A chat bot web application focused on the back-end code.
- Authentication with IdentityServer
- Command errors are handled by chat Administrator
- .NET 5 Build Sdk && .NET 5 Runtime
- Microsoft SQL Server 2017
- RabbitMQ
- Start your RabbitMQ Server + MSSQL Server 2017
- Update the appSettings in Jobsity.Chat.App/appsettings.json and Jobsity.Chat.Bot/appsettings.json
- In the root folder, run
dotnet restore
dotnet build
- Then, start rabbit bot with
cd Jobsity.Chat.Bot
dotnet run
- Run the web app (Jobsity.Chat.App)
- Create your account
- Start chatting
On the project root, run this command to run all tests
cd Jobsity.Chat.Tests
dotnet test