Soundy is a dynamic website created as part of a practical project for my engineering thesis. It serves as a representation platform for a music label, providing an interactive experience for music enthusiasts. This project allowed me to enhance my front-end and back-end programming skills and gain experience working with various technologies.
- Home: Main news about Soundy, newsletter subscription, music player, the ability to listen to the latest tracks, and a contact form.
- About us: Information about the team members and the history of the label.
- Media: Gallery with band photos and videos.
- Store: Music merchandise store, product database, and login/cart functionality.
- Tour: Concert schedule and tour dates.
- Sign in/Sign up: Enables you to log in to account and add items to cart.
- Cart: Allows to store products in firestore database.
- Contact form: Allows to contact the soundy team via Email.js.
- Responsive: Suitable for mobile devices and larger screens.
- Graphics and videos: Were used and processed with photoshop from Unsplash and Pexels.
React, Auth0, TailwindCSS, Vite, Firebase/Firestore, React-Router, MansonryCSS, Vercel, React-Splide, React-icons, EmailJS, React Lazy Load Image Component, React Hot Toast,
In the near future, I plan to expand the functionality of the project by adding the following elements:
Payment System: I will implement a payment system that will allow users to purchase products from online store.
Blog with option to comment on posts: I want to create an interactive blog where we share the latest news from the world of music.
Multilingual site support: I plan to add multilingual support, allowing users to use our site in English as well as other languages.