With JAVA_HOME and PATH pointing to a Panama vectorIntrinsics build, run:
./mvnw package && java -jar target/bench.jar
Without having a local Panama vectorIntrinsics build, run:
This will shallow-clone the GitHub mirror of the Panama vectorIntrinsics branch, build the JDK and execute the benchmarks using it. Make sure your system fulfills the OpenJDK build requirements. See the section "Clean Ubuntu Setup" below for a clean Ubuntu setup. The space requirements for such a cloned and fully built JDK is ~5.6GB, which will reside inside of the panama-vector directory. In addition, the hsdis utility library is built and installed into the JDK's lib directory.
sudo apt install -y libasound2-dev \
libfontconfig1-dev \
libcups2-dev \
libx11-dev \
libxext-dev \
libxrender-dev \
libxrandr-dev \
libxtst-dev \
libxt-dev \
git \
zip \
unzip \
automake \
autoconf \
build-essential \
In order to see the x86 code generated by the JIT compiler for all methods, run:
java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:CompileCommand=print,*Matrix*.* -cp target/bench.jar bench.C2
The x86 code is then printed to stdout. This requires the hsdis utility library available in the $JAVA_HOME/lib directory, as is provided by ./ci.sh
java -version
openjdk version "20-ea" 2023-03-21
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 20-ea+20-1466)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20-ea+20-1466, mixed mode, sharing)
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Bench.invert_Matrix4f avgt 10 19,923 ± 0,262 ns/op
Bench.invert_Matrix4f_Jvmci avgt 10 7,758 ± 0,036 ns/op
Bench.invert_Matrix4fvArr_128 avgt 10 81,036 ± 0,287 ns/op
Bench.mulAffine_Matrix4f_FMA avgt 10 6,350 ± 0,033 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4f avgt 10 10,892 ± 0,068 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4f_FMA avgt 10 8,493 ± 0,045 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4f_Jvmci_AVX_128 avgt 10 3,346 ± 0,017 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4f_Jvmci_AVX_256 avgt 10 2,459 ± 0,013 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fn_AVX avgt 10 6,136 ± 0,237 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fn_SSE avgt 10 6,743 ± 0,033 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fvArr_128_Loop avgt 10 8,316 ± 0,037 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fvArr_128_Unrolled avgt 10 8,380 ± 0,012 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fvArr_256 avgt 10 9,095 ± 0,113 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fvBB_128_Loop avgt 10 16,328 ± 0,260 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fvBB_128_Unrolled avgt 10 16,971 ± 0,179 ns/op
Bench.mul_Matrix4fvBB_256 avgt 10 16,741 ± 0,052 ns/op
Bench.noop_Jvmci_2args avgt 10 1,296 ± 0,003 ns/op
Bench.noop_Panama_2args avgt 10 3,585 ± 0,032 ns/op
Bench.noop_jni_2args avgt 10 4,541 ± 0,023 ns/op
Bench.set_Matrix4f_Jvmci_AVX_256 avgt 10 2,434 ± 0,016 ns/op
Bench.set_Matrix4f avgt 10 3,316 ± 0,028 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4f_ByteBuffer_putFloat avgt 10 4,582 ± 0,085 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4f_FloatBuffer_put avgt 10 3,433 ± 0,019 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4f_Jvmci_AVX_256 avgt 10 1,374 ± 0,016 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4f_Unsafe avgt 10 1,684 ± 0,044 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4fvArr_256 avgt 10 7,663 ± 0,015 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4fvArr_512 avgt 10 23,101 ± 0,057 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4fvArr_FloatBuffer_put avgt 10 8,854 ± 0,031 ns/op
Bench.store_Matrix4fvArr_Unsafe avgt 10 2,058 ± 0,014 ns/op
Bench.transpose_Matrix4f avgt 10 2,522 ± 0,004 ns/op
Bench.transpose_Matrix4f_Jvmci avgt 10 1,666 ± 0,020 ns/op
Bench.transpose_Matrix4fvArr_128 avgt 10 64,862 ± 0,316 ns/op