Warning! Commenting of code is happening, it's just taking a while because it's 10 thousand lines as of now. Yeah. Patience. Please.
A rather silly project to work on after ArcOS: Inepta is another attempt at creating an OS in the browser, this time making use of vanilla JS. I created this project to demonstrate what is possible with just plain old Javascript.
It runs under Electron, allowing me to use your device's filesystem to store files, along with a lot of other NodeJS module based stuff.
Run these couple commands to run Inepta on your local machine:
$ git clone https://github.com/IzKuipers/silly
$ cd silly
$ npm install
$ npm run start
NOTE: you can use Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I
to access the Developer Tools.
Izaak Kuipers izaak.kuipers@gmail.com
This file was written on my phone on a bus. It was hard.