ConwayFn
adjustTxOutCoin :: EraTxOut era => DeltaCoin -> TxOut era -> TxOut era
adjustTxOutCoin (DeltaCoin n) x = x & coinTxOutL .~ ((x ^. coinTxOutL) <+> (Coin n))

-- ===================================================================
-- | Extract the total deposits and refunds from a list of TxCerts.
-- This a kind of AdaPot relative to the Certs in a Transaction body
-- It depends on the PParams (deposit ammounts for registering a staking key, a ppol, and registering a Drep)
-- and on the CertState (what deposits were made in the past)
getDepositRefund ::
forall era. EraTxCert era => PParams era -> CertState era -> [TxCert era] -> (DeltaCoin, DeltaCoin)
getDepositRefund pp (CertState vs ps ds) certs =
( delta $ getTotalDepositsTxCerts pp (`Map.member` psStakePoolParams ps) certs
, delta $ getTotalRefundsTxCerts pp (lookupDepositDState ds) (lookupDepositVState vs) certs
delta (Coin n) = DeltaCoin n

bodyspec ::
forall era fn.
( EraSpecTxOut era fn
, EraSpecCert era fn
-- | This is exactly the same as reify, except it names the existential varaible for better error messages
reifyX ::
( HasSpec fn a
, HasSpec fn b
, IsPred p fn
) =>
UTxO era ->
CertsEnv era ->
CertState era ->
( ShelleyTxBody era
, Map (TxIn (EraCrypto era)) (TxOut era)
, TxIn (EraCrypto era)
bodyspec utxo certsenv certstate =
constrained' $ \ [var|shelleyBody|] [var|inputUtxo|] [var|feeInput|] ->
match shelleyBody $
\ [var|inputs|] [var|outputs|] [var|certs|] [var|rewAcct|] [var|fee|] _ [var|update|] _ ->
[ dependsOn shelleyBody fee
, dependsOn shelleyBody inputs
, dependsOn shelleyBody outputs
, dependsOn feeInput inputUtxo
, dependsOn inputs inputUtxo
, dependsOn outputs inputUtxo
, dependsOn fee feeInput
, dependsOn outputs inputUtxo
, satisfies inputUtxo (hasSize (rangeSize 2 4))
, subMapSubDependsOnSuper inputUtxo (lit (unUTxO utxo))
, assert $ update ==. lit Nothing
, assert $ member_ feeInput (dom_ inputUtxo)
, assert $ onJust (lookup_ feeInput (lit (unUTxO utxo))) (\ [var|txout|] -> fee ==. txOutCoin_ txout)
, assert $ inputs ==. dom_ inputUtxo
, reify inputUtxo (map snd . Map.toList) $
\ [var|txouts|] ->
[ dependsOn outputs txouts
, assert $ (sumCoin_ @fn @era outputs) ==. sumCoin_ @fn @era txouts - fee
, forAll certs $ \ [var|oneCert|] -> satisfies oneCert (txCertSpec (projectEnv certsenv) certstate)
, assert $ sizeOf_ certs <=. 4
, assert $ rewAcct ==. lit Map.empty

seqToList :: IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn t => Specification fn (Data.Sequence.Internal.Seq t, [t])
seqToList = constrained' $ \ [var|seq|] [var|list|] -> reify seq toList (\x -> list ==. x)

testUTxO ::
forall era. (Era era, HasSpec ConwayFn (TxOut era)) => IO (Map (TxIn (EraCrypto era)) (TxOut era))
testUTxO =
generate $
genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(Map (TxIn (EraCrypto era)) (TxOut era)) (hasSize (rangeSize 7 15))

-- | Exercise the 'bodyspec'
go ::
forall era.
( EraSpecTxOut era ConwayFn
, EraSpecCert era ConwayFn
, HasSpec ConwayFn (Tx era)
) =>
IO ()
go = do
utxo <- UTxO <$> testUTxO @era
certState <-
generate $
genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(CertState era)
(certStateSpec @ConwayFn @era) -- (lit (AccountState (Coin 1000) (Coin 100))) (lit (EpochNo 100)))
-- error "STOP"
certsEnv <- generate $ genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(CertsEnv era) certsEnvSpec

(basic, subutxo, feeinput) <-
generate $ genFromSpec (bodyspec @era @ConwayFn utxo certsEnv certState)

("Input UTxO, total " ++ show (coinBalance @era utxo) ++ ", size = " ++ show (Map.size (unUTxO utxo)))
putPretty "\nSubMap of Utxo" (UTxO subutxo)
putStrLn ("SubMap of UTxO, total Coin " ++ show (coinBalance @era (UTxO subutxo)))
putPretty "\nfeeInput" feeinput
putPretty "\nTxBody" basic

sumCoin_ :: forall fn era. EraSpecTxOut era fn => Term fn [TxOut era] -> Term fn Coin
sumCoin_ x = foldMap_ (txOutCoin_ @era @fn) x
Term fn a ->
(a -> b) ->
(Term fn b -> p) ->
Pred fn
reifyX t f body =
exists (\eval -> pure $ f (eval t)) $ \ [var|reifyvar|] ->
-- NOTE we name the existenital variable 'reifyvar'
[ reifies reifyvar t f
, toPredExplain (pure ("reifies " ++ show reifyvar)) $ body reifyvar

-- ===============================================================
-- =======================================================================

bodyspec2 ::
-- | This is the first step to generating balanced TxBodies. It illustrates several techniques
-- 1) Generate a tuple of related types. Previously we relied on generating one type and then
-- passing the actual generated value as the input of the next generator. This is an alternative to that.
-- But note we still rely partly on the old technique because we take CertsEnv and CertState values as input.
-- 2) Carefully using dependsOn, to make explicit the order the code writer thinks the the variables
-- should be solved in. This makes failures less mysterious. Because variable ordering failures
-- are mysterious and hard to solve
-- 3) The use of nested reify (here reifyX which just makes error messages better). This supports
-- using complicated Haskell functions to extract one random value, from a previous solved variable
-- using a pure function. Examples of this are 'getDepositRefund' and 'adjustTxOutCoin'
-- 4) How complicated balancing constraints can be solved declaratively, rather than algorithmically
-- i.e. toDelta_ (sumTxOut_ @fn @era outputs) ==. inputS + with + refund - deposit - f
bodyspec ::
forall era fn.
( EraSpecTxOut era fn
, EraSpecCert era fn
Expand All @@ -254,49 +190,60 @@ bodyspec2 ::
, Map (TxIn (EraCrypto era)) (TxOut era)
, TxIn (EraCrypto era)
bodyspec2 certsenv certstate =
bodyspec certsenv certstate =
constrained' $ \ [var|shelleyBody|] [var|utxo|] [var|feeInput|] ->
match shelleyBody $
\ [var|inputs|] [var|outputs|] [var|certs|] [var|rewAcct|] [var|fee|] _ [var|update|] _ ->
[ dependsOn shelleyBody fee
, dependsOn shelleyBody (inputs :: Term fn (Set (TxIn (EraCrypto era))))
, dependsOn shelleyBody outputs
, dependsOn shelleyBody certs
, dependsOn utxo inputs
, -- , exists (\eval -> undefined) $ \ [var|feeInput|] ->
exists (\eval -> pure (Map.restrictKeys (eval utxo) (eval inputs))) $ \ [var|utxosubset|] ->
exists (\_eval -> undefined) $ \ [var|tempUtxo|] ->
[ dependsOn inputs utxosubset
, dependsOn utxo utxosubset
, dependsOn feeInput inputs
, dependsOn fee utxosubset
, dependsOn fee feeInput
, dependsOn outputs utxosubset
, dependsOn outputs fee
, dependsOn outputs certs
, dependsOn utxo tempUtxo
, satisfies utxosubset (hasSize (rangeSize 3 4))
, assert $ member_ feeInput inputs
, assert $ inputs ==. dom_ utxosubset
, assert $ onJust (lookup_ feeInput utxosubset) (\ [var|txout|] -> fee ==. txOutCoin_ @era @fn txout)
, satisfies (dom_ tempUtxo) (hasSize (rangeSize 8 10))
, subMapSuperDependsOnSub utxosubset tempUtxo
, assert $ (sumCoin_ @fn @era outputs) ==. sumCoin_ @fn @era (rng_ utxosubset) - fee
, forAll outputs $ \x -> txOutCoin_ @era @fn x >=. lit (Coin 0)
, reify
(pair_ tempUtxo feeInput)
(\(m, i) -> Map.adjust baz i m)
(\u -> utxo ==. u)
, assert $ update ==. lit Nothing
, forAll certs $ \ [var|oneCert|] -> satisfies oneCert (txCertSpec (projectEnv certsenv) certstate)
, assert $ sizeOf_ certs <=. 4
, assert $ rewAcct ==. lit Map.empty
, assert $ sizeOf_ outputs ==. 4
\ [var|inputs|] [var|outputs|] [var|certs|] [var|withdrawals|] [var|fee|] _ [var|update|] _ ->
exists (\eval -> pure $ Map.restrictKeys (eval utxo) (eval inputs)) $ \ [var|utxosubset|] ->
exists (\eval -> pure $ Map.adjust (adjustTxOutCoin (DeltaCoin 0)) (eval feeInput) (eval utxo)) $ \ [var|tempUtxo|] ->
[ assert $ update ==. lit Nothing
, satisfies utxosubset (hasSize (rangeSize 3 4))
, forAll' utxosubset $ \_ [var|out|] -> assert $ txOutCoin_ @era @fn out >. lit (Coin 0)
, dependsOn feeInput utxosubset
, assert $ member_ feeInput (dom_ utxosubset)
, dependsOn fee feeInput
, onJust (lookup_ feeInput utxosubset) (\ [var|feeTxout|] -> fee ==. txOutCoin_ @era @fn feeTxout)
, dependsOn inputs utxosubset
, assert $ inputs ==. dom_ utxosubset
, assert $ member_ feeInput inputs
, dependsOn tempUtxo utxosubset
, satisfies (dom_ tempUtxo) (hasSize (rangeSize 8 10))
, subMapSuperDependsOnSub utxosubset tempUtxo
, forAll' tempUtxo $ \_ [var|out|] -> assert $ txOutCoin_ @era @fn out >. lit (Coin 0)
, -- Certs has no dependencies
forAll certs $ \ [var|oneCert|] -> satisfies oneCert (txCertSpec (projectEnv certsenv) certstate)
, assert $ sizeOf_ certs ==. 4
, -- withdrawals hs no dependencies
assert $ sizeOf_ withdrawals ==. lit 2
, forAll' withdrawals $ \ [var|acct|] [var|val|] ->
[ assert $ val <=. lit (Coin 10)
, assert $ val >. lit (Coin 0)
, match acct $ \ [var|network|] _ -> assert $ network ==. lit Testnet
, dependsOn outputs certs
, dependsOn outputs fee
, dependsOn outputs withdrawals
, dependsOn outputs utxosubset
, assert $ sizeOf_ outputs ==. 4
, forAll outputs $ \ [var|oneoutput|] -> txOutCoin_ @era @fn oneoutput >=. lit (Coin 0)
, reifyX (toDelta_ fee) id $ \ [var|f|] ->
reifyX (toDelta_ (sumTxOut_ @fn @era (rng_ utxosubset))) id $ \ [var|inputS|] ->
reifyX (toDelta_ (sumCoin_ @fn (rng_ withdrawals))) id $ \ [var|with|] ->
reify' certs (getDepositRefund @era (certsPParams certsenv) certstate) $
\ [var|deposit|] [var|refund|] ->
toDelta_ (sumTxOut_ @fn @era outputs) ==. inputS + with + refund - deposit - f
, dependsOn utxo tempUtxo
, reifyX
(pair_ tempUtxo feeInput)
(\(m, i) -> Map.adjust (adjustTxOutCoin (DeltaCoin 0)) i m) -- mimics how we will adjust fee
(\ [var|u|] -> utxo ==. u)

-- ==============================================================================
-- Some code to visualize what is happening, this code will disappear eventually

baz :: EraTxOut era => TxOut era -> TxOut era
baz x = x & coinTxOutL .~ ((x ^. coinTxOutL) <+> (Coin 100))
putPretty :: PrettyA t => [Char] -> t -> IO ()
putPretty nm x = putStrLn (nm ++ "\n" ++ show (prettyA x))

go2 ::
forall era.
Expand All @@ -314,7 +261,7 @@ go2 = do
certsEnv <- generate $ genFromSpec @ConwayFn @(CertsEnv era) certsEnvSpec

(body, utxomap, feeinput) <-
generate $ genFromSpec (bodyspec2 @era @ConwayFn certsEnv certState)
generate $ genFromSpec (bodyspec @era @ConwayFn certsEnv certState)
let utxo = UTxO utxomap
txbody = fromShelleyBody body

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2634,7 +2634,7 @@ pcMultiSig h (RequireMOf m _) = ppSexp "MOf" [ppInt m, h]
pcMultiSig _ _ = error "Impossible: All NativeScripts should have been accounted for"

( AllegraEraScript era
( ShelleyEraScript era
, Reflect era
, NativeScript era ~ MultiSig era
) =>
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions libs/constrained-generators/src/Constrained/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1221,6 +1221,7 @@ flattenPred pIn = go (freeVarNames pIn) [pIn]

computeDependencies :: Pred fn -> DependGraph fn
computeDependencies = \case
x@(Exists _ (_v :-> Block [Reifies (V a) _b _, _c])) -> deleteNode (Name a) (computeDependencies x)
Monitor {} -> mempty
Subst x t p -> computeDependencies (substitutePred x t p)
Assert _ t -> computeTermDependencies t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4794,9 +4795,9 @@ instance BaseUniverse fn => Functions (IntFn fn) fn where
(nub $ mapMaybe (safeSubtract @fn i) (NE.toList es))
( NE.fromList
[ "propagateSpecFn on Add"
, "Spec is (MemberSpec is), such that can't safely subtract from any i in is"
, "Leads to an empty MemberSpec, and hence this ErrorSpec"
[ "propagateSpecFn on (" ++ show i ++ " +. HOLE)"
, "The Spec is a MemberSpec = " ++ show spec
, "We can't safely subtract " ++ show i ++ " from any choice in the MemberSpec."
propagateSpecFun Negate (NilCtx HOLE) spec = case spec of
Expand Down

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