increase file upload limit PHP
In here
go to php.ini configuration file
(path : Xampp/php/php.ini) -
then open file with any code editor
(notpad, VS code....) -
find followings and change (using Ctrl +f)
3.1 upload_max_filesize ::: line number : 835
upload_max_filesize = 2M -- change to --> upload_max_filesize = 99999999999999M3.2 post_max_size ::: line number : 673
post_max_size = 8M --> post_max_size = 99999999999999M3.3 max_execution_time ::: line number : 378
max_execution_time = 30 --> max_execution_time = 100000000 -
then restart the mysql and apache Servers
Thank you