Indoor Beacon Tracking system based on Bluetooth Low Energy and iBeacon technology.
The tracking client can be installed on any Linux based micro-computer such as Raspberry Pi.
It identifies each UUID of the beacons and utilizes Python multi-threading to record the entry time,
exit time, duration in the particular area with corresponding event. In the meanwhile,
the client sends real-time event data to IoT cloud by TCP.
Further big data analytics and beacon visualization will be processed on cloud.
For indoor positioning and triangulation, multiple clients (hardware, at least 3+) should be placed in correct location according to reasonable coordination.
Finally, it's the time to upgrade the system and move forward! (Coming in April 2021) 😎
Replace old Python 2.7.x to Python 3.8.x in order to support more fancy Python functions and modules.
Integrate MQTT Pub/Sub capability. The tracking client will publish system and beacon events to IoT cloud via MQTT 3.1.1 or MQTT 5.0. Besides, the client will subscribe to a command topic to receive service commands for real-time configuration updating or further operations such as restart. All messages are in JSON format! The topic structure:
Event: service/${region}/event/${client-uuid}
Command: service/${region}/cmd/${client-uuid}
Data: service/${region}/data/${client-uuid}
Integrate sliding window algorithm to reduce the side effect of multi-path, and send better average RSSI values for each supervised beacon.
Based on MQTT subscription, setup dynamic RSSI fence/threshold, for easy installation and debugging.
Add SQLite3 for better beacon UUID management on edge-devices.
Upgrade beacon tracking logic on client side.
Some Linux libraries and Python packages are required:
sudo apt install libbluetooth-dev
sudo apt install libboost-python-dev
sudo apt install libboost-thread-dev
sudo pip3 install gattlib
sudo pip3 install pybluez
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
sudo pip3 install sqlalchemy
Or pip install based on requirements.txt
Check config/app-config.ini file, in mqtt
you may update to your own MQTT broker and corresponding settings.
Query Client Machine Status
"command": "status",
"trace": "test-trace-uid"
Shutdown the Beacon Tracking Client
"command": "shutdown",
"trace": "test-trace-uid"
Publish one-time beacon scan command (duration is optional)
"command": "scan",
"duration": 5,
"trace": "test-trace-uid"
"data_type" : "JSONArray",
"action" : "data",
"message" : "OK",
"timestamp" : "2021-04-04 23:50:03 +0800",
"data" : [ {
"uuid" : "06f62a6d-f66f-88bd-b66e-2b12fd6e96aa",
"major" : 0,
"minor" : 512,
"power" : 171,
"rssi" : -43,
"address" : "34:D6:66:E7:34:88"
}, {
"uuid" : "06f6213d-f88e-aabc-a36d-2b49fd6c36ad",
"major" : 0,
"minor" : 0,
"power" : 191,
"rssi" : -47,
"address" : "28:E4:C2:E6:A1:D2"
} ]
Change Scan Mode to Auto (duration, period are optional)
"command": "change-scan-mode",
"scan-mode": "auto",
"duration": 3,
"period": 8,
"trace": "test-trace-uid"
Server side code based on Spring Boot 2.4.x and ReactJS framework, old project has been moved to branch v2015-1-3
You are welcome to ask any questions here!