Releases: ItsNifer/Nifer-Installer-Script
Releases · ItsNifer/Nifer-Installer-Script
- The project no longer requires Microsoft dotNET Runtime 3.1.32
- The database is now hosted on cloud storage (PixelDrain), and being funded by me. The benefit of this is now the script can easily download from the storage without any hassles using wget.
- Failing to download (mentioned above in Important Updates)
- Failing to properly patch VEGAS Pro and VEGAS Pro Deep Learning Modules
- Messing up extracting .rar files and getting confused on folder directory
- VEGAS Pro 21 b208 > 22 b122
- Boris FX Continuum 2024 v17.5.1.1404 > 2024.5 v17.5.4
- Boris FX Sapphire 2024.51 > 2024.53
- Boris FX Mocha Pro 2024 v11.0.2.32 > 2024.5 v11.5.1
- Boris FX Silhouette 2024.0.0 > 2024.5.0
- The project now requires Microsoft dotNET Runtime 3.1.32 (More often than not, you will have this installed already)
- Added a Skip option for installing plugins, you can now skip "uninstalling" a plugin when the script asks.
- Fixed an issue where the script would freeze when attempting to go into the uninstall menu with no plugins installed.
- Fixed an issue where the script would instantly close when attempting to download a file without dotNET 3.1.32
- Fixed an issue when scanning for installed plugins, and trimming out duplicate entries.
- Fixed an issue where the script would not auto-update.
- Fixed a crash when going into the download queue when System Checks is disabled in settings.
- Fixed an issue where the script will malfunction when going to uninstall previous VP versions.
- Fixed where the script will get confused on what directory it's working with.
- Fixed minor UI issues
- VEGAS Pro 21 b187 > 21 b208
- VEGAS Image 5.0.0 > 5.0.2
- Boris FX Continuum 2023 v16.5.02.792 > 2024 v17.5.1.1404
- Boris FX Sapphire 2023.52 > 2024.51
- Boris FX Mocha Pro 2023 v10.0.3.15 > 2024 v11.0.2.32
- Boris FX Silhouette 2023.0.3 > 2024.0.0
- MAXON Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 2023.2.1 > 2024.2.0
- Migrated script database and assets from Google Drive > Mediafire.
- All features provided by the script can now run without any installed software requirements.
- Removed the requirement for python (coding language)
- Removed the requirement for gdown (google drive downloader)
- Removed the requirement for file extraction (winrar/7zip)
- Removed the requirement for git (for auto-updating the script)
- Added a similar menu selection for Vegas software, from that of plugins menu selection.
- Failed downloads will now attempt twice, before labeling it as a "fail".
- The patching of VEGAS software is now done with it's own auto-installer, seperate from the primary script.
- The patching of VEGAS Image no longer requires a system restart.
- Added script logging for debugging.
- Added a check during initial startup to ensure user has properly extracted the zipped contents of the script.
- Added a check before and after downloading anything through the script, to reduce any false positives in the final report.
- Fixed an issue where the script will keep prompting the user to enable auto-updating, after the user declined.
- Fixed an issue where the script would hang when attempting to download Boris FX Mocha Pro OFX.
- Fixed an issue where the queue report would incorrectly label failed downloads.
- Fixed a crash if the download queue was empty.
- Fixed a crash when going to the uninstall menu.
- Major sections of the script were re-worked to keep everything coherent. (ie: adding VEGAS software into the download queue code (previously only used with plugins))
- Since patching is now done through it's own auto-installer (contained within the download through the script), patching algorithms can now be updated without jeoprodizing the code of the main script.
- If user's want to uninstall previously required software:
- To uninstall gdown: open a cmd window and type "pip uninstall gdown".
- To uninstall Python, Git, or Winrar/7zip: use window's uninstaller through settings/control panel.
- Added a feature to download everything in queue except for any items that were already downloaded (will still patch downloaded items).
- Added a feature to skip downloads when selecting plugins if it's already downloaded. (will still install queue'd items even if already downloaded).
- Added a feature to install VEGAS Pro if a previous download was detected. (depending on version discrepancies, patching is not guaranteed).
- Added a prompt for users to manually close the Uninstaller for Maxon products, if the uninstaller is frozen/paused.
- Fixed an issue where the script would fail when the user doesn't have anything to uninstall when selecting to uninstall software.
- Fixed an issue where the script would continue even when plugin queue was empty.
- Fixed an issue where the script would pause when uninstall Maxon products.
- Updated all 3rd party plugin auto-install scripts to be more visually obvious on what the user has to do.
- Updated Boris FX Continuum Complete from 2023 v16.5.0.563 > 2023 v16.5.02.792
- Updated Boris FX Sapphire from 2023.5 > 2023.52
- Updated Maxon Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite from 2023.1.0 > 2023.2.1
- Updated Maxon Red Giant Universe from 2023.0.2 > 2023.1.1
- Maxon auto-install scripts now properly perform a system check for previous installations, and properly uninstalls them.
- Fixed an issue when uninstalling Maxon Products, prompts user to manually close CMD and continue the uninstall.
- Fixed an issue where the script would scan for previous installations of VP or any plugin and return an error.
- When uninstalling Maxon products, if the directory of the uninstaller is too long then it will output an error and freeze the uninstaller. This release now prompts the user to manually close the uninstaller and continue the uninstall.
- Added a "Uninstall Plugins" options under "3rd Party Plugins" using a multi-choice selection for user-input.
- The script now dynamically creates a list for all currently installed Vegas Pro installs and 3rd party plugin installs.
- The script now displays an option for "All options" when prompting the user to uninstall any software (Dynamically changes).
- Loading time for 3rd party plugin list is now faster.
- Added a setting to Clear all Vegas Pro Plugin Caches.
- Added a setting to Clear GDown cache.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where during initial startup, the script would ask the user if they wanted to disable auto-updating and wouldn't disable it.
- Fixed minor UI typo in 3rd party plugins results page.
- Rewrote major sections of the 3rd party plugin section. Removed hundreds of lines, reducing file size.
- Script loads 3rd party plugin lists faster. Removed unnecessary checks and writes to the drive.
- When uninstalling plugins, script will only write to drive when user proceeds with the uninstallation.
- Properly uninstall's Maxon products.
- Fixed an issue when selecting the 7th option on Plugins, the script would result in an error.
- Fixed an issue when occasionally selecting a plugin, option #1 would automatically be applied even when user chooses something else.
- Fixed a minor UI issue.