Developer API for AngelChest Plus and AngelChest Free
Let me know on my Discord if you need any features that aren't available yet (link is at the bottom of this page)
You can use maven to add AngelChest as a dependency to your Spigot-/Bukkit-Plugin. Please note that the API version is always the same version as the latest AngelChest release required to use the latest API features. So for example if you use the API version 9.0.0-SNAPSHOT, then you need AngelChest 9.0.0 or later. The API version only gets updated if there are new features.
It is not allowed to shade the API.
Then you can access the API via the plugin manager:
AngelChestPlugin angelChestPlugin = (AngelChestPlugin) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("AngelChest");
Here is a complete example plugin that shows how to add and use the AngelChest API: LINK
If you need help, feel free to join my Discord server and head to #programming-help: