A space launch tracker for Android using data from the Launch Library API provided by The Space Devs.
A majority of the data is currently sourced from Launch Libary a wonderful set of API's and Librarians that are constantly tracking and updating launches around the world. Additionally I utilize Space Launch Now - Server to provide additional vehicle data and push notifications for launch times.
Space Launch Now is now translated into five languages, huge thanks to those that have contributed. If you are interested in helping improve the translations feel free to take a look here.
Thanks to the following translators for their work:
Fosco85, Francescog91, Ndre85f, Ajtudela, Pedroleon, SwGustav, Ogoidmatos, Ludi.vogt, Bullinger.mathis, Lukas Affolter, Castelle.arnaud, Nem.meric, Arnaud.muller1308, Jaros.jan.j, Jirkatp, Peter.handless
This project utilizes the MIT License.