A helper bot to manage recurrent tasks on Ithil Discord server
Fund an account
Run $fund 0xabc...
and get 0.1 gETH (Goerli test ETH), once per user
Get a resource link
Run $resource docs
(or blog, app) to get the latest link to the resource
In poetry.toml:
discord_bot = "discord_bot.main:run_app"
enables us to run the code as:
poetry run discord_bot
You can run the bot locally. First make sure to add your API keys in the config.ini
When you are ready just run
make start
You can manually push a new container image to Google Container Repository using local scripts.
Install Docker
Install Google Cloud CLI.
Configure your local credentials with
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth configure-docker
- Build a container image locally with
make build-docker-image
- Push the image to Google Cloud Repository with
make push-image-to-container-registry
You can manage deployments from here
You can get a simple status on the discord bot here.
Alternatively you can get an interactive update on your terminal with
watch -n 3 curl -s ...