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Data Structure

💡 Reference: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. 2009. Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition (3rd. ed.). The MIT Press.

Linked List

See the project

💡 This implementation is a circular doubly linked list


  • insertBefore/insertAfte an iterator

  • pushFront to the list

  • pushBack to the list

  • find an element

  • breakFree(remove) the element at an iterator

  • erase every element of the list

  • saveToFile: save the list to a binary file

  • readFromFile: read the binary file to a list

  • quickSort the list

    👉 Example

    // generate random numbers
    LinkedList<int> list;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
    // sort
    list.quicksort(list.begin(), list.end(), [](int i, int j) { return i < j; } );
    // test
    auto p = list.begin();
    auto p1 = p->data;
    while (p != list.end()) {
        if (p1 > p->data) {
            throw std::runtime_error("sort failed");
        p1 = p->data;
    std::cout << "\nsort success\n";
    return 0;

Binary Tree

See the project

💡 Reference: CLRS : chap. 12-13

BSTNode is a generic tree node for Binary Tree, BST, AVL Tree and Red-Black Tree

It contains generic metadata about its parent, left child, right child and its key

💡 For AVL tree, it stores its height for balancing purpose. It is updated on each operation

💡 For red-black tree, it stores its nodeColour and whether it isNilNode

💡 See bst_node.h

👀 It should be better named as BTNode rather than BSTNode

template <typename T>
class BSTNode {
    enum Colour{ BLACK = 0, RED};
    BSTNode<T>* parent;
    BSTNode<T>* left;
    BSTNode<T>* right;
    T key;
    int height;

    // this is for red-black tree, ignore when it's not the case
    Colour nodeColour;
    // this is a flag for nil node that symbols the lack of node, ignore when it's not the case
    bool isNilNode;

BinaryTree is a generic binary tree

It only maintains its root node

💡 see binary_tree.h

template <typename T>
class BinaryTree {

    BSTNode<T>* root;

Some Operations

  • check if this tree isBST

  • doing recursive and iterative preOrderWalk, inOrderWalk and postOrderWalk sequence

  • construct binary tree using pre-order and in-order sequencespreAndInWalkInsert, or post-order and in-order sequence postAndInWalkInsert.

    👉 Example

    BinaryTree<int> intBT;
    int preOrder[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int inOrder[5] = {3, 2, 4, 1, 5};
    intBT.preAndInWalkInsert(preOrder, inOrder, 5);
    intBT.printTree(1); // arg: width


  • print the binary tree in a tree-like manner printTree

    👉 Example

    BinaryTree<char> charBT;
    charBT.preAndInWalkInsert("ABDGCEF", "DGBAECF", 7);
    charBT.printTree(1); // arg: width


BST is a binary tree that holds the BST property

💡 see bst.h

template <typename T>
class BST : public BinaryTree<T> {

Some important operations

  • insert a key into the BST
  • deleteNode from the BST
  • find if a key exists
  • leftRotate or rightRotatea node

AVL tree is a self-balancing BST

💡 see avl_tree.h

💡 It calls rebalance after every insert and delete

👀 Example: insert


👀 Example: remove


RBTree is a self-balancing BST

💡 see re_tree.h

👀 It holds a universal nil node as the child of every leaf node

template <typename T>
class RBTree {
    BSTNode<T> *nil;
    BSTNode<T>* root;

👀 Only insert re-balance is implemented…

👀 Example: insert



See the project

💡 This implementation uses adjacency list

💡 Reference CLRS: chap. 22-24

Structure Overview


💡 This structure separates the keys of the vertices (VertexInfo) from the ids (indices in the VertexMap) of the vertices

💡 Deleting a vertex is expensive, it involves a complete scan in the adjacency list and a shift in the vertex map

💡 Optimisation: replace std::vector in the VertexMap with a hash map and a monotonically increasing counter to assign ids.

Some Operations

  • addVertex to the graph
  • get idOfVertex by its unique key (VertexInfo)
  • removeVertex or removeVertexById
  • addEdgeor addEdgeById to the graph
  • findEdge using sourceId and destId of the source and destination vertex
  • removeEdge or removeEdgeById


  • Breadth-first search (bfs)
  • Depth-first search(dfs)
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm (dijkstra)
  • Kruskal’s algorithm (kruskal)
  • Prim’s algorithm (prime)

Graph Visualisation using Qt

See the project

Based on the Elastic Nodes Example project, the documentation is as follows Elastic Nodes Example | Qt Widgets 5.15.16

⚠️ Only the arrow of each edge changes colour
Edges are overlapped since we are representing an undirected graph using a directed graph


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