A few variations of generative adversarial networks coded in Pytorch & Numpy to improve my theoretical understanding and to gain exposure with Pytorch software. Summary of results and code is provided below for each variant.
A simple GAN constructed using Numpy. Pytorch is only used to load MNIST data for training. To output meaningful results select only a individual digit from MNIST. Results are so-so but documentation is provided below as the basic theory applies to all Pytorch GANs to follow. [Code]
Due to the Relu activations in the hidden layers that follow the inputs of the generator and discriminator, the Kaiming He initialization is used. This initializes weights to have variance equal to 2 / # of input nodes.
## Intial Generator Weights:
self.G_W1 = np.random.randn(self.noise_dim, 128) * np.sqrt(2. / self.noise_dim) # 100 x 128
self.G_b1 = np.zeros((1, 128)) # 1 x 128
self.G_W2 = np.random.randn(128, 256) * np.sqrt(2. / 128) # 128 x 256
self.G_b2 = np.zeros((1, 256)) # 1 x 256
self.G_W3 = np.random.randn(256, self.img_size ** 2) * np.sqrt(2. / 256) # 256 x 784
self.G_b3 = np.zeros((1, self.img_size ** 2)) # 1 x 784
## Intial Discrimnator Weights::
self.D_W1 = np.random.randn(self.img_size ** 2, 128) * np.sqrt(2. / self.img_size ** 2) # 784 x 128
self.D_b1 = np.zeros((1, 128)) # 1 x 128
self.D_W2 = np.random.randn(128, 1) * np.sqrt(2. / 128) # 128 x 1
self.D_b2 = np.zeros((1, 1)) # 1 x 1
## Generator:
def generator_forward(self, noise):
self.G_a1 = self.hidden_layer_forward(noise,self.G_W1,self.G_b1,acitvation='lrelu',ns=0)
self.G_a2 = self.hidden_layer_forward(self.G_a1,self.G_W2,self.G_b2,acitvation='lrelu',ns=0)
self.G_a3 = self.hidden_layer_forward(self.G_a2,self.G_W3,self.G_b3,acitvation='tanh')
return self.G_a3
## Discriminator:
def discriminator_forward(self, img):
self.D_a1 = self.hidden_layer_forward(img,self.D_W1,self.D_b1,acitvation='lrelu')
self.D_a2 = self.hidden_layer_forward(self.D_a1,self.D_W2,self.D_b2,acitvation='sigmoid')
return self.D_a2
Best to write out the tedious part. We assume Real images have labels=1 and Fake images=0 when calculating the derivative of the standard cross entropy loss (dDLoss). For the both Real and Fake images — working from the last layer towards the first layer — we compute and store the derivatives of the loss with respect to the weights and biases. The Real and Fake losses are combined and then used to update the weights and biases of the discriminator.
def discriminator_backward(self, x_real, a_real, x_fake, a_fake, batch_size):
'''Discriminator Real Loss: '''
dL_da2 = self.dDLoss(a_real, y="real", eps=1e-8) # 64x1
da2_dz2 = self.hidden_layer_backward(a_real, acitvation='sigmoid') # a_real = self.D_a2
dz2_dW2 = self.D_a1.T #64x128
dz2_db2 = np.ones(a_real.shape[0]) #64x1
dL_dW2_real = np.dot(dz2_dW2, (da2_dz2 * dL_da2))
dL_db2_real = np.dot(dz2_db2, (da2_dz2 * dL_da2))
dz2_da1 = self.D_W2.T
da1_dz1 = self.hidden_layer_backward(self.D_a1, acitvation='lrelu')
dz1_dW1 = x_real.T
dz1_db1 = np.ones(a_real.shape[0])
dL_dW1_real = np.dot(dz1_dW1, da1_dz1 * np.dot((da2_dz2 * dL_da2),dz2_da1) )
dL_db1_real = np.dot(dz1_db1, da1_dz1 * np.dot((da2_dz2 * dL_da2),dz2_da1) )
'''Discriminator Fake Loss: '''
dL_da2 = self.dDLoss(a_fake, y="fake", eps=1e-8)
da2_dz2 = self.hidden_layer_backward(a_fake, acitvation='sigmoid') # a_fake = self.D_a2
dz2_dW2 = self.D_a1.T
dz2_db2 = np.ones(a_fake.shape[0])
dL_dW2_fake = np.dot(dz2_dW2, (da2_dz2 * dL_da2))
dL_db2_fake = np.dot(dz2_db2, (da2_dz2 * dL_da2))
dz2_da1 = self.D_W2.T
da1_dz1 = self.hidden_layer_backward(self.D_a1, acitvation='lrelu')
dz1_dW1 = x_fake.T
dz1_db1 = np.ones(a_fake.shape[0])
dL_dW1_fake = np.dot(dz1_dW1, da1_dz1 * np.dot((da2_dz2 * dL_da2),dz2_da1) )
dL_db1_fake = np.dot(dz1_db1, da1_dz1 * np.dot((da2_dz2 * dL_da2),dz2_da1) )
'''Discriminator Combined Loss: '''
dL_dW2_total = dL_dW2_real + dL_dW2_fake
dL_db2_total = dL_db2_real + dL_db2_fake
dL_dW1_total = dL_dW1_real + dL_dW1_fake
dL_db1_total = dL_db1_real + dL_db1_fake
'''Update Discriminator Weights: '''
self.D_W1 -= self.lr * dL_dW1_total
self.D_b1 -= self.lr * dL_db1_total
self.D_W2 -= self.lr * dL_dW2_total
self.D_b2 -= self.lr * dL_db2_total
return None
This is when you really appreciate the Pytorch (g_loss.backward()
and optimizer_G.step()
). The generator loss (dGLoss) is essentially opposite as the generator tries to maximize the likelihood of discriminator being wrong. Before updating the weights and biases of the generator we first pass the loss of the Fake images (dGLoss) through the fixed discriminator (dL_dx). Once (dL_dx) is calculated — working from the last layer towards the first layer — we compute and update the derivatives of the loss with respect to the weights and biases for the generator.
def generator_backward(self, noise, a_fake,batch_size):
'''Discriminator Loss: '''
dL_da2 = self.dGloss(a_fake, y="fake", eps=1e-8)
da2_dz2 = self.hidden_layer_backward(a_fake, acitvation='sigmoid')
dz2_da1 = self.D_W2.T
da1_dz1 = self.hidden_layer_backward(self.D_a1, acitvation='lrelu')
dz1_dx = self.D_W1.T
dL_dx = np.dot(da1_dz1 * np.dot((da2_dz2 * dL_da2), dz2_da1), dz1_dx)
'''Generator Loss: '''
da3_dz3 = self.hidden_layer_backward(self.G_a3, acitvation='tanh')
dz3_dW3 = self.G_a2.T
dz3_db3 = np.ones(a_fake.shape[0])
dL_dW3 = np.dot(dz3_dW3, (da3_dz3 * dL_dx))
dL_db3 = np.dot(dz3_db3, (da3_dz3 * dL_dx))
dz3_da2 = self.G_W3.T
da2_dz2 = self.hidden_layer_backward(self.G_a2, acitvation='lrelu',ns=0)
dz2_dW2 = self.G_a1.T
dz2_db2 = np.ones(a_fake.shape[0])
dL_dW2 = np.dot(dz2_dW2, da2_dz2 * np.dot( (da3_dz3 * dL_dx), dz3_da2))
dL_db2 = np.dot(dz2_db2, da2_dz2 * np.dot( (da3_dz3 * dL_dx), dz3_da2))
dz2_da1 = self.G_W2.T
da1_dz1 = self.hidden_layer_backward(self.G_a1, acitvation='lrelu',ns=0)
dz1_dW1 = noise.T
dz1_db1 = np.ones(a_fake.shape[0])
dL_dW1 = np.dot(dz1_dW1, da1_dz1 * np.dot( (da2_dz2 * np.dot( (da3_dz3 * dL_dx), dz3_da2)), dz2_da1))
dL_db1 = np.dot(dz1_db1, da1_dz1 * np.dot( (da2_dz2 * np.dot( (da3_dz3 * dL_dx), dz3_da2)), dz2_da1))
'''Update Generator Weights: '''
self.G_W1 -= self.lr * dL_dW1
self.G_b1 -= self.lr * dL_db1
self.G_W2 -= self.lr * dL_dW2
self.G_b2 -= self.lr * dL_db2
self.G_W3 -= self.lr * dL_dW3
self.G_b3 -= self.lr * dL_db3
return None
Generative Adversarial Network implemented in Pytorch. The architecture of generator and discriminator incorporates dropout and batch normalization to improve performance. Layers, dropout-rate, and optimizer parameters were tested over to achieve reasonable outputs. [Code]
adversarial_loss = torch.nn.BCELoss()
opt_lr = 0.0002 # adam: learning rate
opt_b1 = 0.6 # adam: decay of first order momentum of gradient
opt_b2 = 0.999 # adam: decay of first order momentum of gradient
optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(generator.parameters(), lr=opt_lr, betas=(opt_b1, opt_b2))
optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(discriminator.parameters(), lr=opt_lr, betas=(opt_b1, opt_b2))
Conditional Generative Adversarial Network implemented in Pytorch. The architecture of generator and discriminator incorporates dropout and batch normalization to improve performance. Layers, dropout-rate, and optimizer parameters were tested over to achieve reasonable outputs.[Code]
adversarial_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss()
opt_lr = 0.0002 # adam: learning rate
opt_b1 = 0.6 # adam: decay of first order momentum of gradient
opt_b2 = 0.999 # adam: decay of first order momentum of gradient
optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(generator.parameters(), lr=opt_lr, betas=(opt_b1, opt_b2))
optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(discriminator.parameters(), lr=opt_lr, betas=(opt_b1, opt_b2))