use you-get and regular expression create word cloud for bilibili video
git clone
cd word_cloud_danmaku
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h]
[-bgc BGC | -width WIDTH | -height HEIGHT | -max_font MAX_FONT | -max_word MAX_WORD | -min_font MIN_FONT | -color_state COLOR_STATE | -save_path SAVE_PATH]
analysing what is discussed when watching this video
positional arguments:
url url of the bilibili video
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-bgc BGC background color of the word cloud
-width WIDTH width of word cloud
-height HEIGHT height of the word cloud
-max_font MAX_FONT max font size
-max_word MAX_WORD max word in word cloud
-min_font MIN_FONT min font size
-color_state COLOR_STATE random color state
-save_path SAVE_PATH save generated image to path
Plus, you can ban the words you wish not appear in the word cloud by adding them in ./stop_words.txt
you should get the danmaku word cloud picture of a cute cat video