Jekyll Container using ds framework
Installation First install ds: Then install wsproxy
Then get the scripts from github: git clone
Copy repo data into /opt/docker-scripts/: cp repodata /opt/docker-scripts/
Change dir to /opt/docker-scripts/jekyll
Create a directory for the container: ds init jekyll @jekyll
Fix the settings: cd /var/ds/hello/: nano
Build image: ds @jekyll build
Create the container: ds @jekyll create
Configure it: ds @jekyll config
Add to wsproxy: ds wsproxy add
To access site use port 4000 with hostname like this
Add New project: ds @jekyll project-add project
Remove a project: ds @jekyll project-rm <Project>
Change config file of given project: ds @jekyll project-config <project>
Run the available projec: ds @jekyll project-run <project>
Add post to given project: ds @jekyll post-add <project> <post_file_hard_link>
Note: The post file shold match the sample format given in samples/_posts Note: It rewrite the old file
Remove the post from given project: ds @jekyll post-rm <project> <post_file_name>